Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Colloquium

Maiden Voyage (P2)

Starbase Bravo - Promenade
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Walking through the congress as it neared its closing, Miwela looked around with much amazement and curiosity. Going from stand to stand, booth to booth, and conversing with many scientists who are experts in their respective fields. But Arwa's mind was somewhere else, distracted somewhat after her encounter with Yisuf. She had her hands on her back, walking calmly behind Miwela as she glared at her being so cheerful. 

But Arwa's glare was broken when she noticed Miwela looking back at her. “Are you okay, Arwa?” She looked concerned about her friends' behavior, “You seem … different from the moment we met that…man. I don't want to prey on your history, but who is he, and why are you so …..shaken up about it?” Miwela and Arwa stood there within the busy path of the congress, looking at each other for a few seconds, forgetting their surrounding.

Arwa finally broke off her stare and looked at her side to the many people interacting at various stands. Her eyes filled with sadness at painful memories that she wanted to forget. Something that she wanted to move on from, but it seemed that history was catching up, and she refused to let go. What would she advise anyone right now in this situation? Arwa shrugged slightly, knowing the answer all too well. Talk

“You can always talk to me; it is weird, I know. But even counselors need that listening ear,” Miwela said with a soft smile, placing her hand on Arwa's shoulder. She was surprised to see a tear rolling down her friend's cheek. “We can go somewhere else to a more calming area?” 

Moving her head from side to side slowly, “No.” Arwa got out and looked at Miwela. “You're right. I need to get this out of my system and talk. Or who would advise people to talk about their feelings, past, and troubles if I can't do the same?” Arwa took a deep breath. “Let's walk to talk. It is my way to calm down. Having people around me works best to let it go.” That said, she started walking calmly around the congress, but not really paying attention to her surroundings. 

“So….who is this guy, and should I call in security?” Miwela tried to crack the conversation with a joke and looked at Arwa for any reaction to her attempt.

Giving away a soft smile as a reaction, Arwa shook her head. “Let's not get the Commander in trouble on his day off.” But her smile disappeared as fast as fog before the sunlight. Yisuf Juss was a …fellow cadet in the academy. He was always popular and had energetic friends around him. Friends had followed him to the academy after their high school. In many views, he was ahead of the game when entering" 

“Sounds like a good kid back then?” Miwela listened carefully to Arwa. “But what do you mean with ahead?”

“Like I said, you knew no one in the academy when starting, but everyone had a common goal and eyes in the same direction. However, making friends was a talent for one and a burden for another.” Arwa explained, “I was…never really a person to make friends back then. I was a person who was withdrawn and shy, and my handicap didn't make it any better.” 

Miwela blinked. She had never imagined Arwa having difficulty making friends. She was the driving force of the department, and everyone liked her energy, attitude, and friendly vibe. “What…kind of handicap?” 

She pointed at her neck as she pulled her collar, showing a small cut near her ear. “I was born without hearing…” Arwa lowered her hand and looked at her side. “It was a complex situation back then, depending on various criteria. Mainly, it could have been fixed if I had just had the operation, but my fear took over, and I wanted to prove to everyone that I was stronger than that….that I could function without speech.” 

“You….were afraid of the operation?” Miwela carefully spoke.

“Yes…I was terrified.” Arwa looked back forward as they were walking. “I used sign language in the academy and tried to overcome my problems by reaching out and asking everyone to talk to me. For a while, it was good. It seemed like I was making friends and being part of something.” She felt the sadness growing as she relieved the memories, walking around trying to communicate with everyone and reading their lips as best as possible.

Miwela felt that the story would get to a point of painful memories. But she knew she had to ask, “This is where he came in?” 

Slowly nodding, Arwa said, “I figured Yisuf was back then the most popular guy in the class. He had a history of being a Bajoran, trying to prove himself, and thus it might have been best to become first friends with him. So I did, and I thought I was a friend.” Arwa shrugged. But in time, without me knowing, he put up an act. He was friendly and …supportive of me. Only to make fun of me behind my back.” 

A gasp of shock came over Miwela, who looked shocked at her. “That happens?” She had a great academic year at Starfleet Academy, so she couldn't imagine how Arwa endured these terrible experiences.

“Yes, in time, I noticed that …pranks were getting out of control. Friends of his throwing my notes around, poking me, grabbing my stuff without me hearing it. Making me feel like I was part of a group of friends that ….” She paused for a moment, “… that we were not friends in the first place.” Arwa shrugged at her own words. “My first year at the academy was a terrible start, and I endured it for two more years after that. The teachers did pick up the signals and took me aside a few times. I never accepted their help, as I kept defending them, saying they were my friends, and they were teasing me.” 

Taking a deep breath, “Eventually, in the third year, their pranks became so bad that the teacher did intervene, and the irony….Yisuf's friends accused him of being responsible for bullying me for the past three years in the academy. I tried to defend him and tell them it was just a prank, an innocent tease, and they were all friends.” Arwa stopped her walking, feeling her eyes tear up and struggling with the story. “But they looked me dead in the eye and said I was never their friend. I was just a piece of entertainment created by Yisuf.” 

Suddenly, Arwa felt a hug that embraced her from the side, and Miwela hugged her friend. “It is not your fault, Arwa; you did nothing wrong. You tried to become friends with them, with these bullies. You are now surrounded by real friends who care for you." 

Arwa felt the tears rolling over her cheek, trying to hold it back, but the waves of emotions overflowed her. “I know….but somehow I kept believing it was not true, it couldn't be true. Yet when I looked at Yisuf in the eyes, he looked away as if it was nothing. I ….stormed out the class with the teacher following me.” Arwa took another deep breath. “I was relocated to Mellstoxx III to continue my career path within the Fourth Fleet. I … overcame my fear and took the operation to be able to hear.” Arwa looked at Miwela, who was emotional with her. “I had not … considered the fact that I would see him again”

“You don't have to anymore. He is on leave here and will disappear as soon as this congress is over.” Miwela let go and wiped the tears away from Arwa's face. “Until that time, I will fiercely protect you from this man” 

Arwa smiled softly. “Thank you for being there for me….for listening to a troubled story that has stuck with me for all those years.” It was still a painful chapter of her history, but she felt the burden lighter, knowing someone would hear her out. She offered to listen to people in her profession, and she never opened up about her past. 

Nodding to her friend, “Always, now let's get some food; I am starving,” Miwela laughed, taking Arwa's arm and dragging her further on. Arwa lets herself be dragged and only smiles, wiping her tears away. However, this chapter was not yet closed, but her wounds are healing.