Part of USS Cheyenne: Prompts & Developments

Back from the Edge

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A rouge G-Type star passing through an asteroid field has revealed a derelict federation transport, the star is itself being absorbed by a O-Type star creating unique gravitational effects. The transport is currently balanced on a gravitational ledge. The transport is unregistered. Given the sector it has been found, the borderlands between the Romulan and Klingon, the probability of unlicensed activity is high. Your team was tasked with sifting through and retrieving its logs for intelligence purposes, identifying its cargo, and determining its salvageability.


You are on the bridge of said vessel. Its engines are beginning to struggle against the tidal forces. You are tasked with reviewing the data collected, presenting and executing a method of retrieving the vessel. To keep you on your toes the time you have for data review is randomized but no more than five minutes. The arrival of your team leader will signal the end of that portion.

The Tactical Training Hologram in the form of  Chief Petty Officer Isagi Saroga said his piece and then disappeared.

The environment around him changed. Lieutenant Mavern found himself on the bridge of Ju’day-Type. Taking a moment to collect his surroundings, the Vulcan glanced over the status display for the engines. Warp was offline, Impulse engines were at full power showing an yellow overheat warning, which switched to orange while he was observing. Picking his way to an auxiliary station he seated himself, placing the rifle pint down and leaning against the chair. Beginning the process of reviewing the collected data. In view of the time constraints he selected a time lapse option, set the logs in reverse, began the sequence and began to look for patterns.

Exactly three minutes and ten seconds later, the sound of heavy footsteps signaled the arrival of another person, his simulation-generated teamleader, Lieutenant Commander Maccon.

“Times up Mavern. That vulcan logic got a way out of this little bind.” The officer called as he stepped onto the bridge, his manner was a confusing mix of emotion that Mavern chose to dismiss the importance of at this time.

“I have a theory, but it presents only a fifty four percent chance of success.” He responded honestly, twisting the chair to directly face, and so better interact with the human male.

“I’ll take fifty fifty at this point. What’s the plan?” The officer responded with a nod, betraying an apparent lack of concern for the fate of craft.

“Increase the output of the impulse engines, up to their emergency rating. Given the wear we will only be able to sustain this for five point three seconds. If Rubidoux were to be traveling at warp one across our path and briefly capture the vessel in a tractor beam the momentum will either be enough to break us free or the engine will burn out and the ship will be pulled into the star.” Mavern explained carefully, as this was an initial proposal he chose to keep the specific timings to himself. He had experienced that some humans were not as fond of specifics all at once.

“So do or die. Fair enough, we are at that point.” He stated matter of factly. “ I’ve got the rest of the team tagging as much of the contraband and other supplies as they can. I’ll make the call, you be ready with specifics.” Maccon outlined the team movements and then his and Mavern’s  next move. Meanwhile Mavern himself turned back to the console, set his tricorder on the display, activated it, and imputed a series of commands and equations.

“Maccon to Merrova, retrieval plan incoming courtesy of Mavern. He’ll fill you in on the details.” He said simply.

Acknowledged Lieutenant. Go on Mavern.” Came a very good approximation of his serving fist officers voice and manner.

“Commander, this vessel alone lacks the power to free itself as you are aware.” He began, stating the obvious was often a source of chagrin for many, this particular officer was different providing it had a purpose. “However if I were to run the engines at their maximum rating, and the Roubidoux makes a warp jump across the star at warp one, for exactly four point one, and engages a tractor lock on the ship at two point two one seconds and holds it for point eight of a second or until the selfies force a release. We have a fifty four percent chance of recovering the craft. I have written a program that will ensure the timings are adhered too.”  His tone was flat, his explanation full, he wanted as much control over events as possible, his calculations had taken into account failure, but he wanted it to be at his hand so any adjustments could be made by himself and himself alone. In the back of his mind was the simple fact that retrieval of the craft was not specified, nor was a penalty for a loss of the craft specified, a technicality he could perhaps exploit.

