
Profile Overview

Vreta Kijiasa

Bajoran Cisgender Woman


Character Information




Vreta Kijiasa




Born on Bajor, 2347, to loving parents who owned a book shop in a major metropolitan area. They were also small-scale collaborators who informed on others to retain credibility in the eyes of the local administrator. In time, they were able to have strings pulled to smuggle their daughter off world. She was 7 years old at the time, with only a few possessions and a few books she was entrusted to protect. She would be sheparded through a few independent planets during the continuing Federation-Cardassian hostilities until she reached Federation space. She would spend her adolescence with a foster family of exiled Bajorans consisting of two starfleet officers who tended to be emotionally distant, and an elder sister who would quickly become her best friend. She would grow to enjoy her life in the federation, and would increasingly attempt to block out her early life on Bajor as she came to realize the price of her sheltered childhood, and the lives cut short by her opportunity for freedom. She decided to join Star Fleet shortly after this guilt began to surface, applying her foster parent’s sense of duty to improve the galaxy in what way she can. She aspires to become a ship’s historian, given the appreciation for scholarship and history given to her by birth parents.