Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

The Alegainy Story 001

Planet Alegainy
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Drexulon Aleta slammed his fist on the table, and his counselors were startled, “I cannot accept this continued peace.  We know they are rearming and just waiting for the right reason to attack us and break their promise.”  He was young, having replaced the elderly planet president in a landslide election six months ago.  Peace had started to feel like an option under the idiot, and he’d forcefully run a campaign with the idea that he wouldn’t give up the fight.  That the Maranatha people were never going to stop trying to kill them and wipe them from the planet. It had worked, mostly.  The legislature and judicial returns had been a mixed bag – a split nearly between the two parties.  He had hoped to gather more power.

“Mr. President,” the minority leader stood from his end of the table. “The Federation will be here in a day’s time. Must we try to squeeze out more malice into the cups of possibility?”  Aleta hated the man, and his moderate views frustrated him.  Many people could see what was coming if they didn’t put the enemy in their place.  Why couldn’t he?  If only he could do with the idiot what his forefathers would have done.  He reminded himself to keep his face from showing his feelings.

“The malice from the Maranathas was already in the cup. I’m simply stirring what is already in a position to poison us.”  He held his tongue as the rest of his invective threatened to spill out. He practiced his calming skills. He said, “I will yield to the Minority Leader on this matter. We will wait for the Federation to try to solve this age-old problem with words. May the odds be ever in their favor.”

The group disbanded, and he was soon alone with the Majority Leader, who eyed him curiously, “You don’t often yield, Mr. President.  I can count on two hands when you’ve said those words.”

Aleta grumbled, “He’s right, and I nearly tried to run him over.  I don’t have much faith in the Federation being able to manage this disaster.  They will fail, and then we can get to the business of defeating the Maranatha people once and for all…treaty be dammed.”