Part of USS Paramount: S1E3 | Trapped Inside and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Act Three: Waking

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240109.09 | 10:11
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Slowly Nitus awoke and stood from the floor. The emergency klaxon blared in her ear as she took in the disaster around her. EPS modules across the bridge exploded and almost every console was damaged. She looked around the deck and saw T'Soni lying dormant on the floor. She made her way over to check on her Vulcan first officer.

Enzo slowly began to resume his station. As he grabbed his head feeling the blood dripping from his brow. “What happened?” he said in a whisper so only he heard it. He turned towards the science station as his eyes frantically searched for someone.

“Report,” Nitus said to him, her voice cutting through the chaos on the bridge as she helped T'Soni to her feet.

Enzo regained his composure as he remembered the task at hand and looked at his console."Multiple hull breaches on the decks four through seven and fourteen through sixteen. Internal force fields offline bulkheads are sealed and are holding," he said as he remembered what had happened before everything went black. “Life support has failed completely on those decks and main power is cut off ship-wide but emergency power is holding steady.”

Nitus looked around her now damaged bridge as Enzo read off the damage report, his voice slowly fading out as she became lost in thought about all the crewmembers she had just lost. She wondered how they had found themselves in this unspeakable situation, and how they would find themselves out of it.

 Zahir slowly sat on the floor, the emergency klaxon every present in her ears. A persistent ringing overpowering it. She slowly looked around the room.

“Commander,” Kevil said faintly. Zahir's ears were still ringing but started to subside as the Andorain engineer approached her. “Commander.”

“I'm here Kevil,” she said, her voice hoarse as she tried to signal to him to come to her. She slowly pushed herself off the floor. Then a massive headache started to set in as she moved towards where she heard a voice come from. As she started to move her knees went wobbly and she started to slip.

Kevil reached his hand out to support her as she collapsed in his arms.

“I need-” was all she could say before she went unconscious.

Just then a female Caitian medic came over and took her from his hand. He watched as the medic examined his superior. The realization slowly hit him… he was now in charge.

Slowly he backed up away from Zahir and towards the core as the medic went to work. As he turned around the majority of the engineering officers on deck were standing there staring at him. “Your orders, sir,” one of them said. He recognized the voice as Thomas Hulton, a shift engineer.

Kevil, still not sure of how he was going to proceed, thought of how he would go about it. What she might say. “All warp system engineers get to work in stabilizing the core, damage control teams know what to do, structural engineers make sure the ship isn't going to collapse in on itself and lastly impulse system engineers get to the impulse drive and access the damage report back hereafter. I know you are scared but let's remember what the Commander would say,” he said as they chuckled remembering how unserious Zahir could be to lighten and brighten even the most heaviest and precarious situation. “So let's get to work so we won't have to hear it,” he said as he finished dispatching his orders.

Kevil turned as he began to work on getting the system back online before he realized that everyone else was still staring at him. “Now,” Kevil shouted as they hurried off to execute their orders.


  • Another nice flash of action, I'm enjoying the way that we're getting glimpses from different aspects of the ship. I'm enjoying the growing feel of this mission with fact paced snapshots, which when combined with the one hour = one chapter style are a great way to keep up the pace. I look forward to seeing how it develops.

    June 27, 2024
  • Another really nice piece of writing, giving an insight into the condition of the ship and some of its crew. Everyone needs to step up and get organised, which is exactly what Kevil is doing in Engineering. They seemed a bit slow to react, probably a little stunned after what just happened, but hopeful they can rally together and fix everything up.

    June 28, 2024
  • I'm loving the flash fiction style of the chapters thus far. It really gets across how disjointed things must be feeling for the crew. Bit of a different spin on show, not tell (at least to me). Nitus and her crew members' responses to the crisis show determination and efficiency in the face of adversity. Enzo and Kevil definitely showcased the crew’s resiliency, especially as Kevil is suddenly thrust into leadership after the Chief Engineer loses consciousness.. The chaos on the bridge and the damage reports provide a vivid picture of the dire situation the crew finds themselves in, with multiple challenges to overcome. The chapter effectively conveys the sense of teamwork and camaraderie among the crew members as they band together to address the various issues on the ship. I’m eager to see how they will tackle the challenges ahead.

    June 30, 2024