S1E6 | Watch Your Back

One distress call can lead to numerous problems. The Calgary in the case has led to four. All of which could tip the balance of power and lead to thousands if not millions of people dead. The Paramount must race to solve them. Wherever they may go…

Act One: Acknowledged

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Archanis Sector, Federation-Klingon Border, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0647 hours

Captain’s Log Stardate 2401.12. The Paramount continues to investigate the derelict wreck of the SS Calgary. We’ve found evidence that the ship has been involved with the Iron Syndicate and presumably the Orion Syndicate as well. It would appear the Calgary was to rendezvous with another ship at this location but from what it seems it wasn’t a friendly encounter.

Lieutenant Zolath stepped into his quarters as he unzipped his jacket pulling it off of him as he threw it on to the chair near him. He wasn’t tired but he needed the seclusion of his quarters to contact someone and he couldn’t risk someone overhearing him.

“Computer play Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana first movement at forty-two percent volume,” he instructed the computer. This should provide a deafening sound to any lurkers.

Zolath walked over to his bed as the music started. He reached underneath and pulled out a case. Inside were trinkets and memorabilia he had collected from his various postings throughout his career. Sticking his hand inside he pushed the trinkets aside to reveal a small handle. As he pulled the handle up he revealed a secret compartment.

‘Where did I put it,’ the Bajoran thought to himself as he moved the stuff around. Before locating a small wooden box. He took it out and opened it. Inside was a Bajoran earring nearly identical to his own. Taking off his current one he placed the one from the box on. ‘Here goes nothing,’ he thought as he pressed the top half of the earring.

“Bishop 2 to Bishop Actual,” he said as the music continued to play in the room as he awaited a response. Static filled his ear and he heard no response. Zolath began to become discouraged. He had hoped that the channel hadn’t been closed but given what’s happened since his assignment he wouldn’t be surprised if it had.

“Bishop 2 to all stations,” he said. He at least needed to speak to one person from his old team. They had to know what had become of their old mission.

“Go for 6,” a masculine voice said over the ear piece. A sense of relief engulfed Zolath as he sighed. He had managed to contact one of his former team members but he needed to speak with their former commander.

“J have you been in contact with actual?” he asked them.

Almost immediately the voice responded, “Negative.”

Zolath shrunk a little as he heard his friends answer. Just as he was about to ask him another question another voice came over the channel.

“This is actual,” a feminine voice said as they came over the ear piece. “All stations need to clear this channel immediately. You are all at risk of blowing your covers.”

“Actual FE has re-emerged,” Zolath said as he rushed to get the words out before she could leave the channel. He needed her to know. At least one person in Starfleet Intelligence needed to know what had become of their mission. The seconds of silence stretched on for what felt like minutes. The music went into its second movement as Zolath waited anxiously for her response.

“Percentage?” they questioned.

“A hundred.”

“Copy 2. Advise when available for an in person.”

“Acknowledged. Will contact you when available. 2 out,” he said before taking the earring off immediately he put everything back as it was. Then through himself back on his bed.

As he laid there he thought about what could have happened that led to the Iron Syndicate’s return. He glanced at the clock. Then he realized that it was 0657. He was about to be late for the staff meeting.

Jumping up he ordered the computer to stop playing music as he ran to grab his jacket off of the chair zipping it up as he stepped into the corridor and marched to the nearest turbolift. The doors had barely opened when he ordered it to take him to the observation lounge.

During the short trip he wondered if anyone could have heard his conversation. As the doors to the observation lounge opened he pushed those thoughts aside.

He stepped into the lounge and saw that everyone aside from Nitus, T’Soni and Hill was already gathered.

Zolath walked to his seat and sat down.

“There he is,” D’Antonio said. The helmsman was always a cheerful man. Some would be annoyed by that but everyone on the Paramount has come to appreciate it. It was a nice distraction from the dangers they would encounter in the galaxy.

“What happened?” Zolath asked, looking at D’Antonio as he was engaged in a conversation with Lieutenant Jackson.

“We were wondering where you were. Usually you would be the first person to be here after breakfast,” Jackson said. The science officer had been in a committed relationship with the flyboy for three months. A lot longer than most of the senior staff thought it would last.

