
Profile Overview

Saffiya Nassar

human Cisgender Woman


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Nassar


Commanding Officer
USS Valkyrie




Saffiya Hamid-Nassar


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Born in Cairo in 2362, Saffiya’s journey from engineering prodigy to First Officer aboard the USS Kongo was nothing short of remarkable. After a first taste of being Captain of her own vessel on the USS Cupertino, she was offered the opportunity to transfer to the USS Valkyrie.


Saffiya Nassar has dark, expressive eyes, framed by delicately arched eyebrows. Her high cheekbones and sculpted jawline lend an air of sophistication to her appearance, complemented by full lips that curve into a warm, inviting smile. Saffiya’s short, slender frame doesn’t exactly give her the advantage of being physically intimidating, and certainly hints at her engineering background.


Saffiya, despite her commanding presence, is at heart a true nerd with a passion for all things technical and scientific. She possesses a brilliant mind, always hungry for knowledge and eager to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Methodical and analytical, Saffiya approaches problems with a keen eye for detail, relishing the challenge of solving complex puzzles and conundrums.

However, beneath her nerdy exterior lies a fierce determination and a natural knack for leadership. While she may lose herself in the intricacies of warp theory or quantum mechanics, Saffiya is also a skilled strategist, able to think several moves ahead in high-pressure situations. She values logic and reason but balances it with compassion and empathy, understanding that her crew’s well-being is paramount.

Despite her intellectual prowess, Saffiya is not without her quirks. She has a dry sense of humor and a penchant for obscure references from old Earth literature and pop culture. Though she may seem reserved at first, those who know her best understand that beneath her composed exterior lies a fiercely loyal and fiercely passionate individual, ready to defend her crew and her principles with unwavering determination.


Born in the bustling city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Saffiya’s parents were convinced that she was destined for greatness from the moment she entered the world in 2362. Raised amidst the vibrant Arabic culture, she displayed an early aptitude for engineering and tinkering with machines.
While other children played with toys, she was often found dismantling gadgets and appliances to uncover their inner workings. Her parents fondly recall the time she disassembled the household replicator, causing it to produced only chocolate-chip cookies for an entire week.

Her journey truly began when she enrolled in Starfleet Academy, driven by a fierce ambition to explore the cosmos. With a sharp mind and unwavering determination, Saffiya excelled in her studies, quickly establishing herself as a promising engineer with a special interest on programming holograms and supplying holoadventues for her friends and co-students.

After graduation, she served on the USS Kongo for several years, slowly making it to Chief Engineering Officer thanks to her quick thinking during a situation where the ship was threatened and most bridge-staff was suffering from a mysterious illness and confined to sickbay. Instead of admitting to their lack of leadership, Saffiya used holograms, smoke, and mirrors, to fool their enemy into believing the virus had been ineffective.

After years of doing what she was best in, her Captain and good friend helped her in developing her leadership qualities. Rising through the ranks, she eventually earned the position of First Officer aboard the USS Saint Raphael, a role she embraced with vigor and dedication – even though she occasionally took some time off in a jefferies tube or other crawl spaces when she felt her social batteries depleted.

After having honed her skills and proven herself to be a capable leader, Saffiya is was assigned her first own Command – the USS Cupertino. However, due to the events surrounding the ships former Captain’s involuntary (and temporary) retirement, she was transferred to the USS Valkyrie only a few weeks later.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2386 - 2390 Engineering Cadet Starfleet Academy
2390 - 2392 Systems Engineer USS Kongo
2392 - 2394 Asst. Chief Engineering Officer USS Kongo
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2394 - 2396 Chief Engineering Officer USS Kongo
2396 - 2399 Chief Engineering Officer USS Saint Raphael
Lieutenant Commander
2399 - 2401 First Officer USS Saint Raphael
2401 Captain USS Cupertino
2401 - Present Captain USS Valkyrie