Part of Montana Station: The Plains of Montana and Montana Station: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron Season 1

TPOM 010 – A New Day

Montana Station - Starbase 406
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“We’re moving Task Forces.”  Captain Elbert Burton stood before Fleet Captain Geronimo Fontana’s desk, handing over the secure PADD.  “A new unit has been formed, Task Force 21.”

Fontana took the PADD.  Their assignment in the rimward edges of Federation space had been unusual.  He wondered if there had been some intent in the chaos from the orders.  “They’ve moved a bunch of assets in – two stations and a handful of starships.  Our current orders with the Tholians remain unchanged, and the squadron continues under my command.”  He handed the PADD back to his Director of Communications Operations.  When Elbert didn’t leave, Geronimo sat back in his chair, “Something on your mind?”

“We’re getting more requests for assistance with colonial operations every day.  Some have been verified as legitimate.  Others…I’m concerned, Ger.  There is plenty of wide open space out here for miscreants and malcontents to cause and make trouble…I’m worried about what’s waiting for us out there.  Deputy Director Atega has been running intelligence gatherings with a specialized team. We have indications of Syndicate activity and rumors of other bad actors who have not yet been named.”

Fontana waited until his old friend was done, “Elbert – Montana station exists to try and sort out the Tholian diplomacy question.  It also exists to do what is needed out here in the rimward.  That means we will start finding out who lurks in the shadows of the planets and what’s waiting on the other side of that moon.  We’re explorers.  This is what we do.”

Burton couldn’t disagree with his commanding officer.   He instead protested weakly, “I didn’t do well on the exploration parts in the academy.  And I’ve always stayed on stations close to home.  You know me.  I’m a homebody.  I like things to be what they are and stay that way.”

“Elbert – I think the comfortable days of your metaphorical living room being in careful order are gone.  We have a job to do on Montana Station.  You have a job to do on Montana Station.”

Burton gulped, grimacing slightly, “This is the part where you tell me to get over it and get back to work, isn’t it?”

Fontana glanced up from the work he had returned to doing, “That’ll be all, Captain Burton.  You have your orders.”

The communications officer scrambled out, chewing on his bottom lip.  What had he gotten himself into?