Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Back in the Chair

Starbase 72
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“They gave you the Valkyrie?”  The voice belonged to his wife, who was packing up her things halfway across the universe. “That’s the biggest one yet!”  Angelica Fontana was a surgeon who had been working on the outer ends of the Federation, while her husband had been working through Starfleet in various roles: captain and then Task Force XO and then Task Force Commanding Officer. As he’d stepped down, he’d received a message offering him the command. He’d spent most of yesterday deciding it wasn’t quite time to return to a desk.

“Frontier Day hit us pretty hard, Ang.  I think they’re just looking for help now.”

She rolled her eyes on the screen, “You’ve done big things, Gero.  This is just the next step.”  I’ll meet you onboard in a few days.”  She kissed her hand and placed it against the screen, and he returned the favor.  He looked around the empty quarters, hopeful for what came next.  “Computer, send message to Varen – headed back into the field.  See you out there.”



“Welcome aboard, Captain Fontana.  The crew has all checked in.” The Yeoman handed him a PADD, “Orders just came in as well.”  She stood at attention and was off down the corridor.  Geronimo examined the orders, sucking in his breath as he read.  Two planets at war.  Delicate peace.  Assistance needed.  He handed his bag to the officer following him on board, “Stow it in my quarters.” He didn’t wait for a response as he moved quickly down the corridor to the turbolift, which then took him to the bridge, where he stepped out, waving away the ‘Captain on the bridge’ alert.  “As you were.  Helm, I need a course laid into the A3422 System, maximum warp.”  The ensign at the controls dutifully tapped at the console and reported they were ready.  “Get us going.”  The sleek Sovereign class lept to warp.  Fontana picked up his PADD.  The crew had been assembled quickly, with little time for briefings.  He’d have to meet them as he could.  He sighed, “Inform the senior staff we need department reports in the next two hours and readiness reports included.”  Sitting in the chair, he wasn’t sure how to feel about the rushed nature of this mission.  There would be only one way to find out.