
Profile Overview

Frank Levine

Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Levine


Repair Technician (TDA)
USS Truckee


Frank Delmar Levine


San Francisco, Earth


Frank Delmar Levine is your every-man. Ordinary looks, ordinary career, borderline-bland personality. By “chance,” his career so far has been surprisingly exciting. He joined Starfleet out of a sense of duty, not a sense of adventure; yet if one were to put a microscope to his career, one MIGHT start to see a pattern. He performs his job, as assigned, every time – nothing more, nothing less. Despite this, Frank Levine does seem to be present for a growing number of important events. He is currently on loan to USS Truckee. His official orders are to assist with some minor upgrades after the ship’s shakedown cruise. Unofficially, well, only the captain knows.


Frank Levine stands 1.7 meters tall. He combs his brown hair neatly, and shaves daily. His eyes match his hair, and he maintains a slight tan on his caucasian skin. No scars or tattoos to speak of, as Frank prefers not to draw attention to himself in anyway. He almost always dons the yellow operations uniform for his temporary assignments. When in civilian clothing, he wears whatever is most common according to local custom. His own closet contains nothing but uniforms and workout clothing.


Franks coworkers at Starfleet Intelligence know him to be a quiet, observant man who tends to listen more than he speaks. One could spend hours in a conversation with him, only to realize later that Frank barely spoke. He has a talent for getting others to speak. At the home office, he tends to keep to himself until he is ready to present actionable intel. Frank works alone unless directly assigned to work in a team.

On assignment, Frank adopts a personality based on who he needs to fool. Frank avoids the flashy, self-important affect that some of his fellow Intel officers seem to enjoy. Instead, he dons personalities as easily as one might put on a cloak. Currently, onboard the USS Truckee, Frank Levine is a bumbling, uncoordinated nerd of an engineer. He seems to have eyes for nothing but the EPS grid upgrades, and treats his project like its his own flesh and blood. Any attempts to befriend him are met with ignorant dismissal, as the current Frank cannot imagine a need for friends. Nor can he even consider someone might want to be his friend, but that’s besides the point. Frank Levine is, for the most part, ignored and left to his own devices. The crew will be happy to see him gone.


Frank Levine was recruited for Starfleet Intelligence straight out of the Academy. He showed an incredible aptitude for social manipulation, and almost graduated without notice until a shrewd commander started looking for cadets who were trying not to be found.

After graduation, Frank Levine spent a year in training at Starfleet Intelligence before he started to be sent on missions. His generally-accessible service record shows him bouncing around from one command to another, with no commendations or disciplinary marks to note. To those with the requisite clearance, he has been at Intelligence for 6 years now, and has a heavily redacted list of assignments.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2391 - 2395 Student Starfleet Academy
2395 - 2396 Operations Division USS Hood
2396 - 2397 Staff Aide Camp Khitomer
2397 Operations Division USS Bellevue
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2397 - 2398 Modernization Technician Deep Space 2
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2398 - 2399 Drydock Operations Utopia Planitia
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2399 - 2400 Operations Division USS Yangze
2401 - Present Operations Division, temp. USS Truckee