Part of USS Atlantis: Journeys

USS Republic

Guardians at the Gate

With Atlantis missing and an Underspace aperture in the Thomar Expanse drawing attention, Republic is faced with the possibility of Breen involvement in already delicate matters.

Mission Description

With Atlantis missing and an Underspace aperture in the Thomar Expanse drawing attention, Republic is faced with the possibility of Breen involvement in already delicate matters.

About the Mission

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2 August 2024

Guardians at the Gate - 5

USS Republic: Guardians at the Gate

The Cardassian ships at the aperture hadn’t made the situation calmer at all. In fact, their arrival and their immediate demands, causing the collapse of Mac’s carefully hashed together ruse, had elevated the situation from a mere stand off to a much deadlier Mexican Standoff. One where Mac was [...]

22 July 2024

Guardians at the Gate - 4

USS Republic: Guardians at the Gate

It started with a chirp from Operations. The quiet little chirp was designed to get someone’s attention. Then another chirp shortly after. Then a handful of them. The faux-dawn chorus spread to Tactical, with a series of chirps followed by raucous blerps and bleeps that weren’t asking for [...]

14 July 2024

Guardians at the Gate - 3

USS Republic: Guardians at the Gate

“Crewman, thank you for coming.” Mac had risen from his seat when Revin had entered his ready room, shadowed by Sidda, whose scowl was still set to lethal levels. Lucky for him he had the armour of command and practise weathering such withering assaults over the many years of his career. [...]

6 July 2024

Guardians at the Gate - 2

USS Republic: Guardians at the Gate

Mac still didn’t know how Sidda managed to make sitting down in the seat to his right either an exercise in perfect poise and movement, the height of aristocratic endeavour, or a mere flop into the seat, as if a puppet whose strings had been cut. But since she had brought him a cup of coffee from [...]