Part of Starbase Bravo: Bravo Without Borders

Just a few boxes

Cargo Bay 15b
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The conference was just over. A lot has happened, from good moments to bad. But it was quite an educational ride for Arwa. She learned a lot and was required to learn to comfort her inner demons. But Arwa was not given the breathing air to let it be processed as the next major task revealed itself. Standing in the Cargo Bay of 15b, Arwa directed people to prepare medical supplies for shipment to Romulan space. 

One of those people would be Ginsh, a Tellarite Science Officer who had fallen in line with requests for additional personnel to assist the medical department in there preparations. Striding though the larger, solid cargo bay doors, he was instantly on the look out for a lieutenant, his point of contact. Stealing himself out of the way of and around a sled with crates on. He stood next to her, offering this as a greeting “Lieutenant el-Imam, you have yourself another pair of hands in the mix, whether that’s a help or headache remains to be seen, what can I do?”

Looking from her PADD to her side, Arwa saw Ginsh and smiled softly in his direction. “It is quite difficult for me to get a headache, I am a counselor by nature, so I know the tips and tricks to avoid those headache situations,” Arwa lowered her PADD “Pleasure to meet you Ensign…?” She looked a bit blinking at him. 

“Ginsh, sir, Ensign Ginsh.” He offered, pleased by the way she batted his remark back to him. “Zoologist by study field, but needs must at present.” He glanced around, taking stock of the goings on. “Is this effort to send or efforts to receive? also again what can I do? These hands are a wasting.”

“Pleasure to meet you Ensign” Arwa smiled at him once again  and looked at her PADD then into the cargo hold “Well they are sorting out what kind of material is being send to Romulan space as a spare of what we can miss” Arwa looked at a small group checking open cargo boxes “So our task is to move the boxes that got checked to the transport platform so it can be directed up to one of the shuttlebays for transporting” Placing the PADD on a box and pulling up her sleeves “So lets get our hands dirty Ensign”

“Always, Lieutenant, well nearly always.” Ginsh offered a smile back, looked to the side at a grouping of containers, as always neatly stacked, and gave the side a slap. “These have been checked? These are to go?”

Placing the hover element on the side of the cargo box and looking in Ginsh’s direction, “I do believe so; put some hover elements on it, so you can push them somewhat easier to the platform.” With that said Arwa started to push her box “So what brings the Ensign to Starbase Bravo, I am always interested in life stories”

Casting about in order to locate a free hover element, he responded to the background question, “First assignment out of the Academy, but I did study at the Betazoid campus mostly, aside for a semester on earth, so I guess it made more sense.” Finding the piece of equipment and attaching it, he started to move the crate.

Tapping the console, she walked to get the next box as the other box materialized behind her in a faded blue light. “Starbase Bravo is a logical starting point, and it makes sense for an average freshman, but you are a Zoologist. Would a planetary assignment not be a better spot to get your hands dirty?” She got the next box as Arwa checked the validation information. 

Pushing his crate into position, he stepped back and pondered her question, which was a reasonable one to be fair. “A goal for the mid future, and certainly something I would like. But the Starbase, being a hub for the sector affords certain opportunities.” He offered, glancing between her and the crate, until it disappeared. “As i’m sure it does for yourself.” He added, not quite sure what he meant by the comment. 

“Me?” She pushed the next box “I am here to help people and I go where Starfleet needs a counselor” Arwa placed the box on the platform “So I go with the flow, so to speak” Arwa looked at him “But I started on a starship and flew to the stars while keeping my fellow crewmates sanity in check” She walked to the console and taps it as the box disappears. 

“That’s a very poetic language, are you sure you didn’t miss your true calling Lieutenant.” Ginsh commented with a grin, as the walked back to the decressing stack, his thoughts strayed into the reason they were at this task, something he decided to share. “I suppose this sort of thing is a natural extension of such care, which i’m all for doing, help and aid those in need, it’s just a shame it happens so frequently still. What are your thoughts?”   

Tagging the next box for transport as Arwa thinks briefly. “The idea that there is nothing going on in the vast ever expanding universe is somewhat nihil, Ensign. Think about it….we got the Klingons going back to their roots, trouble at the Cardassian Union. I feel like it was somewhat an expecting happening” Arwa pointed out as she activate the hover device “If not, I think that is the moment we should start worrying”

“Of course I see your point, and I accept the universe and those that inhabit it are in constant motion, change is a product of that motion.” Ginsh agreed, this was a logical position that few of a scientific leaning would disagree with, he felt. 

Clamping onto a box, he tried again, restating his regret in what he hoped would be a more understandable manner. “My regret is not that things change, but that the change is as violent as we witness, and that some i’ve spoken to don’t seem to share that view.”

Placing the next box on the platform and catching her breath. “Wel yes and no, this is where the set of the mind comes into play and well my field of expertise. Things happening by a set of situations boiled to a degree resulting into violent out come is a given. But in case of the Klingons, at least of what I have read and seen, is one person saying…we need to go back to our nature and answering by that the call of a feeling boiling within every Klingon”  Arwa looked at the PADD checking what was next.

“So if violent is a result of a physical happening, an asteroid destroying a station or ecosystem being changed drastically. Or the set of the mind, a person that choose the path of violent by choice or by requirements” Arwa walked to a box and taps on it checking the idea “Mmm”

Another box delivered to the cargo transporter, and winging it’s way to a vessel cargo bay, which must be close to full by now. “I supposes the outcome is the same regardless. Also I suppose Starfleet would choose to aid, either event if it was capable of doing so. I think the whys and wherefores are a deeper conversation for another time perhaps. Would i be able to make an appointment?”

“Would you not have one already settled, I dont mind to appoint myself as that counsel session for you if you wish so” Arwa pushed her box onto the platform and press the console to transport it. “What you feel most comfortable with”

“Well I am aware of that appointment now.” Ginsh observed with a shrug. “Yes having it with yourself would be more comfortable, I’m aquainted with you now after all.”

Giving away a smile “Good, now lets get these boxes settled and round up this task” Arwa stated walking to the next box to get transported for the Romulan aid. It will be a long day until the two of them will be done with this task.