“I had stopped by my quarters,” Zolath said dryly.

D’Antonio and Jackson returned to their conversation as Davidson turned to Zolath. “They lasted a lot longer than any of us expected,” she said in a whispered tone. The chief engineer had betted they would last for two weeks before they would break up.

“I thought they would have broken up at least two months ago,” he admitted in the same hushed tone. “But who knows maybe the commander was right.”

The majority of the staff had betted that they would last less than three months, but Nitus had placed the longest bet. She had said they would last six months.

As they continued to converse the doors to the lounge opened and in walked Nitus, T’Soni and Hill as they made their way to the chairs.

“Hello everyone… again,” Nitus said as she grabbed her chair. Zolath expected they would leave any minute now.

“Captain Jackson has tasked us with following any lead we find and tracking down whatever it was that the Calgary was carrying and to whom they were carrying it to,” Nitus said as she and the others sat down. “He has sent the Tiro to provide resupply and will be here in thirty. During that time I want all departments to prepare for departure.”

Zolath looked around the table. “Did I miss something?” He asked. “Where are we going exactly?”

“The Inketin system,” Commander T’Soni said as she turned to him.

“Isn’t that outside of Federation space and a hub for black market deals?” D’Antonio asked. Although the helmsman was always cheerful he could be cautious when necessary.

“Yes. That’s why the Tiro is on its way. Captain Jackson has also given us permission to form a hazard team for this mission. The Tiro is bringing additional security, tactical and engineering personnel to help bolster our crew,” Nitus said as she looked at D’Antonio then to Zolath. “Lieutenant, prepare to form two hazard teams neither of which you can be on.”

“Yes, Commander,” Zolath said as he looked at her.

“What about engineering resources?” Commander Davidson asked.

“Included in the supply drop will be additional engineering and medical supplies,” Nitus said as he looked at Davidson then to the Trill medical doctor.

They both nodded to her as they looked at the others at the table.

“Is that everything?” Nitus asked them as she looked to everyone else to see if they had any questions. “Okay then, dismissed.”

Act Two: An Arrival

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), trailing rimward edge of the Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0731 hours

Muldoon’s Saloon was never an overly populated place. There were no more than twenty people occupying the space at any given point. The few regular attendees were  officers who came after their shifts ended to seclude themselves from others and have a nice and quiet meal.

The warm environment and the intimate feel of the saloon is what has attracted many of its occupants. Most notable of which is Commander Nitus.

While the majority of the senior staff enjoyed the privacy of The Crest where they could close themselves from the ‘Lower Deckers’. Nitus preferred to eat in Muldoon’s Saloon where she could speak with some non senior staff officers on board.

Commander Nitus and Lieutenant Junior Grade Soli Mer were seated in a booth along the wall opposite the bar. The astrometrics officer had joined the crew shortly before the Underspace crisis. Lieutenant Mer was one of those regular attendees and often came here during her downtime to eat. At present she was enjoying an American burger and french fries from 21st century Earth. Commander Nitus had joined her when she arrived in the saloon. She was eating a plate of khellid fish and a cup of raktajino to wash it down with.

Commander Nitus and Lieutenant Mer were laughing as they joked. A few of the Saloon’s occupants looked over to them with annoyance for breaking the serene quiet of the saloon.

“Sounds…” Lieutenant Mer said as she continued to laugh in-between breathe. The Trill officer had spoke with the commander a few times before now. “Sounds like a Romulan leader never gives a straight answer when a riddle will do.” Mer breathed labored as she tried to calm herself.

Commander Nitus nodded in agreement then suddenly she stopped her expression serious. “Maybe I should start doing that,” she said to her. Her tone of voice matched her facial expressions as she looked at her.

Lieutenant Mer and Commander Nitus shared eye contact as Mer stopped laughing. She was trying to figure out if she was actually being serious but then they both erupted into laughter. Even louder then the last time.

“Bridge to Nitus,” rang the voice of Lieutenant Junior Grade Enzo D’Antonio. The helmsman had been placed in charge over the bridge while Commander Nitus was eating and Lieutenant Commander T’Soni was on the Calgary with Lieutenat Zolath, Lieutenant Commander Hill and a team of engineers.

