Part of USS Gilroy: Delta Quadrant Second Contact

Delta Quadrant’s Second Contact Part 6

Delta Quadrant
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Stardate 240101.28

The USS Gilroy is travelling to Brunali as part of its few-month mission in the delta quadrant completing a selection of second-contact missions with races that the USS Voyager had come in contact with on their long 7-year mission to get home when they got stranded here by the Caretaker back in 2371 on Stardate 48315.6.

While here in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the USS Gilroy have encountered some unfamiliar cultures/species in contrast to the ones they were familiar with in the Alpha Quadrant. Their current mission to the Brunali home world was to learn more about the culture as the only interaction Starfleet had with the Brunali race was when the crew of the USS Voyager found a damaged Borg ship that had been affected by a virus that was embedded one of their recent captured Borg drones DNA, leading the ships disconnection from the Borg hive mind and leading to the rescue of the young children including Icheb a Brunali child.

The mission today was to see how they were doing and to make further contact and see how they had changed their lives since the Borg had restructured their space and moved away from many of the inhabited planets including that of Brunali as they were less than one light year from the nearest Borg trans-warp conduit. The crew were there to perform their second contact mission, but also to see if the Brunali could start showing their technological advance in their day-to-day lives that they couldn’t do before, with the Borg transwarp conduit being so close.

All the people on board hoped that Voyager had also destroyed the nearby conduit when they destroyed the Borg transwarp hub in the Delta Quadrant all those years ago.

A short while passed and the USS Gilroy had arrived at the planet where they placed the ship into a high orbit around the north hemisphere. The captain then said to Lt. Commander Sharpe,

“Can you please do an up-to-date reading of the planet and correlate it to the ones we have from the database, please?” and with that, the Lt. Commander did as she was told. After a few minutes, she came back to the captain to say.

“Captain, most of the hemispheres have not changed apart from their size in the number of people living there, but the settlement in the Northern hemisphere is showing some advances in technology, but only a slight increase.”

“Thank you, Lt Commander, for the rep….,” as he said that a hail came in from that hemisphere from what we would have thought to be that community’s leaders.

“Sorry captain, we have an incoming hail from the northern hemisphere,” the Lt commander reported as she cut off the captain.

With that, the captain turned from looking at the Lt Commander and sat back in his chair and said “On the main viewer, please.”

With that, the main view changed from a view of Brunali to that of two people on the surface below them.

“Greetings I’m Captain Telkir, the Commanding Officer of the USS Gilroy and who do I have the pleasure of speaking to”. The captain asked as he stood up out of his seat, walking slightly toward the viewscreen, giving that formal strong Vulcan greeting.

“I’m Baalom and this is my partner Hedar, we are the community’s leaders here. Can I ask what you are here for as we have not heard anything from your ships or kind since one of my predecessors spoke to your fellow people years ago?” Baalom said, getting straight to the point and being very blunt about it.

“As I said My name is Captain Telkir and we are here on behalf of Starfleet and the Federation to make what we call Second Contact and check up on species that we have had contact with in the past and see if there is anything that we can do to help.” Replied Telkir.

Telkir continued to say whale walking from side to side of the bridge “According to what we know of your race from your previous encounter with one of our ships and the scans we had from surveying your planet back then, we have noticed that your technology is more visible and possible to find from scans. But only on this hemisphere that you are on now. Can I ask why that is and why not all over the planet?”

“Captain, I’m sure you have loads of questions, but why don’t you beam down shortly and have dinner with us where we will answer all and any questions you and your ship have and you can maybe answer any that we have?” Replied Hedar.

– – – – – – – – – – –

A short time passed and the Senior crew, led by the captain, appeared on the surface of Brunali. The away team consisted of Captain Telkir, First Officer Danvers, Lt. Commander Sharpe, Counsellor Allen, and a few of the Security team, including Lt Hill. Upon arriving on the planet’s surface, the team was greeted by Baalom, and seconds later, Hedar.

“Greetings, captain and welcome to our home. Who do you have here with you? We did not expect this many guests to be coming down here with you,” said Baalom.

With that, captain Telkir started going through the crew that he had brought down with him.

“May I introduce you to my first officer, Commander Rose Danvers. This is my Chief of Security Lt. Commander Sara Sharpe, our ship’s Counsellor Mr John Allen, and finally a few of our ship’s security personnel. That’s just standard away mission personnel.” With that, Baalom turned slightly, lifting her arm and inviting the captain and his senior crew into the village.

“As you can see, we lack the advancement of your starship, but we manage with what we have here.” We are a simple community, but we get along and survive,” said Baalom.

“Please Sit and eat. We will talk after we have some food,” said Hedar.

A few hours passed and the senior crew had enjoyed themselves with a lovely meal prepared by the inhabitants of the Brunali people. And with that, the Captain, the First Officer and Lt Commander Sharpe got up from the table and took a walk with Hedar and Baalom to a quieter part of the village but still in eyesight of the remaining senior crew still sat at the table with the villagers.

