Part of USS Paramount: One-Shots

An Unexpected Encounter

USS Kison (NCC-88011), Typhon Frontier, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 240103.28
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Captain's Personal Log. We have recently made first contact with a non-corporeal lifeform known as the Tarlaxin. After having made it through the crisis that occured in the Deneb sector as well as our early trials of the Typhon Frontier being able to encounter a new species is quite exciting the only downside is that we will not be able to return in time for the Frontier Day celebrations.


Our newly encountered friends have been able to communitate via our science officer Lieutenant Commander T'Soni. Although I feel the Commander is not enjoying her time as our envoy between us and the Tarlaxin. Maybe if we had a Betazoid aboard we could put their telepathy to good use during our exhanges.

Science Officer's Personal Log. This newly discovered lifeform known as the Tarlaxin are a bit annoying, even more so then the humans. Most of the time they talk about things that are of little importance. We first encountered them when we were updating Starfleet's records and noted a strange grouping of what appeared to be theta radiation. As the Kison approached they seem to have been attacking us as we experienced sudden drops in power before I was able to become a mediator of sort. As I tried to calm them down as they to reassure them we meant no harm.


After a while I came to learn a great deal about the Tarlaxin. It would seem long ago before the Federation was even founded they lived on a planet that the computer says is in the Delta Quation before a scientific acident occured. Team of sciencts were in the process of acheving warp technology but something went terrioble wrong and it ended in them losing their physical forms and becoming the begins they are today. All of them urge to return to their homeworld so that they could reverse the process and finally be able to travel on their own two feet. Their culture has been preserved by everyone of them each holding a vital piece of their society so that they can rebuild a new. When the time comes that is.