Part of USS Valkyrie: Episode 1 | The Flames and USS Valkyrie: Season 1

Twice as many stars / Parting Ways

Utah, Earth
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“I don’t know why you brought me here.”, said Eshrevi, drawing her antennae back in an indication of irritation, and, for good measure, raising her brows in a hint of confusion as she regarded Alcyone. Even though she was constantly complaining that Earth’s spring qualified as a hot Andorian summer, she knew that the other woman was freezing in the chilly air.

They had been walking for what felt like hours, and the wind had picked up, increasing at a steady pace the more the city faded into the background. It no longer carried the comforting scent of burning wood that had emanated from the many lit bonfires, or the merriment of the crowds that had gathered around them. Instead, its renewed vigour brought a chill that cut to the bone, causing even Eshrevi to tuck her hands into the pocket of her coat. 

“You’ll see.”, said Alcyone, trying to sound cheerful despite the other woman’s obvious disapproval. Disapproval which seemed to be the theme of a night that had been supposed to be a celebration. Not only because of the upcoming spring equinox, but because Eshrevi had good news. 

She had accepted a new posting, and with it a leap in her career. Chief Science Officer of the USS Valkyrie. Eshrevi was elated, and had expected Alcyone to be, too, but the joy had dissipated oh so quickly. Because Alcyone wouldn’t come with her. 

“You are upset.”, the Andorian stated as neutrally as was possible as their boots crunched on the freshly fallen snow with each step taken. There was a moment of silence before Alcyone spoke. “Yes.”, “It’s a big step for me. I guess I expected you to be proud of me, not selfish.”, Eshrevi stated coolly.

“I am.”, said Alcyone quietly and touched the Andorian’s hand as they walked, allowing their fingers to intertwine.

“The way I see it.”, Eshrevi started, and then after some consideration continued “I am just going first.”

“How do you mean?”“Well, I have to make sure it’s a good ship. Nice enough crew, nothing too dangerous. Competent Captain, agreeable Chief Medical Officer. And after a few months, I’ll ask for a favour and get you transferred.”

Which sounded so easy in theory, but would certainly be a challenge. But then, Eshrevi thrived on challenges.  

“Favours? Let’s face it, you are not the easiest person to get along with.”, teased Alcyone.

“I find myself perfectly agreeable.”, shrugged Eshrevi, and there was the slightest hint of a smile on her lips – a rare display of emotion that Alcyone knew was for her benefit.

“Of course you are.”“I know I can be a… what did you call it? Some kind of plant.”


Eshrevi nodded. “A cactus.” She paused, then asked. “What was a cactus again?”

“A plant with thorns.” 

“No, those are roses.” 

“More than one kind of plant can have thorns, Esh.”, sighed Alcyone. 

“Fine, cactus it is. The point I am trying to make is that I can behave myself, and before you know it, you’ll have transfer orders. If you live that long.”


Esh shrugged her antennae. “You’re turning blue. Your lips are, anyway.”

“And you don’t like it?”

“Believe it or not, hypothermia is not my preferred aesthetic, no.”, Eshrevi opened the top two buttons of her coat and took off the scarf she had acquired when they had visited Paris just a few days prior. It was made from tarkalean wool, a material not known for being overly soft, but it was warm. “Here.”

“I don’t need it.”

“Take it or I’ll have us beamed back up to the Cupertino.”

“You can’t do that.”, protested Alcyone.

“Sure I can, this is my away team.”

Alcyone rolled her eyes. “We’re not an away team.”

“We’re away and we’re a team.”, smirked Eshrevi.

“I don’t think the Captain would appreciate that reasoning.”

“Then better get to it and put the scarf on, Lieutenant.”

Alcyone made a face but complied, and once Eshrevi nodded in approval, they resumed their trek on a snow-covered path that led them further uphill.

They took another steep incline until they reached a viewing platform which was devoid of any people, despite the breathtaking view it offered as it overlooked the city that sprawled below. Structures emerged with roofs cloaked in pristine white, and a golden glow of lights emanated from homes and street lamps, casting a warm hue over the cold expanse. The frozen river, cleverly diverted to weave through the heart of the city, reflected the brilliance of the lights, creating a glistening mosaic on its icy surface. It gave the scene a picturesque charm, and showed Alcyone’s hometown from its best side.“That is a lovely view.”, Eshrevi conceded and turned to Alcyone, when suddenly a loud bang shattered the serene silence. The unexpected noise echoed through the crisp night air, jolting both women from their reverie. Eshrevi let out a hiss, and pressed her antennae against her skull. In a swift and instinctual motion, she grabbed Alcyone and pulled her behind her. Alcyone, caught off guard, lost her footing on the icy ground and found herself unceremoniously seated in the cold snow. 

“Sugar.” Alcyone cursed, trying (and failing) to get up. “Eshrevi, it’s nothing. Look.”

Reluctantly, Eshrevi turned her gaze to where Alcyone had gestured. Just as her eyes focused on the source, a second bang resounded through the air. This time, however, Eshrevi noticed it accompanied by a dazzling display that painted the night sky. Silver stars erupted, shimmering against the dark canvas, only to vanish before a third and fourth burst followed in rapid succession. Her antennae relaxed.

“They are fireworks”, Alcyone said, stating the now obvious.

“I knew that.”, Eshrevi said, tinged navy and, without much ado, gracefully descended to join Alcyone where she sat in the snow while bursts of light continued to fill the night sky as the initial tension dissolved. “I thought they are a new-year thing. It’s March, that’s a little late…” 

“It’s a tradition. I think it was to scare evil spirits away. Something like that.”

“You humans are not the brightest star in the galaxy, are you?”, the Andorian said with a grin as she turned her attention back to the display above them.

Alcyone shrugged. “Well, I haven’t met any evil spirits, so I guess it works?”

“That’s fair.”, Eshrevi conceded. “We’ll be on the same ship again, soon. I promise.”

“I’d like that.”, Alcyone said and once slid her hand into Eshrevi’s, just in time for the grand finale. A deafening eruption of fireworks burst forth, transforming the entire sky into a fleeting masterpiece as giant, glittering blooms unfolded overhead, cascading comets streaked across the canvas, and crackling bursts of light created intricate patterns like celestial constellations coming to life.

And for a moment, before darkness reclaimed it, there were twice as many stars in the sky.