Part of USS Sojourner: Mission 4 – At the edge of the Unknown

M4 – Chp2: Taking a breath

USS Sojourner; Thomar Expanse
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48 hours after reaching DS47

Crew Lounge – Deck 6

Dese leaned back on the sofa on the lower level of the starboard crew lounge and looked out at the starbase as the Sojourner slowly orbited it. As she watched, she saw the nacelles of one of the civilian trading vessels begin to glow moments before the ship jumped away to locations unknown. She was so transfixed by the view that she jumped when a hand was placed on her shoulder, almost causing her coffee to fall from her hands.

“Sorry D,” came a voice, she would recognise anywhere, from behind her. “I didn’t mean to startle you,” Ined said as she moved to sit down in the chair across from you.

Dese shook her head and sighed in embarrassment, “Sorry, I was lost in thought.”


“Nothing much really, just admiring the ships and view really.”

Ined momentarily looked out the window before he slid onto the seat beside her and gave her a quick kiss as he placed his cup down, “It is a spectacular view that is for sure. How was the station? Sorry, I couldn’t join you and Jenoda yesterday but I had to finish going several reports for Lieutenant Dawson on species within the expanse.”

Dese shrugged, “It happens; duty calls, right? We didn’t get up to much. We had coffee at Beans’d It & Food and just wandered around. We met some crew from the other ships, and chatted, nothing exciting, though. It was nice to get off the ship for a bit and speak to other people. It’s been months since we had a chance.”

“Getting bored with me and your crew mates already D?” Ined said with a smirk.

She shook her head, faked outrage and smacked Ined playfully on the arm, “No, just nice to meet new people!”

Ined laughed as he put his arm around her shoulder, “I’m just pulling your leg.” He took a sip of his coffee and continued, “So, have you heard anything about where we are going to be heading off to first? Anyplace exciting?”

Dese shook her head, “Nothing really, we are meant to depart tomorrow at 14:30 but the Captain hasn’t mentioned our destination or the mission. I assume we will find out tomorrow. She heard her speaking to the XO about a shipwide announcement tomorrow. Both seemed relaxed, far more than usual, especially the Captain so I assume the mission will be straightforward.”

“Let’s hope, we nice to do some exploring and put my expertise to use.”

“You mean digging in the dirt and getting all grubby?” Dese said with a chuckle which caused Ined to roll his eyes.

“It would be a nice change of pace for sure. ”

“It’s nice to see them getting on so well, isn’t it?” Belania said as she glanced back over her shoulder towards Ined and Dese.

Ril let out a soft snort as she made her way out of the lounge with Belania and Kerry, “They flaunt their relationship very openly. You two should mention something about it to them as their COs.”

Kerry rolled her eyes slightly, “Don’t be silly. Let them enjoy themselves.”

As they made their way into the corridor beyond the lounge Belania continued, “They are not breaking any regulations so there is nothing to speak to them about.”

Ril scoffed and gave Kerry a sideways glance, “Their displays would have made you blush or leave the room when I first met you.” She glanced over at Belania and back to Kerry, “Are we sure she isn’t a changeling?” 

Ril’s comment caused Belania to glare at her while Kerry let out a choked laugh at that, “I am sure. I am myself.” 

“I know, just pulling your leg. You have, um, relaxed and loosened up a lot which is nice to see. That said though, given everything that has happened they should just be more discrete. I have no issue with relationships on the ship but the two of them aren’t exactly shy about it.”

Belania turned to Ril and cocked her head to the side, “Should they be shy about it? Hide it? They are happy, as long as they don’t break any regulations, let them have their fun.”

Ril sighed, “I guess…” 

They continued in silence for a few moments before they reached the turbolift. “I need to go check in on a study Ensign Toi wants to set up. I will catch up with you to later,” Kerry said when they stopped.

Belania looked between the two before she tapped the call button for the lift, “Are you two still playing Parrises Squares tomorrow morning?”

Ril grinned at the mention of the game, “Definitely and Kerry won’t win this time.”

Belania could only shake her head, “You two will really hurt yourselves doing that. Not sure why the Captain allows it to be played. You almost broke your arm the other week!”

“But I didn’t did I. You could join Belania, it’s great fun,” Kerry said with a smile.

“I’ll pass, I prefer not to act like a mindless teenager. I will instead enjoy a nice quiet evening and morning before we depart tomorrow,” Belania said as the lift opened behind her and she stepped into it beside Ril. “See you soon.”

The door closed leaving Kerry alone in the corridor. Kerry let out a little shiver as she relaxed following Ril’s changing comment. She had been glad the subject changed as she did not like to think back to her days imprisoned or the trouble her imposter had caused while on the ship.

With a quick exhale she turned and made her way to the Planetary Study and Geology Laboratory. Lost in thought as she ran through the experimental design Ensign Toi had presented to her she turned the final corner before the door and failed to see the crew member standing there with one of the wall panels leaning against the wall. 

Her foot caught the corner of the wall panel and she almost fell flat on her face. A moment before she did two hands caught her, “Are you ok Kerry? Sorry, I thought the panel was in far enough.”

More surprised and embarrassed than anything Kerry blinked and looked up at the XO, Commander Thanen Th’zalnar. “Oh, ah…” she began as she cursed inwardly for not paying attention and for it happening in front of the XO. “I am ok, thank you, Commander,” Kerry said as she as her cheeks flushed red. “I wasn’t paying attention, my mind was elsewhere.”

Thanen shook his head and helped Kerry back up, “What were you so distracted by?”

“Oh, not much, Just thinking about a study Ensgin Toi wants to run on any class G planets we come across. She is really interested in planetary formation and development and since this area hasn’t had much exploration by the Federation she is excited about the possibilities. I am about to meet with her to discuss it in more detail.”

“Why not, we have ample probes, not to mention the sensor suite. I am sure we can make something work. Once you have the details worked out we can discuss it,” Thanen said with a smile. “I am glad to see that she is excited about the new mission, it seems the crew already had a decent idea of what is planned.”

Kerry let out a soft laugh at that, “Nothing ever seems to remain secret on this ship does it.”

“No it doesn’t seem to, does it?” he remarked with a shake of his head.

Kerry shifted on her feet and glanced at the door further down the corridor, “I should get going, need to get to my meeting.”

“Ah, of course, I hope it goes well,” he said as he stepped aside.

“Thanks for catching me by the way,” Kerry said as she stepped past him.

“Anytime Kerry,” Thanen said with a smile.

She smiled back and made her way to the lab before stopping and glanced back at Thanen who had already turned back to the work. She didn’t get why he held onto the duel role as XO and Chief Engineer when she knew all he wanted to do was work on the ship. She watched him for a moment as he half climbed into the bulkhead and blurted out before she could talk herself out of it, like she had so many times, “Thanen, dinner?”

“Shorrey?” He said as he pulled himself out bulkhead, an interphasic coil spanner held between his teeth.

“Ah,” Kerry said as she took a deep breath. “Dinner? My quarters, 19:00 tonight. Casual clothes?”

Taking the spanner from between his teeth a wide grin spread across his face, “I would very much enjoy that Kerry. Let me know if I can bring anything.”

Kerry nodded quickly and turned and stepped into the lap as her face turned bright red and a smile crept across her face. She leaned back on the bulkhead for a moment but was interrupted by a young Betazoid woman, “Lieutenant Dawson is everything ok?”

Kerry looked over at Ensign Toi and made her way to the main display in the lab, “Everything is great. Now tell me about this study you have in mind and we can see what we can do.”