Part of Bravo Fleet Command: Task Force 93

Continuing Support

Pesak Repair Yards / USS Verity
July 2401
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Over the last few months since the end of the Lost Fleet invasion, the Verity had assisted many affected by the Dominion within the Deneb sector. The Verity was currently at the Pesak Repair Yards after spending the last week assisting the repair yards with repairs and supplies, things were beginning to wrap up. Commodore Imya Jori was down in the command and control center of the ship which housed her and Captain Lewis’ offices as well as a state-of-the-art information center, and a huge conference room.

Information had been hovering above the center console with information on the Deneb sector. Giving her detailed information about each system, while the recovery would be long they were better than they were with assistance from the Verity as well as other ships within the Fourth Fleet. She also had information about the recent Borg activity, which was concerning. A short time later, she heard the doors to the control center open up, revealing Fleet Captain Lewis.

Lewis had been tasked with overseeing the teams that were on the Pesak Repair Yards since he had arrived at Task Force 93, it was a quick transition, but his transfer came at an expedited request. He had just arrived back from the repair yards and made his way back to the command center for the Verity

He walked into the room to see Commodore Jori looking his way. Jori had a reputation, and her brilliance in running 93 was discussed throughout the Fleet. He acknowledged her. “Good morning, Commodore.”

“Good morning Captain,” Jori replied, looking at him momentarily before returning her attention to the information she had been reviewing. “How are things coming along on Pesak?” Jori asked.

Lewis stood over the information console, looking at the information, as he answered the question. “Much better than we anticipated. They should be wrapping up repairs, and we should be ready to depart within the next few days. It has helped that the individuals who ran the yards have come back. They said they want to continue where they left off now that the threat is gone.”

“Good,” Jori replied as she closed the information she had been looking at. Jori walked towards the adjacent window in the room and began to look at the many shuttles coming and going from the ship to the repair yards and back.

Lewis could tell Jori had lots on her mind, though being a Commodore brings weight to command that even he didn’t know. “So in other news what is the status of the sector now that the invasion has ended? Do they have any immediate threats lurking?”

“I won’t lie they have a long road ahead of them, but thanks to our assistance, they are in a better position now than they have been since the end of the invasion,” Jori replied, pausing for a moment as she worked her jaw. “I am sure they will continue to need support for some time as many of the systems were hit hard.”

Lewis nodded. It was true the attacks were devastating and it would take time to repair, but that seemed like the vicious cycle over the past few years. “I guess it could be worse than what it is. On the other hand, have we heard anything regarding the Borg? I know they disappeared, but I have a feeling that is not the end of seeing them.”

“I am sure it won’t be the end of them, but for now, they seem to have gone into hiding once more,” Jori replied before handing him a PADD she had in her hand with reports from ships within their Task Force. “Triumph successfully stopped a secret auction on Freecloud, taking prisoners, Borg technology as well as rescuing captive xBs.” Jori began to summarize what was in the report though she was sure he would read it in more detail. 

“Both the Eagle and Sausalito had observed Borg vessels, which only seemed to be scanning systems before moving on,” Jori said as she continued with the summary.

Lewis looked over the information in the PADD, seeing reports of the ships that had tangled with the Borg. It was crazy for him to think that so many ships came out of this encounter. His past recollection of the Borg was more death than he wanted to recall. As he felt satisfied with the information, he looked up at Jori “Is there anything else you need from me, Ma’am?”

“I don’t have anything more to share at this present time,” Jori said with a soft smile. “Just keep me updated on the fleet yards.”

Lewis acknowledged and turned to leave the room, trying not to get caught up in his thoughts. This all seems well and good but I have a feeling dark storms are on the horizon. He, pushed the thought out of his mind as he headed to the shuttle to head back to the repair yards.