Commander Nitus was still laughing as she tapped her badge. “Nitus to bridge,” she said in between laughter. “What’s happened Mr. D’Antonio?”

“A ship has arrived in system ma’am.”

Nitus sighed before she responded, finally managing to calm herself down. “Understood, Mr. D’Antonio. I’m on my way. Nitus out,” she said to him she grabbed her cup and drunk the last of her raktajino.

“Sorry Lieutenant,” she said sincerely, “This has been fun but duty calls.” She said as she stood from her seat.

Lieutenant Mer sat as she watched Nitus stand from her seat. “We should do this again Commander,” she said after her as the Romulan walked briskly towards the door.

“I agree,” she responded to her as she turned and headed down the corridor.

Reaching the turbolift she ordered it to the bridge. During the short journey she thought about how fun it was to actually talk and laugh with someone. The life of a Starfleet officer was hard. Often times you had to choose between duty and family. As the doors opened she stepped on to the bridge of the ship pushing aside her internal delima.


“Commander it appears to be a civilian freighter,” Lieutenant D’Antonio responded as he stood from the center chair.

Nitus walked towards him as he spoke then looked at the viewscreen at the ship in question. “Have they hailed us?” she inquired.

“No ma’am.”

Nitus nodded in response as she looked to the seat normally occupied by the executive officer. “Where’s T’Soni?” she asked puzzled.

“She’s still on the Calgary ma’am,” D’Antonio responded as he took a seat at his console.

Commander Nitus tapped her combadge, “Nitus to away team.”

“T’Soni here,” responded the voice of the Vulcan officer.

“Number One a ship has arrived in system. You have fifteen minutes to gather as mush data as you can then I want you to return to the Paramount,” she ordered her as she looked at the Calgary through the viewscreen.

“Understood commmander. T’Soni out.”

“Mr. D’Antonio can we scan them?” she asked the young lieutenant. Switching her eyes from the Calgary to the new arrival.

“No ma’am their just outside of sensor range,” he responded as he looked to his console. He was trying to extend sensor range to at the very least get a name.

Nitus sighed. This couldn’t be good. Why would someone just warp to this location and lurk just beyond their sensor range? It was strange. But there was nothing they could do about it right now.

“Okay let’s proceed with our current operations,” Nitus ordered as she started slowly walking to her ready room. “If anything happens alert me immediately. Mr. D’Antonio you have the bridge.”

Act Three: Firewall

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), trailing rimward edge of the Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0800 hours

Security Officer’s Log Stardate 2401.12. The Tiro has arrived in system and has begun transferring its cargo to the Paramount. I and Hill have returned to the Paramount while T’Soni and Davidson remain aboard the Calgary to find anything else of importance before it is transported to Devron Fleet Yards for further investigation.

The computer systems lab was seldomly used. It had been created after the ship’s midlife refit and was comparable in size to the astrometrics lab aboard the USS Voyager, with a few added bonuses.

The lab was a square shaped room. At the center of the room was a crescent-shaped workstation that served as the main station in the room. It sat in front of a wall that hosted a large holographic display. Along the walls modular workstations were neatly integrated into the bulkhead. Each equipped with a compact monitor and touch panels for any technical task that might arise. Off in a corner was a slim data core that was independent of the ship’s main computer core. The column pulsed faintly as it processed terabytes of information.

At one of the modular workstations was Lieutenant Commander Hill. He tapped at the monitor as he tinkered with the Calgary‘s computer core trying to bypass its firewall to access the ship’s logs.

The doors to the room swished open and an Andorain woman about the same age as Lieutenant D’Antonio stepped inside. Looking around she noticed the man sitting at one of the workstations. “Commander,” she called to him.


She walked over to him as she tapped his shoulder and waited for his response.

Lieutenant Commander Hill hadn’t even noticed when she had walked in until she had tapped him. As he turned he instantly recognized the woman. “Ash,” he said excitedly. Chief Petty Officer Ashia zh’Rilnil had served under Hill during his time as chief operations officer of Starbase 219. He nearly fell as he jumped off his stole to embrace his old friend.

Chief zh’Rilnil reciprocated the hug as she squeezed him back. Letting herself melt into the embrace of a friend that hadn’t seen each other in a very long time.

