Part of USS Jaxartes: Undercurrent and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Part G: Great Balls Of Fire

Underspace Corridor
9th September 2401
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First Officers Personal Log: 


We’ve been following the Devore Warship just over five days now; there have been a couple more branches in the Underspace Corridor, but it is clear they are just as lost as we are right now.  Tension aboard the ‘Jax’ is running high, we’ve already had one fight break out between two of the crew; which as First Officer I dealt with.  I did feel like bashing their heads together, but apparently that would be frowned upon.


I’ve been keeping a careful eye on our Captain to; he took it pretty hard when the Commander was captured the first time round, but we were all too busy to dwell on the matter.  This time round there are no distractions, just the monotony of these tunnels.


The ship itself is 95% fixed, thought without a Chief Engineer, it hasn’t been easy. I have to commend Petty Officer Lightwood, crewmembers Tyson and N’Quith for the outstanding work they have put in.  I’ve tried to be of some help in Engineering, but I only fly the damn thing!  Hitting delicate equipment is also frowned upon.


<End Log>

Lieutenant Stuart sat up on the bunk, placing her Padd down on her pillow for a moment.  With space aboard ship limited, the return of Commander Salan had meant she was now sharing with Ensign Cho, just as she had done when they’d first joined the crew.  She didn’t mind that too much, the young Korean woman was always tidy; and her boyfriend had only forgot himself the once.

Poor Chad Harris, she smiled to herself, he just didn’t know which way to look.  When she told Cho, the Communications Officer thought it was hilarious, couldn’t look at him for the rest of the day without sniggering.  What on Earth the Captain thought was going on: was anyone’s guess. 

Now though it was time to finish putting on her uniform and head for the bridge.  Just before reaching the door, the Orion felt the vessel pitch over to one side.  As she entered the bridge, Stuart asked what was happening.

“A large ball of plasma just came down the tunnel.” C’Rren informed her. “Speed reading 3000 km/s.”

“Any idea where it came from?” Was the First Officers follow up question.

“Negative.  But the Devore have stopped.”  Replied Tholakath.

“Bring us in nice and steady Mister Harris.”  Devron urged from the Captains seat. “Nice and steady.”

The gap between the two vessels slowly shrank.  “Picking up increasing levels of electromagnetic and gravimetric disturbances.”  Came the Caitian Science Office.  “Also vast amounts of Ultraviolet, X-ray and Gamma Ray radiation ahead of us.”

“Any theories?”  Devron asked him. 

“Based on that and the rest of the data coming in, I’d say there is a strong possibility of a star being at the end of this corridor!”  C’Rren informed him.

“No wonder they put the brakes on.” Piped up Harris.  “We’re getting close to their maximum firing range.”

“Just a little closer if you will.” Urged the Captain, edging forward in his seat, as if being just that little bit closer to the view screen would make any difference to what he was able to see.  There was a definite change in the look of the tunnels walls; a mix of darker orange, browns and the flash of red.  Like an angry storm brewing up.

“Second plasma ball, on a collision course with the Warship.” C’Rren shouted out.

Stuart who was standing next to him, gripped the back of the science officers chair. “Oh come on get that thing shifted! You should never have stopped!” Despite them being the enemy she was still routing for them to get clear. “Your mass to power ratio from a standing start is abysmal.” 

The ball of plasma was nearly twice the size of the Devore ship, which was turning agonisingly slowly, compared to the ball of fire and energy hurtling towards in. It struck along the port side, collapsing the shields in an instant a raking across multiple decks.  Explosions dotted the hull, as like a knife through butter the plasma cut a huge swath through thick armour plating.  Even at the distance they still were, those members of the bridge crew watching the main view screen saw the bright flash of impact.  Being much small, the USS Jaxartes was able to dodge the still on coming ball and watch it pass by without harming them. 

“Get us in quick.” Shouted Dervon. “I won’t damage reports on the Devore, and scan for the Commander.”

Wreaked and without any ability to turn away the warship was now on a collision course with the outer wall of the tunnel.  As the corvette closed in they could see the damage already inflicted.  “Multiple hull breaches.  Power out across 75% of the ship.  Life-support systems failing in almost all sections and decks.”  The list the Caitian and Cardassian were calling out between them never seemed to end.  “They can’t launch half the surviving escape pods or their shuttles.”

