Part of USS Perseverance: The Searchers and Montana Station: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron

TS 007 – What Are We?

On Route to Montana Station
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“I do not envy you, Commander Park.”  Chief Medical Officer Sergio Clemente verified the inventory from cabinet to cabinet in his sickbay.  Park was making her rounds to check in with department heads as the Perseverance returned to Montana Station.  She’d decided to start with Clemente.  They were both equally ranked, and his experience over his career was worth a listen or two.

“I’m not sure I envy myself, Doctor Clemente.”  She leaned against a biobed, watching him work.  She wasn’t sure how to ask her question.  She wasn’t sure if she should ask it, whatever it was.

He continued cataloging his inventory, shuffling and muttering as he tapped the PADD. A few minutes later, he turned to her, “You want me to tell you it’s going to be okay?”

She blinked in shock at the question.  Park replied, “I guess?  I don’t know what to ask…it just feels like I should ask…something.”

He paused in his work, “I never went above my station.  I’m happy as a Chief.  I have no desire to go into command.  My hands are best put to work in the healing and the health of whatever crew I am blessed to serve.”  He walked over and joined her against the bed.  “It’s been a year since you’ve had a new crew.  None of these people know each other, aside from whatever rumors and speculation they’ve trafficked since they came aboard Percy.  This isn’t the Mackenzie with a crew that’s been together, lived together, and grown together.  This crew is young, fresh, and full of hubris and arrogance.”  He turned, giving her some side-eye, “I seem to recall mention of some of this in your dossier in the past.”  She stuck her tongue out at him, and he laughed, “They don’t know you, and you don’t know them.  I know them only by their medical charts.  We will all have to get to know each other through trial and error.”

Park shook her head at that, “Trial and error sounds vaguely like trial by combat.”

Clemente’s sly smile belied a story, “Relationships can feel like that…yet in the end, most are worth it.”

“Most, doctor?”

“A story for another time, Commander Park.”  His fading smile told her it was best to thank him and continue her duties.

“What are you?”  Lieutenant Hazel Wallaker stood in the medical observation room, staring at the humanoid body secured within the quarantine bed.  The scans began immediately upon its return to the Perseverance.  The answers had created more questions in their wake.  Hazel had the notes from the Ferengi trader’s discussion of what he knew of the capsule.  Her concerns were growing as she examined the various readings.  The DNA strands were coming back as Tholian…and something else. What the ‘something else’ was remained a mystery.

The door behind her slid open, and the XO, Commander Park, stepped through, walking up to stand beside the science chief, “We’re an hour out from Montana Station.  They’ve been briefed on the latest.”  She handed a PADD over, “They’re setting up separate areas for the body and the capsule to be examined.”  Park waited while Wallaker read the updates, “Albright hasn’t been able to get a response from the Tholians.  Hoksta, however, has agreed to meet us at the station.”

Hazel frowned and turned, “You don’t sound convinced, commander.  About Hoksta, I mean.”

Park stared at the body, wondering what secrets lay beneath the creature’s skin.  She grumbled, “Hoksta’s record is consistent – there’s always something else in the limited dealings with Starfleet.  Albright was blunt when she relayed his response – his interest in this may have changed as he heard more about it.  Profit and ingratiating himself with the Tholians is all he cares about, according to Albright.” The science chief held her breath and turned away from the XO. She hadn’t known her long enough to know how much she could share with the woman.  Her experience in the past had been less than stellar.  Park forced it with a, “You’ve got a terrible poker face, Lieutenant Wallaker, out with it.”

Hazel’s eyes went wide, and she fought to control what little control she had over her face.  She failed as Park’s side eye shifted, and the XO turned to face her.  Hazel replied, “Not your first holodeck rodeo, I take it, commander.”  A dry chuckle from the XO was her answer.  Hazel continued, “It’s not an issue of trust, ma’am.  I’ve not had a bad feeling about her…I’ve had issues with Diplomatic Operations in the past.”

Park mused, “We’re aware, Lieutenant Wallaker.  You do realize you experienced a compromised department in the lead-up to Frontier Day?  Any remnants of that infection were rinsed from the ranks…notwithstanding the solid idiots that manage to hold down a desk or two still.”

“You’re not subtle, commander.”

“Subtlety gets people killed, lieutenant.  I never learned how to dance, can’t throw a punch to save my life, and my written work is passable at best.  The one thing I do well – I don’t mess around, and subtly is not in my dictionary.”  She returned to the body, “Lieutenant Albright has her history and dealings with humans and aliens, just like you, me, and everybody else.  Captain Walton wouldn’t have let her step on this ship if she doubted her acumen, intent, or quality.”

Wallaker suddenly felt significantly safer in the hands of her commanding officers.  She had rarely seen behind the curtain regarding the CO and XO teams, and Park had just given her a full view with annotations and a commentary track.  “Thank you, ma’am.  That helps.”

Park chuckled, “Good.  You’re working point with Albright on the transition to the station team – they’re expecting a full briefing by both of you.  Once we arrive, it’ll take an hour to get things finalized on the transfer.  That means you have two hours.”

Hazel gulped at the XO’s expectant look as she finished her orders, “I suppose I should go find Lieutenant Albright then.”

“That would be best, Lieutenant Wallaker.”  The young woman skittered out the door, and Park returned her attention to the body.  She whispered, “What are you?”