
Profile Overview

Hal Cassidy

Human Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Cassidy


Commanding Officer
Rook 1
USS Blackbird


Henry Fionn Cassidy



Hal Cassidy is the commanding officer of the scout Blackbird, and leads the ship’s special operations team. Despite his long history with Starfleet Intelligence spanning over a decade and a half, and his experience of the Dominion War, Cassidy’s career began and initially flourished as an anthropologist and first contact specialist. Since Mars, he has become a part of Starfleet’s security apparatus, serving in and leading special operations units on assignments to protect Federation interests and safety. His gruff, no-nonsense manner and refusal to play politics has seen his career plateau, but Cassidy remains trusted enough with fieldwork to be given wide latitude and considerable discretion in decision-making. As such, from the Blackbird, he and his team are expected to resolve missions often in whatever way they see fit – a liberty that will likely be revoked should it become a headache for Starfleet Intelligence or, worse, Command.