USS Venture: Season 1: Into the Frontier

In the debut season of the STARSHIP VENTURE...

Mission Description

In our debut season, we meet the crew of the Sovereign-class USS Venture, a crucial part of the Fourth Fleet Expeditionary Group. A multi-purpose starship well into her thirteenth year of service, Venture completes a wide variety of tasks and missions assigned to it by the unit commander, Commodore Uzoma Ekwueme. Some of her core duties include:

  • Performing a wide range of duties linked to research projects both scientific and explorative in nature.
  • Replacing ageing starships as the primary instrument of Federation deep-space defence and along all borders.
  • Operating autonomously under the command of the commanding officer, providing full capability to execute Federation defensive, cultural, scientific, and explorative policy in deep space or along border territories.
  • Providing frontline support during times of war or crisis, such as the Century Storm and Blood Dilithium situations.
  • Functioning as a mobile platform for the testing and implementation of new technologies, as mandated by Starfleet Command, above and beyond mission-specific parameters.

About the Mission

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