
Profile Overview

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Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Nikashri


Chief Engineer
USS Britannia


The most common sight of Chief Nakashri are her long legs, whether, found poking out from beneath a console  or anchoring her lithe body over through a jefferies tube, she is most often seen knee deep in the intricate insides of her ship. This is as much by design as by accident, the socialable engineer is quick to find common ground and often finding herself chattering along with her fellow engineers without realising they had departed to fetch something. A symptom of her upbringing on a busy but aging trade station, where new faces passed everyday, she treats her team as her best friends, whether its day 1 or day 1000.


Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2402 - Present Chief Engineer USS Britannia
Lieutenant Commander
2400 - 2402 Chief Engineer USS Helios
Lieutenant Commander