Part of USS Falcon: Selene and USS Selene: Division

002: Arrival

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—- USS Selene, Briefing Room 1 —-


Captains Radak, Aike, Carrillo, and Commander Chehrush Dvap of the USS West Covina were in the Briefing Room of the USS Selene, where Captain Carrillo most often distributed the daily duties to her senior staff. The meeting now though was Captain Radak’s as he was in charge of this disaster response. The ships were traveling at warp five towards Debelius IV.

Carrillo knew that her ship could go faster, but they were waiting on the West Covina which had the bulk of the medical staff required to triage once they arrived. Flying at a leisurely pace through Federation territory meant that transportation between ships was easy enough, meaning that this meeting was happening in person.

The newly formed Selene Division’s First Officer was presenting the situation on the ground as far as they knew. Carrillo was not sure whether the Lieutenant Commander now outranked her, or what, but it was clear that the seemed to know what she was talking about.

Lieutenant Commander Victoria Hume gestured to the screen, with readings on the status of Debelius IV.

“A few days ago Debelius IV was hit with a quake far stronger than should be possible,” Hume said, “As far as we can tell the effects were equally as strong across the planet. Debelius IV was settled by a mixture of human and Bajorans on the edge of the Federation/Cardassian neutral zone. They’ve previously complained of neglect, and being abandoned by the Federation.”

“Is there any New Maquis involvement?” Captain Aike asked. He’d fought in the war with the Dominion, and previous to this new assignment the USS Falcon had been tracking down the terrorist organization unsuccessfully.

Hume shook her head, “No, it’s suspected that Debelius IV housed, and perhaps still does, a Maquis camp, but it’s doubtful they could have caused this. We should however be prepared for the possibility that they may try to intercept supplies.”

“We should assume we’ll at least draw the attention of the Maquis, and the Cardassians,” Radak said.

“Even if we’re in Federation space?” Carrillo asked.

“There is no serious claim to the planet by the Cardassians, not since the Dominion War. However, they may find this an opportunity to ‘help’ and gain some territorial concessions by being seen to be more present than Starfleet,” Radak said, “They can’t fight their way into a better position at the moment, so they’ll try to show that they’re more attentive than the Federation.”

When the discussion about the tactical realities of the situation finished it was time to assign responsibilities.

“Commander Dvap, you will work with Doctor Mueller on the Selene. She’s an expert on situations like this, and is now on the Academy staff. You and her will be in charge of the medical response. Use the Selene’s doctors as well. Captain Carrillo will lead the scientific investigation into what caused the tremors and how likely they are to happen again,” Captain Radak said, then he looked at Aike, “And the USS Falcon will handle security, both in terms of taking the lead on that, but if we are going to run into any interference the Falcon will take point.”

With that the meeting broke up and people went to their own ships to set things in motion.


—- USS Selene, Main Engineering —-


Excelsior II’s are boring as all hell,” commented Commander James Young as he nodded at his now former Chief Assistant Engineer who had been drafted by the USS Falcon to handle it’s Chief Engineering duties. He had a whole list of reasons that she was going to regret leaving him, starting with the artificial software limit to keep the class at such a low top speed.

“I’m not going to be your assistant forever Young,” Murf pointed out. She had ambitions of her own, and while she knew that the Selene was the more exciting ship, this was her chance to be in charge.

He did not point out that there was no point in rushing, that she would like a thousand of his lifetimes, and could simply wait for him to retire but he decided not to. She’d moved quickly through the ranks and deserved this, as much as he hated to see her go.

“Do I get to be Assistant Chief again?” Ensign Vanessa Constable asked from beneath a UPS power relay that had been acting up.

Young shook his head, “You sure you’re not joining her?”

“No way, go on the ship with all the Captains, they’d never let me unionize the engineering team then,” Constable said. She had been trying for months now to form a union on the ship but the fact that currency was no longer a factor meant that nobody was interested.

“Stay in touch,” Young said going back to ignoring the young ensign.

“Hey we’re on sister ships now, of course I’ll be in touch,” Murf said.

Young shook his head, “We’re not sister ships.”

Murf gave him a wave, shouting over her shoulder a teasing, “Bye sis!”


—- Debelius IV, Orbit —-


The USS Falcon, USS Selene, and USS West Covina dropped out of warp in the orbit of Debelius IV. A Cardassian Galor-class ship was in orbit already but the three ships had it tactically over matched, if it came to that.

Immediately though it was for the crew of the West Covina to begin setting up triage camps around the planet. A number of the ship’s doctors beamed over to the USS Falcon that had the largest sick bay (but no doctors) and immediately begin to take it over for more complicated or serious cases.

Captain Paul Aike of the USS Falcon was in his Ready Room on his ship, studying maps of the region to try to identify where they might face issues from if either pirates or terrorists wanted to play their hand. His door chimed and he set down the PADD and said, “Come.”

A tall woman entered carrying a PADD of her own. She was in the red uniform of command and had three commander’s pips on her collar. Aike did not recognize her, even though he was good with faces and had seen each of the ships’ command staff by now. He raised his eyebrows, interested in who she might be but having a terrible idea that she was exactly who he thought she was.

A second later she confirmed it.

“I’m Commander Attwell, Ashley Attwell reporting for duty sir,” she said with a nod as she set the PADD she had carried into the room on his desk.

He swore under his breath, “Radak.”

“Sir?” Attwell asked, her accent indicating she was either from the former United Kingom or a colony of the British Isles.

“I was selecting a First Officer,” Aike said.

Attwell looked confused, “But I was told that I was requested. I had assumed you had…”

Aike waved his hand, “No, this is Selene Division it’s run by Captain Radak, he’s pulling the strings and apparently that includes staffing my ship.”

“Well if you don’t want me here, I’ll return to Starbase 72,” Attwell said, “As soon as there’s a chance I’ll be off the ship. I was brought by a supply courier dropping off relief supplies for Debelius IV, I don’t have a way back at the moment.”

Aike made a laughing sound, though he did not look like he was being entertained by her arrival, “He’ll just slot someone else, at least you’re not a child like the captain of the Selene, or a Vulcan.”

“You’re calling me old?” Attwell asked, not sure she knew where this was going, but pretty sure she was not liking it.

Aike gestured to his grey hair, “Experienced. I’m no different.”

“You’re much older than me,” Attwell pointed out, defensively.

“Well you don’t have trill spots, or you might be older,” Aike said, “but yes, I’m an old bastard. Makes me good at what I do, and particular about how I do it. I’m set in my ways, and I’ve been on the Falcon since I was an Ensign. You good with that?”

“If you’re decent we’ll get along,” Commander Attwell said, not a phrase that she had planned on saying to her new commanding officer, but given how the conversation was going she figured being blunt and upfront was likely the best and only strategy she had.

“Then welcome aboard Commander,” Captain Aike said, standing and extending a hand across the desk, “Get a good night’s sleep, tomorrow you get to visit a disaster area.