“Have you picked up the Commanders life signs?” Shouted Devron, clearly agitated.  Before him a few hundred members of the Devore Imperium had either died or were dying right before his eye, and with them quite possible their Vulcan Commander.

“Got him!” Yelled Tholakath.  “Sending co-ordinates to the Transporter room now.”

The Captain contacted Petty Officer Lightwood. “Do you have him?” Silence followed. “Do you have the Commander.” Each word was spoken loud, slowly and with emphasis.  More agonising seconds past without any reply. Dervon’s fist banged away at the armrest of his chair.  Everyone else had gone silent, silently wishing or praying.

“I can confirm Commander Salan is aboard.” The voice of Lightwood was clear and crisp: everyone on the bridge heard it and jumped with visible relief. 

“Captain, I’m getting a transmission from the warship.” Cho interrupted the jubilation.

“On screen.” Called out the Captain. 

The image on the screen was one of chaos. Inspector Pyshal clearly with a large cut across his temple; was in the centre of the screen.  At least two large fires raged out of control behind him on the bridge.  “Come to gloat at our misfortune Starfleet?  Your triumph will be short lived.”  The Inspector turned his head to one side. “Set auto destruct.”

Dervon looked across for confirmation, and received an affirmative nod.  By moving the Jaxartes within transporter range they had also put themselves within the blast radius of the much larger vessel.  Even at full impulse they wouldn’t get clear, not if the self-destruct timer was set as low as they in would be suspected. 

“Red Alert! Divert all available power to shields and brace for impact.” Yelled Devron. Then patching himself through to the whole ship, he continued.  “All crew brace for imminent impart.” 

Thirty-two seconds later the Devore warship disintegrated, in a massive fireball that lit up the whole tunnel.  The blast rocked the Federation corvette from stem to stern.  Like a small boat in a hurricane the USS Jaxartes was tossed around.   Equipment and controls that had survived the initial entry into the Underspace Corridors and some that had been patched up and repaired: blew.  But with the destruction of the Devore ship, came the collapse of this section of the corridor; dropping the corvette unceremoniously back into real space. 

It took a while for the emergency lighting to kick in on the bridge, and the extraction fans struggled to clear the smoke.  Both Helm and Tactical were wreaked.  Ensigns Harris and Tholakath had suffered minor burns to their hands and arms.  Lieutenant Stuart was slightly shaken, but the young Caitian had saved her from any great injury, by grabbing hold of her and holding tight.  In fact he was a little slow in letting Stuart go again, C’Rren’s paw like hands visible shaking; she took them in her own for a moment, and whispered her thanks leaning towards him. “But come on Ensign, people need our help.”  The Caitian shook himself and nodded, before grabbing a medical kit. 

Everyone was too busy, putting out fires or getting medical treatment to notice Commander Salan walk onto the bridge.  When Devron did catch sight of him, he noticed the severe look across the Vulcan’s face. “Lieutenant, you put this ship and its crew in grave danger.” Salan said in a measured yet stern voice. “And do not use the excuse of saving my life either.”

“But….” Devron’s words were cut off by a raised hand.

“I thought you might have at least learned the safety of the many out ways the life of one.”  The one the Vulcan referred to was of cause himself.  He closed his eyes a moment shaking his head.  “Did I fail to temper that head strong mentality of yours, after all?” 

“No Sir.” Devron replied softly. 

The Vulcan straightened up and looked him squarely in the eye. “Lieutenant Junior Grade Dervon, I am here by relieving you of command of the USS Jaxartes. There will be a review of your conduct arranged at an appropriate juncture.  Is that clear?”

The bridge went silent, even the bleeps from those consuls still functioning seemed to cease as everyone looked in the direction of the two men standing in the centre.

“Permission to speak freely?” Asked Stuart, still not entirely sure she’d heard right. 

“Permission deigned.” Barked the Commander. “You’ve got a job to do, all of you, so I suggest you focus on that.”  

This was an unprecedented situation none of them ever thought they’d be in; they would pull together and get the ship running again.  But what then?  What came next?




  • That was a hot rollercoaster ride for the Jax! A wonderful and tense building scene that got our favorite Vulcan back. But I have to admit, Salan did give the order not to rescue him and yet Devron did ignore him so this was deemed to happen, though some gratitude would be great from Salan. Wonderful work here, looking forward to more!

    June 30, 2024