Part of USS Paramount: S1E1 | Helping Hands and USS Paramount: Season 1

Act Twelve: Response

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.26; 02:24
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Captain's Log Supplemental. I have instructed Lieutenant Commander Davidson to conduct what ever repair she can do within the fiften minutes window we where given. I have also decided to convene the senior staff so that they could help me decided out next course of action. One will ensure we live to fight another day the other would lead us to an early death or and hnoorbale death depending on how you look at it.

“We must retreat,” said the chief science officer, Laura Jackson. "That ship is not a normal warbird. If initial scans are accurate its weapons are both stronger and more numerous than any other Romulan ship on record.

“I say we should stay,” countered the chief medical officer, Cada Blix. “We were sent to resupply the Deblin colony, which is exactly what we must do. Even if that means we put ourselves in harm's way. That is the duty we have as Starfleet officers.”

“I'm inclined to agree with the Doctor,” Enzo said as he added to the conversation. “If we can't stand up for this colony then we don't deserve to wear these uniforms.”

“A rare sight indeed, Enzo agreeing with me,” Cada said smiling at the young man.

“Don't make me take it back,” he said as he looked at the Trill officer.

Nitus sat quietly at the head of the table as the rest of them stated who they agreed with and their reasons for doing so. She however was split on the choices. Not wanting to fight her brother and not wanting to leave the colonies to meet their end.

“I believe we should stay for the same reason as Dr. Blix stated. We have been given a mission and we must see it through,” T'Soni stated as the second to last to pick the vote.

“The decision rests with the Commander,” Zahir stated as they all looked at Nitus. Who was zoned out looking out at the stars and the ships that were surrounding them. “Ma'am?” Zahir said, speaking a little louder trying to grab Nitus' attention.

“Hmm,” she said as she focused back on what was in front of her.

“What's your decision,” T'Soni asked her with a concerned expression that could barely be recognized with her usual Vulcan self covering it up.

“We stay,” she said, “We were given a mission and we must see it though. Ms. Davidson give us everything you have to engines and shields we have to hope Command got our distress signal and help is on the way so we need to survive until then. Mr. D'Antonio you're going to need to do some history-making piloting. Mr. Zolath ensure all security and tactical teams are ready. I don't know if Eldus will try to board but I want all airlocks on lockdown."

Nitus stood from the table walking over to the window before turning back to the group. “Prepare all stations for battle but don't put us on red alert just yet. I want to at least give him a chance to change his mind,” she said as she walked back towards the bridge.

Stepping back onto the bridge, Nitus headed straight for the center chair. To say she was nervous was an understatement, she had been thinking of how this moment would play out for years. She could have imagined how this would turn out. She never thought it would be like this. As they all made their way to their stations they each carried with them their own emotion reflecting how the event before them was about to transpire. Alessa was the most anxious of all of them. She wondered if Nitus could even have the strength to order an attack on her own brother. She was sympathetic to her in that regard because if it had been her sister it would never have been a debate on what her next move would have been.

T'Soni and Arva however were more concerned with the ship though they were concerned for their commander they were more so worried for the safety of the crew as this battle was all but lost in their eyes.

Nitus felt nervous she didn't want to fight her brother, someone who knew her thinking and how she operated. This engagement could go to ways long and drawn out or short and quick. She was hoping for the former option. “Open a channel,” she said looking at Tiala. She sat in her chair as she braced for what was to come next.

“Channel open.”

“This is Commander Nitus of the Federation starship Paramount you are to leave this system immediately or we will use force to remove you."