Part of USS Sojourner: Mission 4 – At the edge of the Unknown

M4 – Chp1: Back to Basics

Thomar Expanse
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Bridge – Deck 1

The maelstrom of the Badlands loomed in all directions along the boundary of the Thomar Expanse. Its reddish-brown clouds of gas swirled as plasma discharges lit them from within giving it a sinister look

Kirin sat looking at the main display as a sense of relief settled over the bridge crew. The trip through the Badlands en route to Deep Space 47 had been as smooth as one could expect on such a trip, but the Badlands were the Badlands. Though the number of ships making the transit had increased and the mapping of the region had improved it was never a pleasant crossing.

“Captain,” Lieutenant Belania began, “All systems are in the green. That last plasma discharge shook the ship but did nothing of note.”

Kirin smiled, “Excellent, Ensign Tycon, set a course for DS47, maximum warp, if you will.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” the young Orion responded. “Course set, ETA 1 hour.”

“Perfect, once we arrive we will have time to familiarise ourselves with our new home base for a couple of days,” Kirin said. She looked around at the senior staff on the bridge before turning to her XO, “Commander Th’zalnar, make sure everyone has time to get some shore leave.”

Thanen nodded, “Rota’s are all in place. Everyone will have some time off before we head back out again.”

Kirin simply nodded at that, she knew Thanen had it organized but the last year they had jumped from one crisis to the next and she just hadn’t been able to switch off. “Thank you Thanen. The bridge is yours, I will be in my ready room. Let me know when we are 5 minutes out.”

6 Hours Later

Ready Room

Kirin leaned back on the burgundy sofa that took up the space beneath the large viewport and enjoyed the music playing. As she did she turned her head and looked out at the starbase the Sojourner slowly orbited. As she watched, she could see several other ships from Taskforce 47 in similar orbits. Her mind replayed the meeting with the Taskforce command staff she had just returned from as she thought through her plans while trying to keep the excitement she felt building contained.

She reached forward and picked up her now, luck warm, peppermint tea but before she could take a sip the door chimed. “Come in, Thanen,” she said, fairly confident that it was her XO.

Thanen stepped into the office, the antenna on his head turned towards Kirin a split second before he did. “Kirin,” he began before he stopped, looked her up and down and took in the room, “I take it the meeting went well then. Not so much doom and gloom then?”

Kirin couldn’t help but laugh. “You could say that. Come, have a seat. Grab whatever you would like,” she said as she gestured at the replicator.

Thanen nodded, though the routine of their meetings always started the same, no matter how grave the news or meeting was. He stepped up to the replicator and ordered his usual, unsweetened iced tea with a lemon on the side before taking a seat across from Kirin.

“So…” Thanen began.

Kirin leaned forward and grinned, her smile lighting up her face, “Back to Basics.”

Thane put down his drink and cocked an eyebrow at that, “How so?”

“Guess that doesn’t say much, does it? Kirin remarked, the grin still on her face. “We are to contribute to the mapping effort of the Thomar Expanse, work on diplomatic relations with the people who inhabit this region of space and in general make sure the Federation flag is visible,” Kirin said. 

“Oh,” Thanen remarked, “That keeps it pretty broad and simple, which is nice.”

Kirin let out a snort, “Yeah, you could say that again.”

“Especially after the last few missions,” Thanen began. “The mess with the Lost Fleet and Kerry, well who we thought was Kerry being a traitor. Then the fiasco of Frontier Day…”

Kirin nodded her head solemnly, “We got lucky with that, being so far out at the time. At least we got Kerry back from that.”

“That is true,” Thanen acknowledged. “Not to mention all the running around that Starfleet Intelligence had us doing with the whole underspace debacle.” His expression turned serious, “No logs, all date expunged, makes you forget we are meant to be explorers.” He shook his head and sighed, “Maybe it was for the best the Cardassians closed the new apertures to underspace. We, well Starfleet, would have been stretched beyond our limits.”

Kirin pursed her lips, “It was definitely a possibility. But, that was then. Let’s focus on moving forward shall we?”

“Agreed Thanen said with a smile. He raised his cup and took a sip. “So, what’s the plan.”

Kirin smiled at that and began to speak.

An hour later Thanen stepped out of the ready room having seen a side of Kirin he had only caught glimpses of when they first started on the Daradax. With luck, he thought, the Sojourner and her crew would be able to get back to what so many of them had joined Starfleet for and the Expanse offered them the perfect opportunity.