
Profile Overview

Ellie Stone

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Civilian Stone


USS Sirius


Eleanor Stone




Ellie Stone is the daughter of Matthew Rourke and his first wife, Tess Stone. Born not long after her parents divorced, Ellie has spent most of her life with her mother and her mother’s family, her father’s work with Starfleet keeping them apart for long periods. She is nevertheless quite close to her father, despite this – or perhaps because distance has allowed her to create a lovable image of him unhindered by reality. When her father was assigned to the Midgard Sector in 2401, Ellie jumped at the chance to live with Matt, viewing it as an exciting change of pace. She is a bright and friendly teenager, but possessed of the not-unusual cynicism, sarcasm, and world-weariness of one of her tender years.