“What are you doing here?” Lieutenant Commander Hill asked as he let her go. He stepped back to give her room to breathe as she stared at her intently. Back on SB219 most of everyone thought they were dating although they both denied it vigorously one of them often dreamed about it.

“I’ve been assigned to the Paramount as the computer systems specialist. I’ll be here permanently from now on,” she responded. She was smiling. It was the first time she had smiled in over six years.

“Well, it’s good to have you here,” Hill said to her as he turned and headed for the main workstation as he continued talking. “We are going to catch up I promise but for now we have to get into this.” The display shifted from showing the Federation seal to showing a blinking column similar to the one in the corner of the lab.

“What is it?” Chief zh’Rilnil asked as she stood beside him.

“It’s a part of the computer core we recovered from the Calgary,” he said as he tapped at the console showing a breakdown of the core. He continued, “The problem is we haven’t been able to get into it.”


“It’s using a firewall like I’ve never seen before. It’s constantly adapting, changing the code right as you’re about to crack into it,” he told her. Lieutenant Commander Hill gestured to the workstation he had been seating at. “That’s what I was doing when you walked in.”

“Interesting. Have you tri…,” she started.

“I have it didn’t work,” he said, cutting her off. He already knew what she was going to ask him. Hill had tried using the program the pair had created together several times. Despite not talking for six years they both contributed in updating the program and even that didn’t work.

“Can I try?” Chief zh’Rilnil asked him as she stepped towards the workstation.

“Of course,” Lieutenant Commander Hill responded as he followed her.

Chief zh’Rilnil’s practiced hands danced across the console. Lieutenant Commander Hill didn’t have to ask what she was doing he already knew. It’s what she always did when something didn’t work.


As she hacked into the core she took the original version of their program and updated it to help her as she was hacking into the core. It was a gamble that could very well lock them out of the core for months.

Lieutenant Commander Hill watched her with amazement. Chief zh’Rilnil’s brows furrowed, her focus razor-sharp as her fingers danced across the interface. The steady hum of the ship’s systems seemed to fade into the background, drowned out by the staccato rhythm of zh’Rilnil’s keystrokes.

“You were right, this firewall is advanced,” Chief zh’Rilnil muttered. “Whoever designed this knew exactly what they were doing. Layered encryption, recursive code traps—this isn’t just a defense system. It’s a work of art.”

On the screen, lines of code scrolled at a dizzying pace, interrupted occasionally by blinking warnings in bold red text. Each alert was met with a sharp tap of the Andorian’s fingers, her actions deliberate and precise. Lieutenant Commander Hill watched her despite him being a skilled computer systems specialist himself he could only see her work in glimpses: bypassing security nodes, isolating subroutines, and rerouting access channels to create false authorization signatures.

The screen briefly flashed green, only to lock down again as the system adapted.

“Smart, but not smart enough,” Chief zh’Rilnil said, a smirk curling at the edges of her lips. “I just need to keep it one step behind.”

The console chirped, and zh’Rilnil’s hands froze for a split second. The scrolling code stopped, replaced by a cascade of encrypted data collapsing inward. Her fingers flew faster now, almost frantic, as he executed a counter-command. Hill held his breath as the screen went blank. A moment later, a new prompt appeared: Access Granted.

“Good job, Ash. You still got it,” Lieutenant Commander Hill said teasingly looking at her as he walked back to the main console.

“I never lost it. Now, let’s see what secrets lay within,” Chief zh’Rilnil responded as she followed him.

Hill’s fingers hovered over the interface as he navigated through the decrypted system. The computer core’s vast archive sprawled before them—a labyrinth of logs, encrypted messages, and subspace communications. zh’Rilnil leaned closer, her eyes scanning the rapidly shifting data.

As they scrolled through the logs they located the transporter logs.

They week back two days and found when there was multiple transports on and off of the station. As they realized what they had come across their faces turned grim.

“Mason,” Chief zh’Rilnil said her breath labored as she looked at the display.

“Yeah I see it.” The implications were huge and he knew what had to be done next. “We need to speak with the commander,” he insisted as he turned to look at Chief zh’Rilnil. She wad in a daze bur was snapped out of it wherb she seen Hill looking at her. “Now!”

