Part of USS Jaxartes: As The World Falls Down and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Part A: Old As The Hills

Caeruleum Vargus Binary Star System
10th September 2401
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Captains Log:


Having taken over command of the USS Jaxartes once more, I have submitted an account of our encounter with the warship from the Devore Imperium and its eventual destruction which enabled our escape from the ‘Underspace Corridor’.


Our current location is Caeruleum Vargus Binary Star System, an extremely rare Blue Dwarf star orbiting a more common K class star.  We are due to rendezvous with the USS Cuyahoga Valley, the Oberth class vessel which is part of the Fleet Auxiliary, the scientific crew of which was studying the aperture and it effect on the two stars and their orbiting planets. 


Damaged and without a Chief Engineer, we must remain here until assistance arrives from the

SS Alchemist, which is also part of the Fleet Auxiliary.


<End Log> 

Commander Salan exited his quarters and took the short walk to the bridge; as the doors opened, Lieutenant Stuart who was currently sat in the captain’s seat, looked back over her shoulder.  “Nearly there Sir.” She informed him, trying her best to be both formal and cheerful; but failing at the latter.

“Thank you Number One.” The Vulcan either ignored or didn’t pick up on it. “Mister Harris, on screen if you please.” 

“Aye, Sir.” The normally up bet and cheerful New Zealand seemed a little down to; in fact most of the crew did, especially those officers on the bridge.  They all felt Lieutenant Devron had been treated badly by the Commander after the successful rescue of the Vulcan for the Devore; and there was the important point ‘successful’, surely that accounted for something?  They all felt they’d have done the same thing, and raced in to save the Commander from certain death, before the Warship blew up.  The fact that Inspector Pyshal had hastened the demise of his ship and therefore its entire crew, by the setting of the self-destruct, wasn’t something the Lieutenant could have foreseen.  No, they would make their feelings felt once this mission was conclude; whatever they were to entail once they’d made contact with the Cuyahoga Valley.

The Oberth itself was slowly coming into view of the main screen.  An almost uniquely designed class of vessel.  They’d never found the same level of fame that other classes of ship had attained, but these rugged workhorse had seen it all.  Modifications; warp core replacement, overhauls, internal redesign; you name it, they’d been through it.  In order to keep themselves in service and of some use to the Federation; some had even ended up in civilian hands, though minus weapons and other technical equipment.

This particular one only differed externally in having warp nacelles reminiscent of those found on an Ambassador Class, but to a much smaller scale.  Lieutenant Stuart felt she recognised the engines and not just because of the ships they were designed like, but for now couldn’t place it.  She’d moved to the spare seat next to C’Rren , whilst the Commander took the centre seat. 

As the came closer the Cuyahoga Valley was clearly showing signs of age; the once pristine hull was marked with time and many voyages. “That thing must be as old as the hills.” Commented  Harris. 

“Mister Harris, you’d be very happy to be in such good condition when you reach the age of that vessel.” Replied Salan.  Lieutenant Stuart couldn’t help smile, and she was sure she heard a brief giggle from Ensign Cho, before an incoming transmission brought the young Korean’s focus back on her work

“Incoming message from the Cuyahoga Valley.” She called out. 

“On Screen.” Replied the Commander. 

The human male who’s face appeared on the view screen a few seconds later, looked even old than the ship he was in command of.  His hair; which was silvery white, was a little on the long side, Just passing his shoulders and was thinning just a little on top.  The beard equally as striking: came down to the top of his chest; Gandalf lives!

“I am Doctor Yelavich Lead Expedition Scientist.” The elderly man spoke with a deep baritone of a voice.  “You certainly made a spectacular entrance last night.”

“Apologies if we inadvertently affected your studies Doctor.” Commander Salan nodded back. 

“Oh, not to worry.”  Yelavich reassured him. “That aperture was starting to get rather dangerous.  We were considering pulling out if it continued the way it was.”

“We have some data collected from within the Underspace Corridor you may find of interest, but unfortunately the damage we sustained is preventing us from transmitting it to you.” 

“Well if it’s possible to deliver it in person, then by all means beam over.” 

 “I’ll be with you presently then.”  Salan finished the conversation, before turning to the Caitian science officer. “Mister C’Rren if you’d care to accompany me with all your data.  Lieutenant Stuart the ship is yours until we return.” 

The Vulcan stood up and walked of the bridge closely followed by Ensign C’Rren.  The moment the door hissed shut, Ensign Harris spun his seat round to face the middle and looked across to Stuart. “Well?” 

“What do you expect me to say?” She retorted. 

“How’s he taking it?” The question was in reference to Lieutenant Devron; who until yesterday; had been their Captain, until Salan had in his view harshly relieved him of the position.  

Stuart herself who had attempted to voice her concerns at the time, but had been shut down by the Vulcan at the time could give a proper answer to the question; she’d not had the chance to talk with Jason.  It was hard for anyone to disappear on such a small ship, but Devron had somehow managed the feat.  “Tholakath, do you know where he is right now?” She asked the Cardassian. 

Ironically the internal sensors which had been problematic at best, since before he’d been assigned as part of the crew and which had finally been fixed during the last visit to Starbase 86; turned out to be one of the few things not affected by their sudden exit from Underspace.  Tholakath for his part knew exactly were the Lieutenant was, in fact he knew the precise location of every member of the crew currently aboard   He could even tell the Tribble owned by his Caitian roommate was currently sitting on the bed listening to classical music.  Houdini had been the perfect name for the little critter, which someone kept escaping from its cage, but had never made any attempt to leave the quarters.  It also remained just one single Tribble, and not a pack, heard or flock; whatever the collective name for them was. 

However when he glanced across to Stuart, he decided the best tactic would be to claim the sensors were out again, rather than say Jason was currently sitting aboard their shuttle pod. 


The type 15 Shuttlepod; known as ‘Last Chance’ on account of them already destroying two previous shuttle craft during the course of the first six months of the year, seemed like the perfect place for Jason Devron to sit and ponder life.  Could one person’s life ever be this messed up?   Starfleet was all he really had now, other than his half-brother back on Earth.  What could he do to prove himself worthy of Command?  He didn’t feel he’d done to bad a job, but evidently Commander Salan felt his impulsive actions outweighed the good he’d done in the role.  He’d seriously considered applying for a transfer, but that felt the easy way out, and he’d be abandoning the best group of friends he’d ever made.  People he could trust and rely on in any situation.   For a loner the thought of being alone no longer appealed to him.  No, this was going to be tough, but he was determined to make things work.


  • The rhytem of what had happened in the previous mission is coming through in this new one and the bridge crew moral compas is hit by it. Everyone, even I as a reader, feel for Devron and yet on the flipside I do understand Salan action to do what needed to be done. I look forward to more!

    July 7, 2024
  • It's interesting to see the fallout of the Devore encounter and how it's setrting the tone going into this second chapter. Naturally Salan is above it all but I enjoyed the fact that everyone is clearly a little less happy-go-lucky as normal. I also really enjoyed Devron's little self reflection too, short and sweet but enough to remind us the now Lieutenant is down but not out.

    July 13, 2024