Part of Starbase Bravo: Artefacts of the Frontier

Reassignment and Settling In

Star Base Bravo
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La'an looked over to her shelf, where she just put her parents picture. I miss them, but this is my dream, and father always said follow my dreams.

She rose and walked over to the window that her quarters got.  She didn't know the stations current mission, But she will learn soon. Not on shift yet, I have time for the holodeck.

As La'an walked into the holodeck, whe was greeted by the familiar hum of the holographic projectors. She approached the control panel and began to input the parameters for her latest program. He wanted to recreate a typical police briefing room, and she was eager to see how it would turn out. With a few clicks, the program came to life, and the room around her changed. The cool metal walls of the holodeck were replaced by warm wood paneling, and the sterile lighting was replaced by soft, warm bulbs. La'an's uniform began to change as well. Her Starfleet uniform dissolved away, replaced by a LAPD Sports flex shirt with a SWAT logo, tactical cargo pants, and a phaser on her right lower hip holster.

As she continued to fine-tune the program. La'an herself was given the rank of SWAT Commander, a fitting position for the creator of this impressive program. As she looked around the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. This was his creation, and he had poured all of her knowledge and expertise into it. It was a true masterpiece, and she couldn't wait to see how it went. She added two NPCS. 

Sven entered in through the double doors with a whoosh, and what met his eyes was a rendition of a late 20th century police office. The details were amazing, if not a bit lost on him, because he knew very little on the subject. But the designer had gone out of their way to make this creation as real as possible.

He saw Hanes standing there in a uniform that was quite unfamiliar, yet quite fitting and striking.

"Hey, mate."

 "Didn' know that ya programmed. This is some seriously detailed sh..... Stuff." 

He said still gazing about his surroundings.

La'an nodded. Okay little too much NPC. La'an set the program where she was giving the pre-mission breifing

After everyone sat down she began his briefing. She cleared his throat and began. 

"Well we have a Disgruntled Boyfriend who has taken his girlfriend hostage, He's demanded to speak with his father, But he's in a supermax prison 80 miles from here, In Virginia..." She let this set in and continued. 

“Command wants us to get in there and take him out, But Our Main goal is to rescue the girlfriend. We will have to have two teams set up, One for the back, and front.”

A Hologram diagram appears in front of each officer. It was a Two Story house, With two red dots at the back and front doors.

 "Mr.Mackenzie, Your gonna be heading in the back with Mr.Aune and 3 others, Me, Harlow and the rest will take the front, We will have to watch coming up the stairs, its said he's set mirrors up to know where we are so he can take us out, So I am gonna apply smoke grenades and we are gonna hit this at night, Which is in about 10 Mintues, Any questions?"

When La'an finished, Kyan raised his hand... one of those reflexes that was hard to shake. "Ummm so does the "boyfriend" got people helping him?" Kyan figured he was probably one of those sex perverts that kept a bunch of other people around and ran buses on his girlfriends... or maybe he was one of those grups who liked to wear hats with big feathers on them and manage the women that did sex stuff for money. He forgot what they called them. Wimps? No... Something else. 

"OH!" he added    "... are ye after him staying alive or is it ok to shuffle him off tae the Summerlands?"

La'an laughed. "At this moment in time, Intel says no, But we have to be ready just in case. And Our Mission is to Capture him, But Yea, so Far Our intel is saying we might have to take him out, We have no sniper recon teams on Duty so we are gonna be in for a hellva show when we get there. Dose that answer you Question?"

The large man's attention was turned to La'an as he spoke the situation.

Pimp hostage situation, with a girlfriend demanding the release of his imprisoned father. How daft was this guy? When has a hostage situation ever worked out in the favor of the hostage taker? Stupid idiot. That was good and bad. Good in the fact that they were, well, stupid. But bad in the way that stupid people made reckless life threatening choices.

Sven raised his hand.

“Who's in charge of breaching the door, an' clearin'?” 

"I will, Possibly you, Depends on sturdy this door is, Kyan can either kick it in too to just use the ASPR and shatter the glass, The ASPR is the Extendable Baton. We all have on on our duty belts." Dersch then reached around grabbed a long, about 6 inches long black clynder. He then slung his hand to the side, to extend the Baton. 

“Good for Close combat use, and to immobilize Suspects, .” La'an explained

"Any questions about that? Or about this Mission?" La'an asked

Sven nodded, it sounded like a plan. And it was going to be chaotic fun.

"Sounds good t'me." He gave Mackenzie a friendly bro-like tap on the shoulder “Ya ready t'cause some mayhem?”

"Any other questions before We suit up and Move out?" La'an asked, Ready for any other questions that could be possibly asked. She was ready. She loved this holodeck theme fun, Thrilling, Yea you had to wait a bit before a call came. But that's worth the wait.