Act Four: Greater Good

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), trailing rimward edge of the Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0731 hours

“It would seem the Calgary wasn’t transporting one piece of stolen technology but three,” Lieutenant Commander Hill declared as he stood from his chair and went to the display that was against one of the walls in the observation lounge. Shortly after conferring with Starfleet Intelligence, Hill asked Nitus to assemble the staff because he and Chief zh’Rilnil had found something. Soon after the entire senior staff was gathered in the observation lounge listening intently to the chief of operations.

“Three?!” Lieutenant Commander Blix said surprised. The chief medical officer had barely recovered from the troubles endured during the Underspace crisis and now they were being thrust unto a crisis with the Orion Syndicate.

“Yes doctor three. Starfleet Intelligence in conjunction with Fourth Fleet Intelligence has managed to identify two of the three items,” Lieutenant Commander Hill told them. He hated working with intelligence but when it came down too it was a nessidary evil in his job and he had ro such it up for the greater good. “One is a highly experimental torpedo capable of disabling a ship’s warp field rendering fit immobile for who knows how long.”

“What do you mean by who knows how long?” Lieutenant Junior Grade Alessa Reno questioned. The chief counselor always asked the questions most would be afraid or unwilling to ask. “Wouldn’t Starfleet Intelligence know how long it’s weapon could last?”

“As I said earlier it is highly experimental. They haven’t had time to test it but simulation how it’s able to cause a Negh’Var-class cruiser to be immobile for three days,” Lieutenant Commander Hill stated. He then pressed a button on the side of the display that started showing simulation. It depicted a Galaxy-class ship facing off against a Negh’Var-class ship as the ship is preparing to warp away the Galaxy-class fires a magenta colored torpedo as he fast approached the Negh’Var-class the ship stopped moving and began to drift.

“That can’t be possible,” Lieutenant D’Antonio said as he looked at the display astonished. He wasn’t sure what to believe anymore finding out that challengings had infiltrated Starfleet had been a major wake up call. “Could it?” he asked ss he looked to Nitus fearful.

“The other is a graviton shield capable of absorbing the energy from an incoming attack and redirecting it,” Lieutenant Commander Hill said as he pressed another button on the side of the display that showed another simulation.

This time it showed a D’deridex and a Galaxy-class ship. The D’deridex fired on the Galaxy-class causing the shields to flare then in an instant the blast was sent back with greater force. Then another simulation played right after this time it showed a Negh’Var-class firing its torpedo at a Galaxy-class as the torpedo met the shields it just bounced back heading straight to the Negh’Var-class hitting the ship leading to it going critical.

“Woah,” Lieutenant Zolath said as he looked at the display.

“Did intelligence have any idea of where we may find these weapons?” Nitus asked as she leaned forward. The implication of these weapons in the hands of the criminal underworld was dire.

“With that I’ll hand this meeting over to Chief Petty Officer Ashia zh’Rilnil our new computer systems specialist,” Lieutenant Commander Hill stated as he sat down.

Chief zh’Rilnil stood and walked over to the display. “Fourth Fleet Intelligence didn’t have much but they did say was bishop is a pawn.”

Upon hearing this Lieutenant Zolath sighed. He didn’t want this to happen but it would seem Admiral Becktt needed all the Intel on the table. But what would it cost him? His friends? This crew had become his family and now he was going to lose it all. Orders were orders and whether he liked it or not he had to follow them. For the greater good.

“What does that mean?” Lieutenant Reno asked. The chief counselor almost never spoke during staff meetings unless she had to but this time was an exception.

“I know,” Lieutenant Zolath sighed as he looked to Nitus. “I know what it means.”

Act Five: Utan

Point Rain, Utan Prime, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 2204 local time

A hooded figure emerged from a non discript building. They adjust their hood as they walk into the crowded streets. Neon signs overhead flashed as they displayed different advertisements. The figure moved quickly as they crossed a street and stepped into a diner. As he walked inside the diner had a mid 20th century Earth look.

Moving cautiously the figure sat at the counter next to a Nausicaan. He looked to be middle age.

