Part of USS Paramount: S1E3 | Trapped Inside and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Act Five: Stress

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Underspace Corridor
Stardate: 240109.09 | 10:20
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Captain's Personal Log. This has been in the top five worst days of being in command. I was supposed to be at Olympia Stations by now having a drink with Alex and causing way to much chaos. But no I have to be stuck in an Underspace corridor. Oh and on top of that the main power is offline and life support is failing so you a know a tipyical day in Starfleet. To pile on to that internal communications is down and tubrolifts aren't working so we can't contact any of the other decks so we're stuck and on top of that. We have detected with surprisingly woking sensors that the corridor we are currently in is closing. Where you may ask? We have no idea. This day is positively absolutely fucked. But at least most of the crew is still alive.

Kevil walked towards the warp core as he approached one of the control consoles an ensign came up to him. “Sir, I've found something,” he said to the Andorian. Kevil glanced at him for but a moment as he continued with his work. “What is it Ensign Haythorn?” he enquired.

“I've detected that we have 12 hours before the Underspace corridor we are in closes and we are pulled back into normal space,” Haythorn said to his superior. As he looked around to make sure the others couldn't hear him. After Kevil registered what he said. He whipped his head around staring at the Ensign intensely. “How did you find this out?” he asked the young officer.

“Short-range sensors are still operatable,” Haythorn responded. Kevil looked back at the task he was previously doing as he finished working. He turned and led the ensign towards the pool table and looked at all the systems that still needed to be repaired.

“I need you to find Lieutenant Thomas Hilton and inform him the timetable has been moved up he has nine hours,” he said as Haythorn turned to leave before Kevil stopped him, “I'm not done,” he said sternly. “Gather a small team and fix the turbolift more importantly reach the bridge. We have to update the Commander or whoever is in charge of our current situation,” he said as he finished speaking. Haythorn stood there waiting for Kevil to dismiss him. "You're dismissed he said as he realized the engine was still there.

“H- he- hello,” a voice said as it echoed through engineering. Everyone froze at the sound of the voice. “This is Dr. Cada Blix, can anyone hear me?” the voice said as everyone slowly went back to work realizing it wasn't the commander they were hoping for.

“Doctor, this is Lieutenant Kevil ch'Kavor, deputy chief engineer,” he responded as he walked towards the duty officer's officer at the far side of the deck.

“Lieutenant, where is Lieutenant Commander Davidson,” Bilx said urgently.

“She is hurt and unconscious but luckily a young medical officer managed to stabilize her. But more importantly, how are you able to reach us? We have been trying to reach the bridge for the past two hours,” he asked her.

“I have no idea. I haven't been able to reach anyone on the other decks,” Blix said, “Do you have any news?"

Kevil thought to himself as he realized he only had bad news and worst news. “I have bad news and worst news,” he said dryly.

“Anastasia,” Cada called out as the doors of his office opened giving him a glimpse of the chaos that was sickbay. Since the debris hit the ship, sickbay has been overfilled with injured people from minor scratches to broken bones. They have had their hands filled with the amount of people coming in and out.

Cada moved through the crowded walkway briskly as he searched for the deputy chief medic. “Yes, Doctor,” a soft voice said from behind him. He turned to see who the response had come from and was treated by the tired expression of Anastasia Kast a skilled young woman who had impressed Cada since the day they met all those years ago. “Follow me,” he said to her in a hushed tone.

He led them back to his office as what he had to share was something they needed to discuss in private. “I've managed to get in contact with Engineering,” he said as they entered the office. The door swooshed closed behind them as they sat down on the small sofa in the corner of the room.

“What did they say?” Kast inquired as she led towards him eager to hear his response.

Cada sat there as he thought of where he should start the bad news or the worst news. “Lieutenant Commander Davison is unconscious luckily Zora Harper was there to stabilize her so she is okay," he said to Kast.

Anastasia listened intently and planned on recommending the young officer for a promotion after they returned home. Cada on the other hand was more worried about how she would take the rest of the news he had to share with her. As that was much much worse.

“Turbolifts aren't working ship-wide, we can't contact the bridge so we don't know who is in charge, engines are damaged, internal force fields are offline, also it turns out we are in Underspace and the corridor we are in is closing. Oh and on top of all that life support is failing with a little over eleven hours left before we all pass out and freeze,” he said in one breath. He only then realized the true peril they were in.

“Wow,” Kast said. She was shocked the ship was still holding together after all of that.

Anastasia had been in a similar situation before but was on a much more advanced ship than this one. “What can we do to help?” she asked him. She knew Cada long enough to know that he would always look for a way to help especially when it came to younger officers trying to find their place in the fleet.

The bridge had been largely silent after they found out that life support was failing. The only sound came from the thud of Nitus' shoes hitting the hard floor as she paced behind the forward stations. She'd practically paced a hole into the floor with her constant back and forth.

“Have you been able to reach anyone?” the Romulan commander asked the El-Aurian who occupied the communications station. The “young” officer turned to her Romulan commander as she nodded her head 'no'.

Nitus was beginning to become worried. They had been waiting for hours to reach someone anyone from the other decks. Then a large echoing boom came from the turbolift shaft. The sound had pulled everyone's attention as they all froze with fear hoping the sound was just a figment of their imagination.

Each of them looked at someone close to them trying to figure out if they weren't the only one to hear that sound. As they shared a worried expression they figured out they weren't making it up.

Arva and Enzo grabbed a phaser and slowly approached the door. As they did another large boom could be heard then another and another it soon formed a rhythm the tempo and volume increasing more and more as it approached them.

Then the sound came to an abrupt stop as the doors of the lift slowly opened. Arva and Enzo raised their phaser as they tried to figure out who it was that had managed to use the tubolift.

There stood a sweaty Thomas Hilton as he and his team looked at the security chief and chief helmsman as they noticed they were being held at phaser point."It's only us," Hilton said as he and his team placed their PADDs down and slowly exited the lift.

Arva and Enzo dropped their phaser back down to their sides as the engineering team exited the tubolift and on to the bridge.

They looked around as they tried to find their commander. As soon as Hilton spotted her took a few steps closer to her. “Commander, I need to speak with you urgently.”