
Profile Overview

Elddie Paynkor

Mazerite Cisgender Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Paynkor


Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Odyssey


Elddie Paynkor

14th July 2369



Elddie Paynkor is a Starfleet officer assigned to the USS Odyssey as its Chief Flight Control Officer. He previously served as a flight instructor at the Starfleet Academy Campus on Kovar.


Paynkor has a striking appearance; he’s tall and has a fit, athletic build thanks to his daily fitness routine. He usually has short to medium-length dark brown hair, and his blue eyes stand out against his fair skin. Paynkor often sports a bit of stubble or a well-groomed beard. Paynkor is committed to staying in top physical condition. He’s a regular at the gym, combining weightlifting, high-intensity interval training, and core exercises to maintain his peak physique. Outside the gym, Paynkor is passionate about sports, especially Bajoran springball, soccer and velocity. He loves engaging in these activities during his downtime, whether it’s a competitive soccer match, a spirited game of springball, or a focused velocity contest. Additionally, he enjoys water sports and swimming, often using the holodeck to practice and stay in shape. Paynkor seizes every chance to display his hard-earned fitness, frequently seen shirtless while in the gym or playing sports.

  • Height: 6′2″ (1.88 m)
  • Weight: 210 lbs
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Blue


Paynkor is a vibrant and outgoing individual who thrives on being the centre of attention, especially when he’s off duty. His boundless energy and enthusiasm infuse every situation with a lively spirit, making him a magnetic presence. While his charisma and friendliness are his strengths, this high energy can sometimes be overwhelming for those who prefer a more subdued approach.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Paynkor possesses exceptional skills in piloting and starship operations, where his precision and quick reflexes shine. His deep understanding of flight dynamics and starship manoeuvring make him an invaluable asset to any assignment. 

Paynkor is also known for his flirtatious nature. He often expresses his interest in anyone he finds attractive. This playful and charming behaviour is part of his outgoing personality, and he enjoys engaging with others on a more personal level. Paynkor’s resilience is one of his most admirable traits. He has a remarkable ability to maintain an upbeat demeanour, even in the face of adversity. 


His ambition, drive to excel in his career, and determination led to a significant turning point when his superiors assigned him to teach at the Kovar Campus of Starfleet Academy. Although initially reluctant, this role as a professor tasked with training the next generation of pilots profoundly impacted him. His experience as a teacher has helped him develop a more level-headed and calm demeanour, which has been beneficial in both his professional and personal life.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2369 - 2370 First Year Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2370 - 2371 Second Year Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2371 - 2372 Third Year Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2372 - 2373 Fourth Year Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2373 - 2375 Shuttlecraft Pilot USS Thunderchild
2375 - 2381 Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer USS Thunderchild
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2381 - 2388 Chief Flight Control Officer USS Sovereign
2388 - 2394 Chief Flight Control Officer USS Pythagoras
2394 - 2399 Flight Control Professor Starfleet Academy
Kovar Campus
Lieutenant Commander
2399 - 2401 Senior Flight Control Professor Starfleet Academy
Kovar Campus
Lieutenant Commander
2401 - Present Chief Flight Control Officer USS Odyssey
Lieutenant Commander