“How uncharacteristically daring of you Leiutenant Mavern. Transmit your program, we’ll move to the designated start point and signal when ready.” Her voice came back, its inflections almost too perfect to be a simulation.

“Acknowledged.” Maven responded, keying the tricorder to send the required data across to the mothership, as the line went quiet.

“All on you kid. Take the helm, I call shotgun.” His team leader pointed out with a swip at his shoulder as he walked past and plonked himself heavily into the co-pilot seat.

Maven rose carefully, collecting his tricorder and hooking it back into the belt holster. Taking two paces, seated himself at the pilot position, the number and intensity of the warning indicators had increased significantly. He looked out of the window for the first time. The remnants of the asteroid field were visible on periphery of the view, but for the most part the young vulcan now had an unobstructed view of the star field, accented by the orange then blue glow of the stars that were immediately to their rear, as if a reminder of the predicament was needed.

“Lieutenant, it may be prudent to transfer the logs and sensor data of the craft while we attempt to break away.” Mavern started suddenly, as the thought came to him in a flash. He glanced at his team leader at this point who merely smiled and nodded, Mavern watched the man pull his own tricorder, setting it on the console, start an interface and presumably begin a transfer. At this point Mavern sent a signal to the Roo. Then pushed a command that sent the already overtaxed engines into overload. The display thru red lights up. As if this wasn’t enough the enter cabin began to shake and rock, a number of clunks and rattles began. The ship making every effort to point out this action was neither wanted nor would it end well.

“All hand secure station! Prep for emergency transport!” Maccon balled into his comm.

The navigational display in front of Mavern pointed to the approaching Cafifornia-Class vessel. 
Its arrival was punctuated by the bridge being bathed in blue light as the tractor beam snatched at the small craft. It pitched forward the damping systems now completely overwhelmed by the forces being exerted on it. Mavern was sent forward, catching his palms and midriff on the blunt edge of the console, a dull ache spread across his chest area, he coughed and sucked in two large gulps of air. Then the light was gone. The craft tumbled again this time entirely uncontrolled, the starfield was replaced by the orange of the star, which was replaced by the starfield, which was replaced by the b;lue of the other star, which was replaced by the orange of the star they were attempting to escape from.  

“Emergency Transport Rubidoux, the vessels lost.” Came Maccons voice though for a moment.

The craft settled unexpectedly. Then began to disappear. Mavern stood instinctively. The plain holodeck walls now greeted him. The form of Chief Saroga hologram appeared in front of him.

“An adequate performance Lieutenant Mavern. Retrieval of Intelligence, Retrieval of Cargo, Safe return of crew, if a little singed.” Came his very succinct evaluation of the events.

“The craft was lost.” Mavern pointed out, his inflection indicated his uncertainty.

“Salvage was preferred not required. You came up with actionable theory. You fully informed your superiors. Enabling You and them to put contingencies in place. An ability to prioritize is a key skill for the Hazard Team. Remember that”  Came the explanation by the TTH. Who promptly disappeared leaving Lieutenant Mavern alone in the holodeck


  • Hi Gnish - I would like to take a moment to congratulate you on your post "Back from the Edge." As always, your creative writing on the competition submission was excellent - your use of descriptive writing and command of prose truly painted a visceral sense of "Being There" that I have come to enjoy in your writing. I found it refreshing that you chose to err away from the obvious convention of making a Hazard Team training mission a Combat - Orientated story and chose to focus on the more diverse and technical aspects of the Hazardous Situation Response Team mission profile. I liked that you used the convention of making Mavern's Hazard Team-mates part of the Holo-training program, instead of "in-the-flesh" (I must admit that I hadn't considered that option) but don't think that this detracted from the brief in any way. I liked the convention by which you used the TTH to frame the mission parameters at the beginning of the mission - this was a great way to set up the mission with the minimum of exposition - but do think that an opportunity was missed in not fleshing out the Master Chief character a little more (but this is a minor consideration overall). Congratulations on a post/submission that really sets the bar very high for creative writing and showed a real flair for inventiveness!! KUDOS!

    June 3, 2024