Part of USS Luna: Boldly Going and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Say Hello

Starbase 86
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—— Starbase 86, Operations —-

Commodore Ciffao Tharc studied Commander Olivia Carrillo and nodded satisfied at the last report from the commander’s away mission on the runabout Apollo. She picked up the western pulp novel, still printed on dead trees, and studied it before putting it back down.

“With Captain Cruz still on rest the USS Luna is ready for service,” the Commodore said, “And with these apertures opening up in Underspace we’re needing to study them. Between this and Fleet Day we’re stretched thin, so for now you’ll remain in command of the USS Luna, though I did try to find a new Captain for you.”

“Cruz is coming back right?” Carrillo asked.

Tharc nodded, “As far as I know. You however ship out tomorrow, to study Underspace and see what’s on the other side of one of the openings. Try not to blow the ship up again.”

Carrillo began to protest then nodded, “Yes Ma’am.”

“Dismissed,” Commodore Tharc said waving her hand at the commander.


—- Starbase 86, Personal Quarters —-

While the First Officer’s Quarters on the Luna were sizable, the shared accommodations on a starbase far outstripped them. Drying her hair after a shower with real water, Carrillo took a deep breath and checking on the time in New York, called her family. Communications with family back on Earth could get lost in the rigorous of duty, and she took what chances she got to call them on a starbase where the connection was more instant than just sending a message.

Her sister appeared on the screen, a young woman who worked in distributing social housing to families in New York, a job that was still required even all this time after moving beyond capitalism.

“Hey,” Olivia said to her sister, the younger Carrillo waving, “Is mom and dad around?”

Olivia’s sister yelled their names. She had been the twin of Carrillo’s brother whom she had had to kill during Fleet Day when he had been taken over by the Borg. It hurt to see a reminder of what she’d had to lose, what she’d had to do. Though she had not wanted it to Olivia had to admit that the memory of that day had driven her away from her sister, and if in a small way her family.

“Olivia’s calling,” her sister repeated shouting around the small New York residence that was packed with Carrillos.

“There you are,” her mother said entering the viewscreen, “Are you eating enough?”

“What is it? Who’s calling?” asked her father coming into view, “Oh it’s Olivia. How are you darling, have you eaten? I’m making steaks tonight.”

“That’s nice, I can’t come over I’m across the universe, Starbase 86, by the Klingon and Romulan borders,” Carrillo explained.

“What’s she saying?” her mother asked, “There’s Klingon hoarders? Why do they have so much stuff?”

“No that’s not,” Olivia began.

“We had Vulcan neighbors once, they were very polite,” Mrs. Carrillo said.

“I’m just…” Carrillo tried to interject.

“I like their robes,” her father said.

“Klingons don’t wear robes,” her mother said.

“No the Vulcans next door,” her father said, “They didn’t like my barbecuing through, I could never get them to eat my steaks.”

“They’re vegan dad,” Olivia’s sister said.

“I thought they were Vulcans,” her father said.

“She said Klingons,” her mother said.

“We never lived next to any Klingons,” her father said, “At least I think so. Do Klingons like steak?”

Realizing that the conversation might go on like this forever she described to blurt out her news and log off before they all got old. Looking for a break in the flow of the conversation she said quickly, “I’m getting married.”

This for a moment shut up the flurry of talking on the other end. Her father was the first to speak “Congratulations.”

“Thank you daddy,” Carrillo said.

“You’re getting married to a Klingon?” her mother asked.

“No mommy, to Lambert. Pierre you met him,” Carrillo said.

“I thought that was just a phase,” her mother said.

“A phase?”

“You’re young, you date someone French, it’s how the world works,” her mother pointed out.

Carrillo was not sure that was how the world worked, but she was glad to have gotten it out. She explained that they wanted to get married on Earth but it would be awhile before they could return. The USS Luna was meant to be exploring the underspace, and time on a Spacedock might be rare for the next little bit. But she’d be home as soon as possible, and no she did not have a wedding dress yet.

Finally she logged off and collapsed on the bed too tired to move.


—- Starbase 86, Docks —-

The USS Luna’s Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander Young nodded as Commander Carrillo approached, pointed out the the USS Luna which was getting a final panel installed by a worker bee craft as the crew began to board. Technically they had until the evening to get the craft started and moving, but Young liked to have everything ready before hand.

“We really leaving with the Captain?” Young asked, there had not been much of a mission brief for this given that it was basically go out and find stuff.

“Should be a milk run,” Carrillo said, “Go out, take some readings and log where underspace takes us. Basically they could have sent an Oberth-class to do this, but given that they’re stretched thin Starfleet’s calling on us.”

Young nodded, “Mission Pod will be updated later today to the sensor suite. Ready to take some readings.”

Carrillo nodded, “Alright, I’m going to go find my temporary First Officer and make sure she actually comes to the bridge this time.”

Young nodded, it was well known that as Chief Counsellor Lieutenant Yuhiro Kolem preferred to remain in her office to serving on the bridge. Despite the captain’s faith in the woman, Carrillo did not see her as being ready for a command role.

Still this was Captain Cruz’s ship and crew, Carrillo was just keeping the center seat warm for her.


  • I enjoyed this post especially the banter of Carrillo's parents. It made me laugh because it holds such high accuracy on the banter of parents and you did it so well. Her parents seem like some pleasant folks, but as always they don't hear everything said through comms. this was clever and I enjoyed it. I am interested to see how Carrillo does without Cruz by her side. She seems capable of doing the job whatever that maybe. Awesome post!

    June 26, 2024
  • Its a very warm story to see Carrillo talk to her family in such a manner and seeing how they are and think about everything that is happening around them. But now Carrillo is set out to her next mission, again without Cruz and I wouldn't be surprised if she would get her own command after all this is done. Looking forward to see more of her development

    June 26, 2024
  • The exchange between Carrillo and the family was just brilliant; only half hearing thing and going off at tangents, wonderfully crazy and so natural. And I'm sure Klingon's would love his steak. Can't wait to see where this leads and how Carrillo gets on in command.

    June 30, 2024