Part of USS Jaxartes: Undercurrent and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Part E: …And A Hard Place

Underspace Corridor
4th September 2401
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Everyone waited with slight trepidation as the Devore warship closed in; no one moved or spoke.  Only when Ensign Cho’s voice cut through the silence did the rest of the bridge crew react. “They’re hailing us Captain.”

Commander Salan held up his hand before Devron could issue any orders. “If I may?  The Devore will be expecting the highest ranking officer aboard this vessel to be in charge.”

The Lieutenant guessed the Commander had a point; to some races appearances was everything.  Though he was still concerned as to how these Devore would react to seeing a Vulcan on their screens.  “Are you sure, they may perceive you as a threat.”

“I am well aware of their attitudes to telepaths and forms of mind reading.” Countered Salan calmly. “But they are well outside their jurisdiction here.”

Reluctantly Devron got up out of the Captains seat. “If you say so, Sir.”

The Vulcan sat down. “Put them through.” 

A humanoid male in his mid-forties from the look of him appeared on the main view screen; the ridges that curved around the brow were clearly visible, the small one in the centre of the forehead was hardly noticeable though.  “Ah, if it isn’t the magnificent and exulted Federation.” The man said with a mocking tone. “I am Inspector Pyshal of the Devore Imperium.” 

“Commander Salan, USS Jaxartes.” Replied the Commander formally 

“Your ship seems to be a little stuck!” The Inspector noted, a slight altogether unpleasant grin half forming on his lips. “But I am feeling in a generous mood today.” 

“Generous in what way?” Enquired Salan, impassively.

“Send me the hull stress levels of your ship, and we’ll drag you out with a tracker beam.” Pyshal answered back.

Tholakath looked back from his seat at tactical; information like that could give the warship an advantage in battle, though the fact the Imperium vessel was at least ten times the size of the corvette and carried multiple weapons, already indicated how one sided a swift such a fight would be.  The Vulcan noted the Cardassian’s concern; a race that inherently sought to gain any advantage they could.  He gave the Ensign a reassuring nod. “That’s most kind of you.  Sending the data now.”

Nothing happened for a few minutes, other than the Inspector cutting the communication, the screen returning to an image of the Devore ship.  Then the green shaft of light from a tractor beam, lanced out from a point part way along the underside of the warship.

There was a feeling of static in the air throughout the ship; outside on the hull, the particles began to dance around, shimmering like waves.  Some began to float up, caught in the pull of the beam; and with them, almost unnoticeable at first, the Jaxartes started to rise from her resting place.  Eventually the small corvette was well clear of the asteroid; and it was at this moment that the Inspector reappeared on their screen.

“See, all in a day’s work, for the mighty Imperium.” Smiled Pyshal. 

“We are very grateful for your assistance.” The Commander acknowledged.  “If there is any way we can return the favour, just ask.” 

“Oh, there is a perfectly good way you can return the favour, as you put it.”  That grin was back, but more noticeable. “Prepare for inspection.” He added coldly. 

The words had barely left the inspectors lips; when 20 officers and guards of the Devore Imperium, beamed into four key areas of the ship, six of which were on the bridge itself. “Assistant Inspector Koryl.” Announced one of them. “Your full co-operation is mandatory.”

“This is an outrage.” The Vulcan’s normally calm demure appeared a little shaken by the sudden twists in events. “What authority do you have to board and inspect a Federation vessel in neutral territory?”  He’d chosen the word neutral, though they had no real idea of where they were at present.

“First off you invited us.” Pyshal glared back from the view screen. “And secondly anywhere a ship of the Imperium goes, is by right Imperium territory.”

“Invited?” It was Devron who asked the question having stood silently during the previous exchange. 

“If there is any way we can return the favour, just ask. Your Commanders exact words. And isn’t allowing us to perform our duties unhindered, a way of doing that?” The Inspector seemed to gloat.


The inspection was swift yet thorough; every member of the Jaxartes crew was scanned to determine their race and therefore the level of threat they may present to the Imperium.  Past encounters and the information they’d gathered during them, gave the Devore knowledge of which species within the Federation had the potential to be telepathic.  There was a mixture of anger, resentment and sometimes fear on the faces of the crew, but none made anything other than a token gesture of defiance.  With weapons pointed in their direction at all times, there was very little any of they could have done; not without the likelihood of being killed.  Every section of the ship was checked, bridge, sick bay, engineering, recreation and sleeping areas; they even ordered the opening of boxes and other containers within the fore and aft cargo bays, to verify their content.  They even checked the transporter buffers; a clear sign they’d learned from past errors.  And whilst this was going on, every shred of data was being retrieved from the ships computer and sent back to the warship.

When Commander Salan was taken from the bridge, his last words to the Lieutenant were. “It’s your duty to see this crew safely home.”

Ensign Torf was also taken from engineering, but having conducted a number of tests aboard their ship the Devore sent him back just over an hour later; evidently satisfied he didn’t have any telepathic ability.  Though when he returned he was clearly shaken by the ordeal he’d gone through.   

Inspector Pyshal’s face reappeared on the screen. “Crew of the Federation vessel Jaxartes.  You may consider the inspection concluded.” He announced. “You are free to continue on your way.” 

As his image disappeared for one final time, the Devore warship moved away as quickly as it had arrived.  All eyes of those left on the bridge turned to Jason, looking for instructions, looking for answers. 

“Ensign Harris, lay in a pursuit course and follow that ship.” Devron ordered calmly.

“Aye sir, with pleasure.” The Helmsman replied.


  • Devore doing their misfit inspections after doing a good "deed", no surprise there that they would pull this card. But you portrayed the Devore attitude and personality quite well and it was wonderful to read. My goodness I have not missed those guys. I do wonder what will happen to the Commander, more to come I hope! Great post!

    June 22, 2024
  • I like how you used tensions throughout this chapter --some of them continuing from previous instalments-- without clearly answering the questions of who's right and who's wrong. The power imbalance between Devon and Salan is flaring up in the satisfying way that was teased by some of the crew's mixed loyalties earlier. Salan's gambit that the Devore would respect their sovereignty was suitably tense, especially when he was nominally the instrument of his own downfall. Not that space fascists really need any excuses or wordplay. This is a fun set-up of what's to come!

    June 22, 2024