Passionate about solving the problems of the galaxy, and not afraid to stand up to his captain or XO.
Rugged, youthful, and usually with a sly smile on his face.
Early Life (2361-2379)
Starfleet Academy (2379-2383)
Starfleet (2383-2401)
He served as the Chief Diplomatic Officer on the USS Mackenzie starting on 02.07.2401. He was assisted by Thomas Crane, 18, Alex Piturro, 21, and Vanessa Lihi, 24.
USS Dragonfly (9.20.2401-Present)
In a surprise move, the crew of the Makenzie is reassigned to the USS Dragonfly. He was assisted by Thomas Crane, 18, Alex Piturro, 21, and Vanessa Lihi, 24.
Montana Station (1.01.2402)
Moved to Director of Diplomatic Operations on Montana Station.
Service Record
Date | Position | Posting | Rank |
9.2401 - Present | Chief Diplomatic Officer | USS Dragonfly |
Commander |
2401 | Chief Diplomatic Officer | USS Mackenzie |
Commander |
2401 | Diplomatic Officer | USS Mackenzie |
Lieutenant |
2401 | Chief Diplomatic Officer | USS Mackenzie |
Commander |