Part of Eos Station: Echoes of the Empire

Who Salutes Who?

Eos Station: Main Engineering
July 2024
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There were times when Gab missed the straightforward task of the Engineer. The hum of the engines and the task of repairs were so much simpler than the responsibility of command. He still hadn’t figured out his new Captain, and a part of him didn’t want to. He had years on her. If someone at Starfleet had actually thought about this, he’d be Captain, and she would be answering to him. But, once again, he was overlooked.

He stepped into Engineering, flagging down the first Officer that passed him, “Captain Bates?” he asked.

The Officer pointed, “Over there, Commander. Can’t miss him.”

“Thank you, Ensign,” Gab replied.

Eli had been working through getting the station back into shape. It was in disrepair before he came back. The discipline of the engineers was pitiful, and he would be taking care of that. He had already assigned extra duty shifts. He drank a sip of his coffee and was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice. He turned to see the newcomer. “Can I help you?” he replied, unsure of what the Officer wanted of him.

“Captain Bates, I assume,” Gab approached the man. “Commander William Harris,” he introduced himself, “Captain Mitchell has asked that I help oversee the Operations and Engineering portions of the station,” he added, “at least till we get things off and running.” He looked around the room. “I am not here to take over; just get an update on our priorities and see what I can do to assist you.” 

“From what I have seen, we have a lot of upgrades and repairs,” he smiled.

Eli shook his head. “This place is a sorry excuse for a station. I’ve seen manure fields in better shape. I have assigned all shifts extra duties and I will make any officer who thinks they aren’t good enough to scrub the jeffries tubes with a toothbrush.”

“Times like this, it’s all hands on deck,” he stated just loud enough that those around heard that their Chief had the support of command. “It’s going to take time, we all understand that but key systems need to be a priority. Security and safety being top on that list.” 

He leaned forward, “the Captain mentioned something about replicators not producing her coffee correctly,” he whispered, “but that can wait.” The XO reached over to the nearest terminal, pulling up the schematics for the Romulan embassy, “there is also the matter of this beast. Our Romulan Ambassador should be arriving within the hour.”

Eli shook his head. “Coffee is important.” He waved to a nearby ensign “The replicators need to be looked at. They are not producing the coffee the Captain likes. Let’s fix that.” he said seriously. The ensign acknowledged and walked away. Eli looked back at Harris “Why are we looking at the schematics for the Romulan Embassy?” 

“Word has come in that Ambassador Talara T’Vel, daughter of Senator T’Vel, will oversee the Romulan Embassy here. Starfleet wants to roll out the red carpet for potential friends in the Romulan Republic. Red carpet, Ambassadors, embassies, it all screams of formal dinners and everything that comes with it.”

Eli nodded he knew that important events like this required the utmost attention “I’m just a wee engineer Sir. What is it I can do to help?” 

“Captain Bates,” Harris stood up, “Let’s not attempt to bluff the other one, neither of us green. I’ve read your file, and you have many accomplishments. What I need is to ensure that a turbolift doesn’t malfunction and kill the Ambassador or that the food replicators don’t accidentally poison a visiting diplomat. We have a lot of problem, tossing crew at them is important but we need to ensure that these kids,” he looked around, “understand how to prioritize projects.”

“That is what we need from our wee engineer,” he nodded.

Eli took another sip of coffee “That can be done, Sir. Though we have lots to do here I can say the team is exceptional. I seem to weed out the bad from the good. I think my reputation proceeds me sometimes.” He smirked “Regardless you can tell the Captain I will make it my mission that the embassy is safe and secure.”

Gab didn’t respond; he walked over to a nearby replicator, “coffee, black and hot,” he ordered. As the cup materialized on the padd, Gab reached to grab it but pulled his hand back almost instantly. Gab watched as a thick black sludge oozed out of the replicator, slowly sliding onto the carpet below. “Lots to do,” the Commander simply forced a smile.

“Never enough time to do anything in our profession, Commander.” he chuckled “That’s why I always have the nectar of the gods with me.” he grinned motioning to his cup of coffee. 

“Well, Captain,” Gab nodded, “I think you have a solid handle on things; I’d like to check in with Lieutenant Chen in Operations. I hear there is a coffee shop opening in the civilian district of the docking ring, the Nebula Drew or something like that,” he knew he’d gotten the name wrong, but it didn’t matter. “From what I understand, it’s not that bad.”

Eli scoffed “You don’t need fancy coffee, but maybe I’ll give it a shot. Its been nice talking Commander. I will report when the embassy is set for its new guest.

“Sir,” Gab nodded, noting the man’s rank. “Thank you, Captain Bates.”  Tapping his comm badge, he said, “Computer location of Lieutenant Chen.”  He turned on his heel and headed for the nearby door.