“Whatcha got for me red?” the figure asked. Removing their hood they revealed themselves as a Human female. She looked to be in her mid fifties and had a scare stretching from her left ear down to her chin. She wore glasses. They wear thin. She looked calmed. Strange for someone living on a planet like this.

Utan Prime is a planet just outside the Federation’s coreward border near the Typhon Frontier. When the Federation withdrew from its borders in the late 80s the planet made a drastic turn towards the worst. Following the Dominion War the planet became a hub of coreward colonization and exploration and was considered the crown jewel of the northern frontier. After the Attack on Mars everything thing turned down hill. With the Federation’s withdrawal from its borders, Utan became over run with crime syndicates and pirate gangs.

Which is sorta where it’s at now. The planet is ignored by the Federation and a generation has grown up distrusting them. Utan is run by whatever criminal organization holds power.

“Our friend is in play,” the Nausicaan replied as he ate what looked to be an American cheeseburger and french fries.

The woman turned to him as she observed his features. “Are you sure?” she asked him. If he was right then that meant he was right. If he was right that meant Zolath was telling the truth and the entire Intelligence machine had missed something. That she had missed something.

The Nausicaans turned to the women, “Would I be here if I wasn’t?” The answer was no. “Look something big is about to happen. I don’t know what,” he said as he stood up and pulled out a PADD to pay as he continued to talk, “and I don’t know when but I know it’s coming and I would want to be out of the way when it does.”

The Nausicaan paid for its food and left the restaurant. The woman on the other hand sat their as she thought back on what he said. She had missed something but now wasn’t the time to wallow in self pity but to get active. She stood from her restaurant. Making her way to the alleyway behind the restaurant. She pulled out an earpiece and placed it in her ear.

“Sabre 1 to Merlin,” she said as she moved deeper into the alleyway so no one could hear her.

“This is Merlin,” a voice came over the intercom.

“Sir it’s confirmed. FE is in play.”

“Copy Sabre.”

“Arthur to Sabre Actual. The Bishops have been resembled. RTB immediately,” said another voice. One she hadn’t recognized.

“Copy Authur.”

“Exfil is on its way. Arthur out.”

“Sabre to Merlin. Who was that?”

“Someone who far out ranked the both of us. Transport is twenty minutes out. Can you wait that long?” the voice sounded concerned. A figure entered the alleyway an Andorain. They approached the women looked to him and nodded.


“Good see you soon, Merlin out.”

As the Andorain reached her he stopped in front of her. She looked agitated. “Are we scuttling?” he asked. He had hoped not. That would mean hundreds of hours wasted setting up their safe house would be gone.

“Yes,” the woman stated with a sigh as she started pacing in front of him. “exfil is twenty minutes out.”

“Are we abandoning the house?

The woman stood still for a second as she thought of the hours and long shifts that had done in the last month tkt get this safe house setup. She knew she couldn’t flush all of that down the drain. “No let’s keep it. I want a officer stationed here a lieutenant. Give them twenty-one additional officers to assist.”

“Who did you have in mind?”

“Dakota Jimoi,” she suggested looking to him fo see if he approved.

“I believe she’s ready for it as well,” the Andorain agreed. “Have the Bishops been called in?”

“Yes” she said pausing. “I’ll get two personally.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?” he asked concerned. The Andorain knew what had transpired the last time they had met and they didn’t leave off on the best of terms.

“Ya. We need to to figure out how he knew before we did.”

“Do you think he went Rouge… again,” he asked her. Even though their operation ended with success the lines he crossed to do then would make even fhe hardest criminal blush.

“To be honest I don’t know,” the woman responded. She could truely say she didn’t know. When the Team had been split up he was the most disappointed and upset about it. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen Arva. So who knows how he will react.”

Act Six: Loyalty

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0856 hours

Captain’s Personal Log. The reveal that Lieutenant Zolath has been working for Starfleet Intelligence makes me question everything I thought I knew about the Federation. He says he was assigned here to test my loyalty and to ensure I wasn’t double crossing them to share secrets with the Tal Shiar. Why would I do that? They know why I fled the Empire and joined the Federation in the first place. In reality they are no better than them. I thought they trusted me. That they believed in me but it would seem all of that was a lie.

