Part of Montana Station: The Plains of Montana and Montana Station: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron

TPOM 015 – Wrinkles

Montana Station - Senior Officer Lounge
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“Since when did we rate a Director of Intelligence Services?”  Commander Thasaz sat across the table from her CO, Fleet Captain Geronimo Fontana.  He’d invited her to the new officer’s mess and lounge that had just been completed.  It had been themed in the Western ambiance.

Geronimo rested his palms around his tall glass of spiced cider, “I don’t know that we do.”  He took a drink and continued, “There were discussions during construction about adding a unit within the first year of operation.  Those discussions were ongoing, and I sat in on the meetings.  Last week, something changed.  I showed up for the meeting and was told in no uncertain terms the discussions were no longer required.  Someone would be assigned to us.”  He held his arms out in surrender, “I received her heavily redacted dossier this morning – she’ll be here in three days.”

Thasaz swished her hot tea, “I played at their end of the pool last year as an operative doing work against the Orion Syndicate, Patra, and Crawford.  Something like this – someone doesn’t push the wrong button and dispatch a full captain to a rimward station.  There’s a purpose here.  I don’t like it.”

Fontana pondered his cup, “All we know is we’ve been given the primary assignment of trying to reach out to the Tholians and help support colonial operations.  Throw in some system security and exploration with a science or two…there’s enough room between the lines for intelligence to operate.  What they’re here to do – is anybody’s guess.”

A look of concern tensed Thasaz’s face, “What if they here for one of us?  I’ve played in the grey long enough when I was in service to the Federation and the Romulan Empire to get the dust in my DNA.  I’m sure plenty of the crew have skeletons in their closets.  Or bodies.”  She wondered, “This is why I got out of the business.  Paranoia seemed like it was part of the game.” She took a swig, setting the mug down.  “Then again, it’s never who you think they’re after.”

Geronimo grimaced, “I don’t think we’re the game.  There have been rustlings in the sector reports about the Orion Syndicate getting bolder out there.  And not just in our backyard.”

She nodded, agreeing, “We had a few traders hand in some curious sensor readings they’d picked up in their travels.  I don’t think it’s just Syndicate.  I think we’ve got some other players testing the waters.  The New Maquis are still out there somewhere, and our old friends, The True Way, haven’t given up.  Every underground or mercenary operation needs networks and support.  We could only dismantle and destroy a few before we had to break cover when things got complicated.”  A quiet smile crossed her lips.  The moment she’d discovered it was the crew from the Mackenzie that had landed in her lap had been a pleasant surprise.

“You think they’ve stretched out here?”  Fontana wasn’t sure he agreed with her.  It was a long way from here to there.

“Networks, Geronimo.  Those groups don’t get funded or supplied on their own.  If I were them, I’d have multiple streams of both in case one or two got compromised.”  She returned to staring at her cooling tea, “But I could be wrong about all of this.”

His PADD beeped, “Well…another wrinkle to a very wrinkly case.”  Fontana turned the PADD to her, “You know that name?”

“Riandri Nalam…well, ain’t that something. She’s been assigned to work the Tholian angle.”  A new frown formed, “You think she and Captain Ki are connected?”

He tapped at the PADD, “They were only on the USS Denver together…and that was long ago.  Ki didn’t stay around…and Nalam went her own way.”  He sighed, “Captain Crawford is going to be thrilled.”

She mused, “His relationship with Walton didn’t work out.”  She shrugged at his accusing look, “You can take the girl out of Intelligence, but you can’t take the Intelligence out of the girl.”  Thasaz realized, “We’re going to need to warn her what’s coming.  Captain Ki outranks her.”

Geronimo chuckled, “She’s under my command – approval for her command chain came through with these orders.  Someone is trying to protect her.  Captain Ki can attempt what she wants, but a Fleet Captain still beats a Captain.”

The Romulan raised an eyebrow, “You ever go up against a spook?  Not just any spook, but one who’s played the game long enough to get good at it?”

“I’ve got you, and I’ve got Nalam.  Between the three of us, I think we can work our way around her.”

Thasaz went to two eyebrows, “She’s old, not infirm.  She can still move.”  She held up her hand, “No age jokes.  We’re both old enough for it to apply.”

He cackled, “Speak for yourself.”

The eyebrows flipped to a frown quickly.