Upon sitting down the female Brunali spoke to the captain asking “So captain, what would you 

like to know about our village then?” with that Telkir replied, “It’s not so much what we want to know about your village as that we can determine everything from our ship senses, but what it is that we like to know is what’s changed in 25 years in the society that’s made you want to allow your technology to be detected more from space, compared to what we have on record that you don’t show any form of technology because you live so close to a Borg transwarp conduit.”

Both of the Brunali leaders were not only unsurprised by the question but also somewhat disappointed by what they heard. They felt disappointed upon learning that all species could scan and record their planet and people before even contacting them. With that, Hedar started to speak to answer the captain’s question.

“Captain, it’s a recent change to our way of living and that’s why it’s only done on one continent of the planet. A few months ago, the Wysanti visited us and delivered the news that the Borg were retreating into their own space, abandoning their boarding planets in their known space. But they also informed us that during their travels, they had gathered information from various locations indicating that many species had observed the collapse of Borg transwarp corridors over the past 25 years. Consequently, the Borg was no longer capable of instantaneously appearing or disappearing. So from this information, we started to bring our technology out into the open to all our society to get back on the path of technology and not just a society that lives from day to day and barely survives.”

Then Hedar took a sip of the drink he had brought over with him and stood up, walking around where they were sitting to lean on a support post of the canopy that they were sitting under, staring out into a beautiful sunset of their local countryside.

“So, captain, can you confirm the information we have received about the Borg and the abandonment of their outposts and borders?” Hedar inquired.” asked Hedar.

The captain then putting his own drink down replied “From what we saw recently first-hand and all the reports we were getting in from our part of space and nearby sectors and species, I can confirm that they have been withdrawing into their own space and closing off their borders for now. Why this is we have no idea. We don’t know if it’s because of a virus that was introduced to them over 20 years ago and the devastating effects it had on them back then or if it’s something new that happened recently. But yes I can confirm that they have withdrawn into their space and a lot of their transwarp conduits have collapsed because of the events of the virus from years ago it also might be because of whatever it is now that they are scared of, if they get scared at all.”

With that, Hedar turned to the group, smiled at the news, and replied, “That’s great news. I will inform the other communities that they can slowly start implementing some of their technology, but only on a small scale. I will arrange for word to be sent out at day’s break.”

And with that, Telkir stood up after finishing his drink and replied, “Thank you for the amazing food. It’s nice to have fresh cooked food from time to time instead of the replicated stuff we have on board the ship. But we must be heading back to the ship as we have a long journey back home and we can’t miss our window to get back to our side of space. But we will be in orbit for another day and if it’s ok with you, can we send some science teams down to help with anything you may need and do some geological scans something we can do from the ship but these scientists prefer to get hands-on them self as much as possible.” asked Telkir.

“Sure, not a problem, anything to continue our peaceful relations with our new friends,” said Baalom.

With that, the captain tapped his comb badge to say “Away team time to leave, say your goodbyes and form up on me.” Moments later the entire away team stood around the captain and Commander Danvers tapped her comb badge to say“Gilroy this is the away team 6 to beam up” and like before the crew disappeared as easily as they did when they arrived.

Shortly after arriving on board, the captain received a hail from the planet from Baalom and Hedar asking if they could speak to the captain in private, and with the captain taking some time to reflect on what he had learned down on the planet in his quarters, the bridge put through the call to him in his quarters.

A short while passed and everyone on the bridge, including the commander who was now in her quarters as her shift had just ended shortly after they got back on board when the communication came from the planet asking to speak to the captain. All discussing and speculating on the bridge what the communication could be about just like the commander was doing in her quarters to what it was about.

Moments later, the commander’s comb badge went, and it was the captain calling to let her know what the call was about.

“So Commander I guess you were wondering what the call from the planet was about.” without getting an answer the captain continued to say “Baalom and Hedar have informed me that a few of their members have shown an interest in wanting to leave their home world and join Starfleet.” This put a surprised look on the commander’s face, as it was not what she was expecting to get from them. 

“I’ve told them that I would love to take them with us but because of our prime directive and not being able to get in touch with Starfleet quickly for an answer I have said that I would have a load of information put together and sent down. So that they will have access to it and can read up on Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets before deciding if they are already.” 

He took a second and took a sip of his drink while getting up. Then he continued to say “I’m Going to drop a communication beacon in the nearby system with the same information and a communication relay set to contact the Starfleet personnel on board the Markonian Outpost or any other nearby ship and get them to relay the message to the station if any races nearby that do not have fast space worthy ships capable of warp to be able to request in person at the station.” with the captain taking another sip of his drink the commander took that as a sign for her to be able to speak before the captain started again.

“Well, captain what do I say that’s great news that the Brunali wants to join Starfleet after only two meetings with us. As for the beacon, I think that’s a fantastic way to allow other species the ability to communicate with us either for the first time or even for the second time and make contact.”

