
Profile Overview

Fearne Popples

Human Cisgender woman


Character Information

Rank & Address

Crewman Popples


Security Officer
USS Hathaway (RPG Archive)


Fearne Marcie Popples

27 February 2381

Hatfield, England


Fearne is tough, a crack-shot, an excellent fighter and a talented security crewman who will probably go far. She is also goofy, derpy, witty in her own jibber-jabber sort of way and extremely likable.


The most striking thing about Fearne is her Heterochromia. She’s otherwise a pretty if a little plain looking young woman in a girl next door/English Rose sort of way, not that many people would know it under all the makeup she tends to wear, but having one brown eye and one pale green does tend to get her noticed. This could easily have been corrected but her fathers liked it when they adopted her and decided to give Fearne the option of correction when she turned sixteen, an option which she turned down.

The other thing that gets Fearne noticed is her build, when it isn’t covered by loose clothing. Fearne is incredibly athletic, to a level not often seen in human women, maintaining a level of strength and fitness able to take on stronger opponents like Vulcans, Romulans or Klingons without too much of a disadvantage. She stands 5’6″ and weighs 135lbs.

When on duty her long-bobbed brown hair is usually ponytailed – she does not subscribe to Hollywood style hair-in-the-face fighting. When off duty it’s normally down in a fairly plain fashion, sometimes with one side scooped behind her ear. Her sense of fashion revolves around Leather or denim jackets, patterned harem pants, bright-coloured skinny jeans or trousers, boots, sandals, sneakers or flats and a collection of fairly bedraggled tees or crop tops which show off some chiselled abs under the names of various metal bands. Fearne isn’t one for dressing up and often tends to look a little messy except for her makeup which is usually complex, individual and bright eyed with strong usually red or pink lips.


Fearne is a fun-loving, hard-working and relatively mature young woman for her age. She’s still inexperienced in life and work but her aptitude for security work and her level head have made her a great candidate for security. Fearne can get nervous when out of her comfort zone socially and can end up talking a bit too much, a habit she has anyway that gets worse with anxiety. But if those around her can stomach the chatter and her propensity for slightly inappropriate comments then most find her insightful, friendly, bright… and slightly eccentric.

Fearne didn’t have a huge amount of time for hobbies growing up as her spare time outside of school was taken up with her Taekwondo and Judo training. That said she is a huge music geek, finding solace in various bands from across the centuries and the quadrant which she nearly always listens to while either travelling or training. A lot of these bands are represented on the tee shirts she wears. She also enjoys experimenting with cosmetics and her rather elaborate eye makeup is seldom the same from day to day.


Fearne was given up for adoption at only a few days old. The couple who adopted her were never told why she was given up but Fearne has never really cared. She had a very happy childhood most of which was taken up with competition fighting. Her father John had spent ten years practicing Brazilian Jiu jitsu and decided, amongst all of the other things they introduced their young daughter to including gymnastics, ballet, team sports and plenty of others to try her in martial arts classes. Fearne loved her first classes and picked her favourite as Taekwondo as it played to her excellent sense of balance, with Judo as a second discipline.

In amongst her schooling Fearne became ever more obsessive about the sport, moving her training from once, twice, thrice and then four times a week. She started training with her father at home and was county level by age ten. By thirteen she was one of the best in the UK and won the British national under 16 Taekwondo twice in 2395 and 2396. In 2397 Fearne went to the world under 18 championships and placed ninth. Her school work suffered a little due to her focus on sport, but Academia was never her interest or forte and John and Holland were happy to let her pursue that which interested her and brought out her passion, discipline and work ethic.

It was at the world championships Fearne first considered Starfleet. One of her team-mates’ parents was a Starfleet officer and Fearne had the opportunity to have a long talk with her about a potential career. The academic side and the academy didn’t appeal, but Fearne was looking for new challenges and directions for her life after school, her involvement with Taekwondo was perhaps coming to a finale in her heart and the prospects in Starfleet sounded good. She applied as a non-com at age eighteen with the blessing of her Dads and was accepted for basic training.

Fearne excelled in basic and was the most notorious and talented in her group. She passed out and was assigned to her first ship – the Defiant class U.S.S. Relentless. While working a V.I.P. escort job Fearne met Kriana, the slightly troublesome niece of a Klingon Envoy. Kriana was part Klingon and part human, had had a very unstable upbringing and proved to be a bit of a nightmare for most of the Security staff but she and Fearne were somehow kindred spirits. Fearne’s no-nonsense attitude, aptitude for repartee and ability and willingness to best Kriana in a fight bonded the two. After the mission Fearne requested leave to spend time with Kriana, approval of which was aided by the Envoy who saw Fearne as a good influence. They spent two weeks together on Earth, after which Fearne was, again with some influence from the Envoy, assigned to a role on the home planet so the two could stay together. At length they were married in 2400 and after some time settling in to a stable lifestyle life have decided to ‘get back out there’ with a Starship posting.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2399 - 2400 Security Crewman U.S.S. Relentless
2400 - 2401 Security Crewman Starfleet Headquarters
2401 - Present Security Crewman U.S.S. Hathaway