Part of USS Resolute: Back in the Saddle

6 – Not mad, just disappointed

DS17 Brig
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“Eyes front, captain.”

RJ snapped his attention from the corridor the TFXO had departed through and moved up to Mason’s shoulder. Not close enough to be involved in the conversation between the big guy and the brig officer, but… just there.

His lips quirked as he realised it was a shotgun position, like he was covering Mason’s ass if they were to come under enemy fire. Hell, the events of the last few months were really getting to him if he was even starting to think like Mason.

“Okay, we’re down here,” Mason rumbled as he headed off toward the cells. RJ followed at a more sedate pace, making sure to shoot a winning smile at the young woman on the booking desk. She blushed and looked away for a moment, but he caught the quick look she shot him from under her lashes.

Then all his attention was on Mason and the cell they were approaching. He knew the big captain had brought him along to keep him out of Commander Zale’s hair. Now there was a pretty little thing he’d like to get to know better. There was something about her that he couldn’t put his finger on. And that pack? How the hell had someone so tiny carried something that weighed that much like it was nothing?

Definitely not human, or anything approaching it. But he didn’t know what. He’d have to do something digging and find out what. Carefully, of course. But if there was something he was good at, it was getting information on someone. Of course, it helped that everyone thought he was a playboy and was only interested in the information in the pursuit of getting someone into bed.

Mason moved to stand in front of the cell, so RJ took position beside it, one shoulder leaning against the wall as he studied his fingernails. He was only an ’observer’ with the Resolute until the probationary period the powers that be had decided he needed until they gave him a command again was over, which meant that Rennox and Kovash weren’t his crew… which meant he wasn’t involved in any disciplinary decisions. 

“What do you two have to say for yourselves?” Mason rumbled, his deep voice so forbidding it even sent a shiver down RJ’s spine. He had to admit, the big guy was as scary as hell when he wanted to be. And he was half glad that wasn’t directed at him.

There was the sound of movement inside as the two officers got to their feet and approached the front of the cell. Rennox’s skin was green and he looked like he was about to keel over. Kovash looked as fresh as a daisy, bright eyed and bushy-tailed as she eyed Mason. RJ wasn’t surprised, he’d seen her drink before. He doubted any fleet bar held strong enough alcohol or even enough of it to get her even halfway drunk. 

“Sir, this is all my fault, I’m really sorry,” Rennox mumbled, staring at his feet like they were the most interesting things in the entirety of existence. He wavered a little, side to side, and looked so wretched that RJ actually felt sorry for him. What was the kid thinking, staring a bar fight on DS17 of all places? It was best to pull that kind of stunt somewhere out of the way… some remote outpost or something. 

Not that Mason’s expression moved an iota.

“I expect my officers to conduct themselves with decorum at all times,” he said, folding his arms over his massive chest. RJ shook his head to himself. Seriously, what did they feed them on Llanaria that made them so big? The other llanarian on the Resolute, Bennett, was just as big as Mason, if not a little wider.

“And last night was most definitely not the kind of conduct I expect,” Mason carried on. “In fact, I’ve already been chewed out this morning by the TFXO, whose evening meal was interrupted by your little fracas last night. He was less than impressed and frankly, neither am I.”

“Yessirsorrysirwon’thappenagainsir,” Rennox muttered.

Mason sighed. “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.”

RJ couldn’t help the small wince. Oh lordy, that was bringing out the big guns and no mistake.

“Kovash I expect this kind of behaviour from,” Mason said, and the woman in question grinned, earning herself a glare from the big captain. “But I’m holding you to a higher level of behaviour, Tavik. You’ve got potential, don’t ruin it by getting the kind of reputation these two have gotten themselves,” he added.

RJ’s face set. Okay, so he hadn’t been brought here to keep him away from Zale. He was an object lesson. Great. Fair point, he’d made some shitty decisions that had led to him having to fight to get his command back, but still…

Kovash stepped forward, opening her mouth and by the look on her face, he just knew she was about to argue. Mason cut her a look and her jaw clicked together sharply.

“Okay, let’s get you out of there.” Mason nodded to the brig officer who had trailed them at a distance and the field dropped, releasing the two officers. “As a result of last night’s actions, both of you are banned from shore leave at this location for the foreseeable future. Now, follow me.”