“Inform the bridge commander of what we are going to be doing and for them to have a communication beacon ready to be deployed within 6 hours, as that’s when we will break orbit and make our way back to the Alpha quadrant, please. Also please have them fit the beacon with a 2-way communication relay set to contact any Starfleet ship if nearby or have it set to beam the communication to the station directly if there is none.”

“Oh and have the science department put together a directory of information ready to be sent to the planet in the next 5 hours shortly before I send them a heartfelt communication from me about joining Starfleet and about their fellow member Icheb’s life in Starfleet and his life aboard the USS Voyager when he left with them almost 3 decades ago”

With that he tapped his comb badge ending the call and not giving the commander a chance to reply. Something he never normally does but he knew that he had a task ahead of himself and needed to get down to it straight away. The captain made his way to the holodeck to have himself recorded as a hologram so he could have the speech he was about to make sent down to the planet when he was finished.

– – – – – – – – – – –

To the Citizens of the Brunali homeworld, I have been informed that quite a few of you are showing interest in joining Starfleet. 

First, I would like to say it would be an honour for us to have you join Starfleet but I like to get you to take your time and think about it as this is a big decision for you to take on and a very far away from your home world. But for now, I would like to let you know what Starfleet and the Federation are all about, by doing this I am going to give you a brief understanding of what we are about and read two passaged from Earth’s history that will help with the understanding of what the Federation is about.

The United Federation of Planets is a supranational interstellar union of multiple planetary constituent political entities under a single central government, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, peace, justice, and progress, with the purpose of furthering the universal rights of all sentient life. Federation members exchange knowledge and resources to facilitate peaceful cooperation, scientific development, space exploration, and mutual defence.

I like to go back to an early Earth speech that happened 439 years ago by one of Earth’s leaders of one of their many different continents and variations of Earth cultures and beliefs.

It was a speech given by a man called John F. Kennedy at the time of the speech he was not a leader but later in his years, he did become one of Earth’s many leaders of a continent called the United States of America. This is where the Federation is based now, with its Academy and structures designed for teaching their current and future cadets.

I would say this speech by Mr Kennedy was Earth’s first push to get them into space decades before they eventually made their first Warp jump and got the notice of the Vulcans, which is the race that I am from.

“For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon, and the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.”

As I said before, I believe this is the push that gave the human race that drive to make for the stars, the same drive I and now seeing in you the Brunali people. I hope you take the wisdom that came from John F. Kennedy those 439 years ago in your stride to enter space and explore like many races and worlds have done before you are once of peace and exploration to make your planet, and your culture a better one not just for yourself but also for everyone that are ever to come in contact with you in the future.

Like I said before the Federation is a union of planets, this consists of over 150 member worlds, many that have been a part of the Federation since the beginning with the rest joining over time as the Federation explored the space and galaxy around them, in search for them to seek out a strange new world, new life and new civilisation, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

But in the very early days of the Federation before the Federation was formed and the United Federation of Planets was formed there was yet another man that I would like to mention that also gave the human race the final push to get out there in space and because of the amazing work he did and something he did by mistake also brought my Race to Earth for the first time. This man was Zefram Cochrane. He designed Earth’s first warp engine, this man designed it to be able to travel to another part of his planet so he could live out the rest of his life in peace. But by a miracle, he didn’t know that he had designed the warp engine.

This great guy as I said, gave the next amazing speech to push the people of the human race to not just settle for what they have but always look for the future and try to expand and improve on what they have. And here is what he said.

“On this site, a powerful engine will be built. An engine that will someday help us travel a hundred times faster than we can today. Imagine it. Thousands of inhabited planets are at our fingertips. And we’ll be able to explore those strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilisations. This engine will let us go boldly where no man has gone before.”

Again, as you will see, he also mentioned that the human race strives for the stars and seeks new life and civilisation. So from what I have said here and what I am trying to get to you life can be an amazing thing for you to explore especially when you head out into space if it is to join us the Federation or if it is just for you to improve your world and keep yourself to yourself.

The final bit I would like to say to you is about one of your own as I have had a few questions put to me on what happened to a fellow member of your race, how he is doing and where he is.

First off, he stayed with the crew of the USS VOYAGER and made his way with them back to the Alpha Quadrant where Earth is over time he entered Starfleet and made a career for himself. As to his whereabouts and his condition, I can not say but from the last records we have on file he was on an assignment and doing well he had passed the academy and made his way on board a ship of his own, serving under a new Captain and along with a new crew.

With that, I like to thank you, the Brunali people for your time and hope to see you one day among the many different cultures and races walking the halls of Starfleet Academy.

With this, the captain ended the holo recording and then transmitted it down to the planet, and made his way back to his quarters. On the way he contacted the bridge to set course for the wormhole and to remind them that they were to drop off the communication relay on the way and to inform him when it was done as he was going to go and retire to his quarters.