Part of USS Pioneer: Neolithic Auctions

I’d like to be called Darren (Pt. 1)

Valkoran Base - Northern Romulan Border
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First Officers Log: I thought the events of Zercan 2 were behind us, the fact we almost lost three crew members to a Cardassian plot was bad enough but I took some comfort in the fact that the team were able to thwart their scheme and stop the sample leaving the planet. Unfortunately it seems we were wrong. Starfleet Intelligence has received information that indicates a sample of the newly name, Neo-Phage, is to be sold on Valkoran Base, an ex-Klingon merchant base on the northern edge of the Romlulan Free State. They want us to go in and investigate and if necessary destroy, but Pioneer can't approach with things the way they are in the Klingon Empire, we'd get no information and scare the buyers. Instead we'll have to go undercover and I think I have the perfect team. 

Part 1 - The New Mission

Lieutenant Commander Charlie Fox and Ensign Daniel Brogue wait in the observation lounge, an awkward silence hovering on the room as they await the Captain; Charlie has been keeping himself busy with reports and assessments since the events of Zercan 2 (and the loss of the ships runabout) whilst Ensign Brogue has disappeared back into the lower decks and his daily security duties, his confidence somewhat boosted by Fox's after action report. They are soon joined by Lieutenant Junior Grade Torta, one the vessel's secretive intelligence officers, with a skillset focused on infiltration and espionage. Everyone's curiosities is doubly peaked as the XO walks in the door when they had all been expecting the Captain. 

The XO explains their mission and the importance that it be undertaken quickly, quietly and with the upmost discretion. They are to infiltrate the Klingon operated Valkoran Base, posing as traders and if necessary smugglers. There, a sample of the Neo-phage (which Charlie and Daniel remember with a shudder) is being auctioned off to the highest bidder. They are to either secure or destroy the sample as it could easily be weaponised and with tensions high throughout the quadrant, there are any number of polities that might would consider using it, not to mention several paramilitary organisations like the True Way and the New Maquis. Unfortunately due to the rising tensions with the Klingon empire Pioneer cannot approach directly to investigate as the base is being guarded by the hostile House Ghalan, instead they will take a recently procured Ferengi shuttle as their transport, the ‘Little Penny’. Their only ally onboard the base will be the Federation asset that fed Starfleet Intelligence the information, codename Cerberus. 

Part 2 - The Journey

The team take some time to make preparations for the mission, in particular choosing to take several vials of the anti-viral agent created by Lieutenant Katsu on Zercan 2 they take 6 doses, two for each team member. They are advised this worked for the version of the virus on the planet and there is a strong possibility it has evolved or mutated. Charlie also spends some time creating some independent encoded and secure communications for the team to utilise on the base whilst Torta disappears into the ship's small library to collect as much relevant information as possible. When they are all ready they board the Little Penny and depart for the base, leaving Pioneer in a nearby system several light years away. 

During the journey Torta relays some key skills for undercover work, particularly to the young and inexperienced Ensign. Don't use ranks, don't act suspicious, don't be complicated with your stories. Ensign Brogue struggles with the advice, struggling to understand the intricacies of clandestine work and declares he would like to called Darren for this mission. The journey is uneventful but the team take the opportunity to clarify the events and outcomes of the mission to Zercan 2 and strategize their cover story; that Torta is the groups leader and they have come to offload a haul of high grade dilithium (borrowed from Pioneer's stores). 

As the shuttle approaches the station they establish the following information:

  1. The station is an old K7 design, built during the mid 23rd Century as a trade and mining base for the nearby asteroid bely. It was handed over to the Klingons as part of a goodwill pact to monitor this area north of the Romulan Border following the Dominion War. 
  2. The station is now operated by a Ferengi named Grittle on behalf of House Ghalan, a banner house of House Duras who are hostile to the Federation, particularly following Toral's ascent to chancellorship. 
  3. The station is guarded by a heavily damaged Vor'cha Cruiser of House Ghalan, the IKS Cho'ang and an unidentified Ferengi D'Kora. 
  4. There are a number of other vessels in the area but they are using the nearby asteroid as cover and whilst the small shuttle's sensors couldn't penetrate the EM interference there were indicators of Romulan, Cardassian and Civilian trade vessels. 

Part 3 - The Tasty Targ

The team arrive on the base and after a meeting with the shallow and decidedly shift station proprietor, who unsuccessfully attempts to extort some latinum from the team under the guise of “Docking fee’s”, they are directed to the station's bar, The Tasty Targ, with the name Mistress Devra as a possible purchaser of the dilithium. Torta identifies during the conversation that the Little Penny has been secured in the landing bay by magnetic locks and would need command codes to be released, during their short journey through the base to the bar they identify large numbers of armed guards and there is a secretive and tense atmosphere throughout the station. 

Upon arriving at the bar they settle into a table and survey the room. The team notice an aggravated Romulan commander, bearing the insignia of the Romulan Free State and the Tal Shiar along with 2 Reman guards, they do not overhear his frustrated mutterings but they are clearly annoyed and anxious. Also in the bar is a lone Breen officer, an unusual sight in its own right but doubly so on this side of the Federation, far from Breen territory. In the corner, two humans whisper to each other as one pets a large aggressive looking beast. Two Cardassian officers watch the quiet bar with narrow eyes, their drinks full and untouched, they do not speak to each other, or to anyone else. Finally sat across the room is a young human woman, her face decorated with ornate makeup and adorned with jangling golden jewellery. Behind her a tall, scarred Gorn bodyguard keeps an eye on her and the surrounding room. 

After some discussion the team decide to approach the fancy looking woman as an initial sales pitch. After reminding Ensign Brogue that he needs to play it cool, Torta takes the lead and crosses to the woman who, after several leading questions (and excellent role playing by the players) she identifies herself as an agent of Mistress Devra and will take Torta to go see her and help secure the deal. Torta departs, alone with the woman and her Gorn companions. 

As Charlie and David/Darren go to leave they are cornered by the lone Breen who ushers them into a nearby private booth, where removing their helmet, they reveal themselves to be a Betazoid woman and their contact Agent Cerberus.