Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 14 – Echoes of the Past

EOTP 003 – The Mystery of the Maquis

USS Mackenzie
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“Probe is functional.”  Commander Thasaz sat at the science console, watching the return data screens.  They’d launched it as a first step to determine what was happening with the three Raven class ships.

Park sat in the center chair, her face scrunching up every few seconds as she watched the view screen.  Walton had needed to catch up on her sleep, so the CONN was hers.  She was annoyed at the Maquis.  There were issues in the demilitarized zone.  That wasn’t up for debate in her mind.  What was up for debate was the annoyance of dealing with The True Way, now further complicated by an old enemy thought to be in remission and suddenly becoming malignant.  And fighty. Very fighty.  She ordered, “Keep an eye out.”

Kondo watched the threat screens as the probe flew through space. He was suspicious of a trap, and he wasn’t a fan of the Maquis or their methods. His screens were showing clear, and that was further evidence of something—of what, he wasn’t sure. Kondo De La Fontaine liked to be sure of most things in his position as Chief Tactical Officer.

Thasaz watched the data stream at the science station as the probe sliced its way through space to the three Ravens.  She didn’t have an emotional reaction to the Maquis returning.  In her career, she’d never had occasion to interact with them and had to rely on the sometimes unreliable narration the Romulan media would provide.  The sensors were picking up more and more as the probe closed in on the ships.  She began to sort through the data that her department was classifying and identifying.  “Readings coming in now, Commander Park.”  She glanced from screen to console and back again, “I’m reading no biological life signs at first glance.  All three ships are registering negative on life signs.”  Another pass of the probe’s sensors as it rumbled closer.  “Reading unusual power levels from all three ships.”

De La Fontaine was also at work on his console, “Commander…those are some old Raven class ships.”  He sent the data to her PADD as he read the details, “These ships have been scraped – I’m not reading a functional computer or command systems.”  He felt the hair on the back of his neck creep up, “Whatever their purpose is, it’s not good.”  He returned to his console as the scans continued to refine.

Park leaned forward, her mind bursting with questions and worries. What were they up to? She asked, “What is the probe’s distance from the ships?”  Kondo reported they were still five minutes from within complete visual range.  She watched the progress on her PADD, her worry climbing the scales.  “Bring the probe to full stop.”

Thasaz tapped in the command and turned to the XO, “Commander?”

Park stood from the chair, “They wanted us good and close.  Most ships, at the probe’s current distance, are scannable.  The only reason we’re not getting concrete information is…,”

The Romulan science officer sighed as she finished her thought. “They wanted us closer—close enough to do some real damage.”  She turned to the screens and said, “Commander Park is right—our sensors and the probe’s sensors should have been giving us a lot more detail…especially with the age of the Raven ships.”

Kondo was in shock. The New Maquis were playing games he hadn’t expected. They had to have known that Mackenzie would be in the sector and nobody else was nearby. The size and force of an Excelsior II class in the area threatened whatever their ongoing plans were. He turned in his chair, “They wanted us damaged and needing repairs. We’d have to leave the sector. They’d redirect Daedalus, but she’s not as much of a threat as we are.”

Park listened to them as they worked out the plot. She suspected something was off but couldn’t completely figure it out. She allowed a thin smile—her doubts about this new crew were being pushed away with each passing moment. “Can we defuse them? See what intel we can get?”

Thasaz examined her readings, “From what I can tell, the shields on the ships are down – all the power is likely being used to power the explosive devices on each Raven.  If we transport a drone aboard, we can test to see if it’ll activate based on that.”

Park tapped her foot in thought.  She suggested, “We’d need to include a biological marker to ensure the testing parameters are complete – if it passes, we know we can step onboard.”

“I’ll get on it right away, Commander.”


A new probe hung next to the original, outfitted with a drone with a biological marker.  Park had returned to the center chair, “Activate transporter.”  After a few taps on Thasaz’s console, they all watched the sensor readings overlayed on the view screen.  A minute passed. Two minutes.

Thasaz confirmed,  “We’re receiving telemetry data and visual feeds from the cameras. There has been no reaction from the Ravens.”

Park sat back in her chair in relief.  “Wake the captain.  We’re going to need to put together a team.”