Nitus scoffed as she instructed the computer to end the log. Ever since she left the lounge, she had begun to question her entire career. Is that why she didn’t have four pips? What about her friends? Where they even that?

Her thoughts drifted to Preston. She wondered if his proposal was just an intelligence ploy.

She and McKenzie had met when they served together on the Lagoon back in the 70s. It was strange. She always questioned how he knew so much about her and she knew almost nothing about him. Pushing that aside Nitus stood from her seat and strolled over to the sofa. She sat down as she looked out of the window at the stars streaking by.

The Paramount had been ordered to the Mizar Sector and would arrive in less than twenty-four hours. As for why they had been ordered to the Mizar Sector. She had no idea. Mizar wasn’t a border sector nor was it a high priority. It neighbored the Typhon 252 sector. It was a home to a few colonies and was a strange location to receive new orders. Why not just met at Deep Space 17 if they are so close to the Typhon Expanse?

A chime came from the door.

“Leave me,” she stated. Nitus wanted to process everything on her own. She didn’t want anyone to feel like they needed to check up on her.

Another chime.

“I said leave me,” Nitus yelled.

Two more chimes in rapid succession.

She sighed as she reluctantly told them to enter the room. As far as she knew this was still her ship. Who had the audacity to intrude on her solitude.

As the doors swooshed open Nitus looked to see who would enter. In strolled Lieutenant Zolath.

After seeing who it was Nitus felt a tug at her heart. She turned her head sharply as she looked out the window as she felt mix of reactions in her body. Her blood began to boil but also tears started ro well in her eyes. It wasn’t that she hated Zolath as a person it was more so what he represented.

He was the Federation’s distrust.

No matter what he said or did could change what he was.

“What do you want Lieutenant?” She said to him drly. ‘Haven’t you done enough,’ she thought to herself.

“Commander, a ship originating from the Mizar sector is on an intercept course,” he said as he stood by the door of the ready room. Despite what most on the ship thought he did feel remorse for the Romulan. Truth be told he hadn’t submitted a report to his handler since they had arrived on the Paramount back in the July.

“Is that it?” Nitus asked him dryly, as she continued to stare out the window.

“My handler is on board and has requested to met with you,” Lieutenant Zolath said as he stepped closer to her. “She has also ordered me to give you this,” he said holding his hand out to reveal an isolinear chip.

Nitus turned to look at the chip then quickly turned her attention back to avoid Zolath’s piercing gaze. “What’s on it?”

“All of the information relating to my assignment. Including all of my reports and the details of everyone who was involved,” Zolath sated as he stepped closer to Nitus. He hoped by doing this it would allow for them to go back to a somewhat normal operation. Lieutenant Zolath had begged his handler to allow him to allow him to share this information which they did after some intense leg pulling.

Nitus was unmoved. She continued to star out at the stars. “Place it on my desk then you can leave,” she said drly.

Lieutenant Zolath was shocked stepping back as he thought of what to do next. “Commander I am sorry. Truely,” he said as he did as she requested leaving the ready room without another word.

Nitus continued to sit on sofa staring into the abyss. She was in an uproar beneath the surface she. Parts of her wanted to search the chip the other wanted to forget about everything and melt away but she knew the last one was a fantasy. She had a ship to run and she couldn’t run away from that.

Act Seven: Splitting Up

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0912 hours

“The Calgary,” a woman clad jn a red field jacket said as she addressed the table. She and her team has arrived a little under a half an hour ago. “Was carrying stolen Federation technology. As all of you already know.” She pressed a button on the table that turned on the holoprojectors that showed the pieces of tech. She continued, “A subspace pulse torpedo, an experimental graviton shield and the last one. Something far more dangerous if it’s not recovered.”

“What is it?” Lieutenant D’Antonio asked. What could be more dangerous than the other two he asked himself. The torpedo could prevent a ship from going to warp and the graviton shield could redirect incoming weapons fire back on its assailant.


Lieutenant D’Antonio laughed. “A PADD?”

“Not just any PADD. It contains information on every intelligence assest across the galaxy. Thousands of intelligence officers across every known power. Both friend and foe,” the women said to him. “If this fell into the wrong hands we could be facing a war on three maybe even four fronts.”

