Part of Montana Station: The Plains of Montana and Montana Station: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron

TPOM 016 – Arriving Rimward

Montana Station / USS Bodkin - Arrow class runabout
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Riandri very slowly spun in the command chair of what could be called the bridge, but was a glorified cockpit, of the USS Bodkin. She had spent the last few days reviewing everything she could about the Tholians but had to admit she was enjoying the quiet having the runabout all to herself after departing Starbase Bravo.

Her attention was focused on the PADD before her as read through the details, yet again, of her very loose orders from Starfleet Intelligence. Part of her couldn’t understand why she had been sent so far Rimward for this assignment. Starfleet had a number of officers who had more knowledge and actual experience with the Tholians and the Syndicate. She couldn’t help but stare at the orders and wonder what surprises awaited her.



– Report to Starbase Bravo for command of USS Bodkin, Arrow-class runabout to transport to Starbase 406

– Operate as an independent SFI operative reporting to Fleet Commander Fontana to gather details on Tholian activities within the region

– Investigate possible incursions by the Orion Syndicate and other threats to the federation and destabilise their operations.

Closing the orders she shifted to the roaster at the starbase and her eyes were drawn to the XO, as they had every time she opened the file.  “Of all the assignments I get, he will think I am stalking him…” she muttered quietly as she scrolled through the details surrounding Starbase 406, Montana Station, construction and operational mission and that of the rest of the squadron commanded by Fleet Captain Fontana.

She was pulled from her thoughts as the computer chimed, Approaching Montana Station. Dropping to impulse in 5 minutes.”

“Shit, already…” she said as she practically jumped up from the chair. She didn’t have much with her but had made sure to pack everything when she had woken that morning but the fact she was so close to the station meant she had missed both breakfast and lunch. As soon as she thought about it her stomach growled in complaint.

“Right…” she muttered as she stepped up to the replicator. “Computer, Mixed Sushi plate, small.”

Without delay, she picked up the plate popped a salmon nigiri into her mouth and took a seat at the main control console.

A couple of minutes later the sleek runabout dropped out of warp outside of the Canopus class station’s zone of control. She couldn’t help but take a moment to take in the site of the large and imposing station in orbit around Rital III. After the moment passed she pulled up the comms system and hailed the station.

Starbase 406, this is Comma…,uh, Captain Nalam on the USS Bodkin requesting docking clearance.”

A moment later the station responded, “Captain Nalam, welcome to Montana Station, we have been expecting you. We are sending you docking instructions now. You are clear to land in bay 5a.”

“Confirmed Montana Station, en route,” she said with a smile as she closed the comlink, “I guess the starbase number didn’t stick.”

Ten minutes later the runabout smoothly flew into the small docking bay and spun around so that the nose of the ship was facing towards the entrance moments after the external doors slid fully open. As the doors began to close, Riandri grabbed her bag and made her way to the airlock, unsure what to expect.

Commander Thasaz stood outside the docking area, her hands grasped around a PADD.  The word on Nalam’s promotion had come in transit.  It would be some relief having her at equal rank to the impending arrival of the intelligence director.  It was also a curiosity. The intelligence officer’s place on the station wasn’t certain and her purpose was vague enough to give room for interpretation.  She knew enough of the woman’s history and her bonafide to grant her plenty of credit before she met her. The door hissed open, and the Romulan stepped forward, “Captain Nalam, Commander Thasaz, Director of Security and Tactical Operations.  Welcome to Montana Station.  Fleet Captain Fontana asked me to walk you to your quarters and assign you an office.”

Riandri nodded as her eyes met Commander Thasaz’s, “Thank you commander, I appreciate the welcome and the company. It’s my first time on one of these stations.” She looked around at the bar walls which, understandably, looked brand new and smiled, “So, Commander, I assume my last minute arrival has thrown a bit of a wrench in the works? If there is anything I can do to help smooth things over please let me know.”

Thasaz gestured for her to follow her, “You’re not a wrench, captain.”  She went quiet as they walked down a corridor, down a turbolift, and around a corner into an expansive office.  Thasaz waited until the door closed, “The wrench is someone else.”  She handed her a PADD, “Captain Ki, our new Director of Intelligence Operations. She’s due in tomorrow.”  Thasaz briefly explained what little they knew.

Rinadir frowned slightly as Commander Thasaz spoke but listened before she spoke. “We both served on the Denver back in the war but I do not recall our paths crossing then. If I am honest I don’t really know anything about her beyond her official record which I only looked at the other day.” She looked at the PADD and made a mental note to review it in more detail when she had time. “Looking at this I can understand why my presence will complicate things. I can see how I am stepping on her toes…”

“We won’t know who’s feet are who’s until she lands tomorrow.”  She gestured to the office around them, “This is yours.  You’re slotted under Fleet Captain Fontana in the command structure, so you’ll report directly to him. ” She accepted the PADD back and tapped at the screen, returning it to her, “Your quarters are on the senior staff deck.  I’d recommend getting settled in.”  She got to the door before turning to face the new officer, “You’re safe here with us, Captain Nalam.”  Thasaz vanished out the door and it slid closed behind her.

Riandri slowly spun around as she took in the office, at first glance it was exactly as she would expect for a standard Starfleet office. “Mine as well so check into my quarters and learn the layout before things start moving,” she said as she made her way to the door after making a mental note of the location of her office. With one last look back at the room she pondered the Commander’s last words, ‘Why would I need to be reassured I was safe here…’