
Profile Overview

Trev Brashlend

Tellarite Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Brashlend


USS Themis


Trev Brashlend

20th December 2364

Tellar Prime


12th April, 2401

USS Themis (NCC-76554)


Trev Brashlend was a Starfleet Officer and served on the USS Themis as its Chief Engineer. Trev was a first-rate engineer whose brilliance and unorthodox methods of resolving problems made him desirable among many captains to be on their ships. He died during the Frontier Day tragedy. 


The first thing most people realised when they met Trev was how tall he was, which was above the average height for most Tellarite men. Furthermore, he wasn’t as pudgy as his kinsmen. Trev had always had a lean and scrawny body shape, something he was picked on for while growing up on the Tellarite homeworld by others. When he joined Starfleet, he decided to cut his hair and almost had it styled similarly to his human comrades. However, he still looked like a Tellarite, with a thick, short, bushy beard and sharp tusks on his lower jaw. Another distinctive feature was his piercing green eyes.

  • Height: 6′ 0″ (1.82 m)
  • Weight: 158 lbs
  • Hair: Dark brown
  • Eyes: Green


Trev was exuberant and emotionally unpredictable. He could be very happy one minute and then, in the blink of an eye, could change to being annoyed or angry at a situation if it wasn’t going his way. Unable to remain calm and steady, Trev always found something to tinker with, to keep his mind occupied. 

Strengths & Weaknesses

Trev did struggle in being able to read a room in most social situations, which would lead to him saying something inappropriate or even offensive to someone he may have just met. Some say he may show recklessness when trying to repair something in a short amount of time, but he always had a grand idea behind his actions, as he had probably worked out all of the outcomes in his mind before he started to work. 

He tried to see the best in people, thinking that anyone would help someone in need and is always willing to help anyone who needs it. Trev was very kind to those on his staff; he was prepared to train anyone on anything they were not sure of; however, he was known to talk really fast and use a lot of technical words. When he didn’t have an audience watching him being ‘clever’, Trev was known to talk to himself. 


Trev had always wanted to explore deep space, so when he heard the Themis would be heading to the Delta Quadrant, he agreed to remain on the ship to oversee its refit, and in return, he would stay on as the chief engineer. He enjoyed his time as the ship’s chief engineer. 

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2382 - 2383 Cadet First Year Starfleet Academy, Earth
Cadet Freshman Grade
2383 - 2384 Cadet Second Year Starfleet Academy, Earth
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2384 - 2385 Cadet Third Year Starfleet Academy, Earth
Cadet Junior Grade
2385 - 2386 Cadet Fourth Year Starfleet Academy, Earth
Cadet Senior Grade
2386 - 2389 Damage Control Officer USS Paramount (NCC-75570)
2389 - 2393 Shift Engineer USS Paramount (NCC-75570)
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2393 - 2401 Assistant Chief Engineering Officer USS Themis (NCC-76554)
2401 Chief Engineering Officer USS Themis (NCC-76554)
Lieutenant Commander