Lieutenant Commander Hill cleared his throat as he sat up. “I think this is a pretty obvious question but how the hell did the Orions get a hold of that?” he asked her. Starfleet Intelligence was highly protective of its secrets. Barely trusting those who worked inside the organization. It made no sense how they could let something this valuable go without raising an alarm or a fight.

“Our best guest would be there’s a changeling involved,” she responded carefully. It was only thing that made sense. Especially given what happened on frontier day and not all of them that infiltrated Starfleet were caught.

“Commander Fuller,” Nitus said softly. “Please proced with the rest of the briefing. We can worry about the particulars later.” They needed to know details, accurate details not speculations.

Commander Fuller nodded as she turned her attention to the display against the wall. Pressing a button the display showed a map of the alpha and beta quadrants.

“For the past two days my team has managed to narrow down the locations of the technology to three areas. The torpedo is located on Thata II, a planet on the edge of the Mizar Sector close to the Typhon Expanse,” she said as the screen zoomed into the Thata System highlighting the second planet from the star. She continued, “Whispers speak of an auction taking place in the next day or two.”

“We have less certainty on the location of the shields however,” the display zoomed out of the Thata System in focused on the Tholian border. “We suspect it’s somewhere near the Tholian border,” Commander Fuller stated as she sighed. The screen wmojce again zoomed out to show the quadrants.

“And lastly the PADD. We have less than twenty percent accuratcy on its location,” Commandsr Fuller said as she looked at Zolath.

“I thought all PADDs had a tracker in them to help with locating if it were lost,” Lieutenant Commander Hill asked. He should know he often had to use the feature when one of the ensigns lost theirs.

“It would seem shortly after it was recovered the tracker was disabled and removed. We have reports of it being spotted in two places somewhat close to each other. The Karlaxin System and the Beta Adolph System both in the Raxis Sector.”

“Is that everything?” Commander Nitus asked her.

“Yes, ma’am. My supervisor has instructed me to inform you that this mission is yours to command,” Fuller satatwd tight lipped. “What are your orders?”

“We split up,” Nitus said flatly. Looking around the table. Everyone looked surprised. “If we split up the quicker we can recover the technology. Three teams. Alpha will track the torpedo, bravo will track the graviton shield and charlie will track the PADD.”

“Commander Fuller, you and your team as well as Lieutenant Zolath will recover the PADD. Our computer systems specialist will accompany you.”

“Aye Commander,” Lieutenant Zolath responded as Fuller simply nodded.

“Mr. Hill, I trust you’ll be able to form your own team to recover the shields.”

“I already have some people in mind” Lieutenant Commander Hill responded as he grabbed a PADD and began to sort through who he was bringing.

“My team will recover the torpedo. I’ll take our torpedo systems specialist as well as our new demolitions and cyber-intelligence specialists,” Nitus sated as she looked around the table.

“How will we be getting around?” Fuller asked.

“My team will use the Paramount, we are more certain of the torpedo’s location so it should be easy enough to recover and we can use the expanse to mask the ship from sensors. Mr. Hill your team can use the Tepic. I would prefer for you to use a runabout but the shield may have additional pieces or segments so you’ll need the larger space. Commander Fuller your team can use the Nightingale. It’s a Volga-class runabout and should be more than enough to ferry you to the border. Any questions?” she asked as she looked around the table. She continued, “Okay assembly your teams and be ready for departure in thirty minutes any gear request go to Number One. Dismissed!”

Act Eight: Log

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), enroute to Cyrus Sector, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 2108 hours

Captain’s Log Supplemental. With the last of the stolen technology returned to Starfleet Intelligence. I’m greatly appreciative of the assistance provided by the newly promoted Captain Fuller. With her assistance we were able to inflict a major blow to both the Orion and Iron Syndicates.

We have just arrived at Devron Fleet Yards and we will be undergoing a much needed shore leave and resupply. Are new arrivals have decided to stay on board the ship and our computer systems lab now has a permanent attendant.

As for me I will be traveling with my fiance to his parents house on Earth. Where I will be spending my shore leave. But this mission has left me asking more questions then it answered.

Where’s the Crimon Fleet? Who runs the Iron Syndicate? And what are the planning?