Part of USS Powhatan: New Home, New Beginnings?

Shift Change

Enroute to the Bridge of the USS Powhatan.
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With her hands behind her back, H’Lai stood behind George Firehouse, the Chief Helmsmen as he piloted the runabout to the Powhatan. The Senior staff, a little taken aback from the fact that not all of them would be making the trip from the Healdsburg to the Powhatan, and a lot of them didn’t understand why they had been transferred, H’Lai kept that close to her heart, the Captain looked forward to the change of scenery.

“Approaching the Powhatan Ma’am.” Firehouse called out.

“Very well, take us in Ensign.” she ordered.

Landing in the Shuttle bay, there were shuttles shuttling people in and out with several senior officers, LCDR’s Rea and Walton directing people and receiving their orders. Both nodding in the Captain’s direction before continuing. As she stepped out of the shuttle bay she was hard tackled by a Bajoran woman to the ground.

“Oh no, I am so sorry, I am trying to get the ship ready before … Captain H’Lai, Ma’am!” Imal Dia, the Chief Engineer, embarrassingly admitted defeat.

“Commander Imal, I assume everything is ship shape?” H’Lai said.

“Yes Captain, just running around getting this old boat up to par. A few things out of line but I will have it running within your parameters soon. Say 3 hours?” Imal yielded.

“You have 2.” H’Lai hated when CO’s would do that, but sometimes you have to push.

“I don’t take extra time Captain, when I say 3 hours, I mean 3 hours. You have my word.” Dia grew agitated.

“Very well, 3 hours it is.” H’Lai nodded. “Now where’s the Turbolift?”

Puzzled, Dia pointed to the left. Usually that is not a question a Captain would ask. She wondered what was on the Captain’s Mind.

Smiling H’Lai made her way to the left and found the turbolift and called for the bridge. Standing relaxed with her hands behind her back she was silent as the decks flew by. The doors slid open.

Stepping out, she walked down the gangplank and stood before Marcelette Tiern, a woman that would put any war captain to shame. She was trained in the medical field, but during the Dominion War she was at the forefront with the Powhatan.

“Ah, you must be H’Lai.” Marcelette offered her hand.

Taking her hand, “I am. Pleased to meet you.”

“I have heard stories about you from your crew, I am glad the Pow is in such great hands, I admittedly was worried about it and the remaining crew like Commander Lacroix, but I am sure they will adapt to you and your style.” Marcelette smiled warmly. Her French accent fading in and out.

“I certainly hope so. Tell me, where are going from here?” H’Lai wondered.

“Only time will tell.” Marcelette Admitted.

“Well Captain, it is an honour.” H’Lai attempted to smile.

“Please call me Marcelle.” Marcelle smiled. “Computer Transfer command to Captain H’Lai, Tiern 1-0-0-2-3-1-Omega.”

“Awaiting H’Lai’s response.” the computer said in a monotone voice.

“H’Lai 1-0-0-4-5-1-Alpha.” H’Lai recited.

“Approved.” the computer replied.

Looking around the bridge, as Marcelle took her leave, she sat in the Captain’s chair, it was bigger than the H’s but less stations. She wondered what had happened with a lot of them. “Computer Notify the Senior Staff, there will be a Dinner for all of them tonight 1900 hours.”

“Noted Ma’am.”