"Ah think I'm good." Sven said.

10 Minutes Later

The team, dressed in their tactical gear, hastily climbed into the two heavily-armored SWAT Bearcats that were parked nearby, while two unmarked SWAT Tahoes positioned themselves in front and behind the Bearcats. The team members checked their equipment, loaded their weapons, and put on their helmets, preparing for the mission ahead. After a quick and efficient preparation, the convoy took off at a breakneck speed, with the bright lights of the Bearcats shining through the windows and the deafening sound of the sirens filling the air. As they approached the first intersection, the lead car sounded its police horn, signaling all other cars to come to a stop and clear the way for the convoy. Without hesitation, the heavily-armored vehicles raced through the intersection, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

"All Units, 5 Minutes Out. Stand By" La'an said into the Radio. She looked to the Rest of her team. "You people ready?"

As they approached their destination, La'an felt jittery, as any officer might when going on a high-stakes mission. As they finally came to a stop, the SWAT officers stepped out of the Bearcats and positioned themselves on either side, while others did the same on the Tahoes. La'an signaled everyone to get ready by making the roll-out sign.

The team then switched off the red and blue lights, headlights and even the siren, entering silent mode. They wanted to avoid catching anyone's attention as they moved forward.

Finally, they began to drive down the driveway, carefully maintaining a balance between speed and stealth, so as not to cause any disturbance. La'an and her team were committed to their mission, and they knew they had to get it right.

As they came closer there were multiple people outside...With Assault Rifles who then saw the cops. They began to fire at the Cars. The Convy quickly came to a halt. La'an quickly yelled into the radio. "10-99! Shots fired at SWAT!" She then quickly jumped down and began to open fire at the Suspects.

La'an moved to go behind a SWAT Officer returning fire, But he then collapsed as a bullet hit him in the head, It came from the roof.  DAMN IT!. La'an quickly hid behind a tree. "ALL UNITS WE GOT A SNIPER!" The Front tahoe quickly gunned the throttle and put itself between the shooters and SWAT officers the Second Car did the same. The Bear Cats quickly tried to move where they could help protect the SWAT officers.

Kyan mind went blank almost as the Bullets rocketed off the car. La'an the  yelled 10-99. Good now there should be tons of officers coming their way. Kyan hid behind the First bear cat for cover. Then as he turned to fire at the Suspects. He noticed movement on the roof and was about to say something whtn the officer near La'an dropped and she yelled. "SNIPER" Kyan quickly got into the back of the BEar cat and got up into the Gunner spot. Which had a .50 Cal. Kyan quickly loaded the gun. "Time to lay some hell" Within a few seconds the roof top gunner was no longer a problem as the top where he/she was sitting was splintered into pieces as the bullets shredded the area.

"Aye" he agreed, "Sure am free." A couple of bullets ricochet off the vehicle. His attention was taken by the sniper. A moment later Kyan was climbing up on the Bear Cat, and unleashing 50 caliber rounds.

Sven popped up with is AR rifle nestled into his shoulder and took a couple of controlled shots. He nailed one man in the shoulder, who then fell back

La'an was shocked. Damn! Didn't think she was going to do that.. La'an watched as Sven took another one down, So far they had 5 officers down, but had taken half of the emeny who was now running back into the two story house.

"All Units, Group Back up!" La'an ordered quickly. Within a few minutes they were slowly rolling toward the house behind the cover of the Bearcats. The SWAT teams were in 4 Lines behind the bearcats, Two each side. La'an and Aune were on the right and Kyan was leading his team. La'an was leading hers.

 "All Right listen up, We are going to get as close as possible, We got another SWAT team from Dela County on the way, ETA is 5 minutes, We need to get most of the guys down before they get here, They are here for him as well on a Warrant. So our job is to hopefully get him alive, But this is looking more of a death warrant by the minute." Finally the Bearcats stopped. Signaling that they couldn't go any further.

"Well this is it. Remember our mission and entry ways." La'an nodded to Kyan who then moved with their team while aune and La'an left to hit the front.

Front Of House(Front Door)

As La'an Led the way she handed Aune a smoke gernade launcher. "When I give the signal, Unload the 8 gernades into the house, Then quickly follow in behind me" He then quickly got into position in front of the door. Then signaled to Aune. Now.

The window shattered as the smoke grenade went off. Within seconds both teams were in. La'an quickly found the suspect, cowering in the corner.

“Sir, Hands in the Air, Turn around and kneel on ground then place your hands on your head, interlock fingers and ankles” La'an ordered.

The suspect nodded and complied. Just as La'an went to cuff her alarm beeped. Damn, time for shift.

“Computer Pause program, and save current location in story.” La'an ordered

“acknowledged, Program saved" The Computer replyied

La'an then walked out as the holodeck changed back to Yellow grid lines.