Part of USS Edison: The Smuggler’s Gambit

The Price of Information

Oct 2401
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The Edison drifted in low orbit above Freecloud, its hull reflecting the light of nearby systems. Lieutenant Commander Carter stood in the observation lounge before the large window, looking at the swirling neon lights that marked the infamous trade hub. Freecloud was a hive of illicit activity, notorious for its mix of high-end commerce and back-alley deals, where fortunes were made and lost over a drink or a whispered secret. Today, she and her team were there to uncover the truth behind a smuggling ring threatening the sector’s stability.

“All right, everyone,” Carter said, turning back to face the away team. “We know our mission. We’re here to gather intel, identify the players involved in this smuggling operation, and report back to Command. Discretion is key. Freecloud is a dangerous place if we aren’t careful.”

Around her, the small team assembled. Lieutenant Commander Andrews checked her medical kit one last time while Lieutenant Commander Threx strapped a small phaser to his side. Two security officers stood behind them, their expressions serious, ready for whatever awaited them in the below.

Carter tapped the small device on her wrist, activating the holographic emitters built into their suits. A shimmer passed over her, and her appearance shifted. She now appeared as a Trill smuggler, her long brown hair replaced by dark curls, her face subtly altered, and the telltale spots running down the sides of her neck. Threx transformed into a burly Klingon warrior, complete with a stern scowl and ridged forehead, while Andrews appeared to be a well-dressed Bajoran doctor. The security officers morphed into rough-looking mercenaries, completing their new personas.

Carter smirked slightly as she examined the results. “Let’s hope this holds up. Remember, we blend in, gather information, and get out. No heroics.”

With a nod from the others, the team made their way to the transporter room, their faces now hidden behind the carefully crafted disguises.

The beam-in process was smooth, and as the transporter lights faded, Carter found herself standing in the midst of Freecloud’s bustling cityscape. The holographic billboards towered above them, advertising everything from exclusive casinos to questionable augmentation clinics. Holoads flickered and danced across the sky, and the air was thick with the scent of strange foods and music. The crowd was an impressive mix of species, Ferengi haggling with Andorians, Orions whispering deals with Romulans, and traders from dozens of other worlds weaving in and out of the chaos.

“Stay sharp,” Carter muttered into her hidden comm, her voice disguised through the earpiece. “We’re not here for sightseeing.”

Threx grunted in acknowledgment, his bulky Klingon form drawing a few odd glances as they moved deeper into the crowd. Andrews walked beside Carter, her appearance calm as her eyes scanned every face they passed. The security officers brought up the rear, as they looked over the alleys and rooftops for any signs of trouble.

They were headed for a run-down bar in one of Freecloud’s more neglected districts: The Black Hole. The Hole was a place where information was traded like currency. Questionable morals could open doors for the right price.

The team made their way through the crowded streets, careful not to attract too much attention. Despite the bustling crowds, Freecloud was always watching. Whether through its many surveillance systems or the eyes of its inhabitants, they were always looking for an easy mark or a quick profit.

As they approached The Black Hole, Carter felt the tension increase. The bar itself was a small  building wedged between two towering holosign displays, its entrance guarded by a large Nausicaan bouncer.  Carter stepped forward, offering the Nausicaan a nod. The bouncer’s red eyes looked over her, clearly sizing her up, but he said nothing as he stepped aside to let the team enter.

Inside, the bar was even darker than it appeared from outside. Patrons sat at small tables, their faces hidden in the shadows, while a low, steady beat of music thudded in the background. The air smelled of old alcohol.  As Carter scanned the room, her eyes settled on a small figure sitting in a corner booth, their contact, Xylar.

The Ferengi was hard to miss. He wore a brightly colored suit that looked entirely out of place in the dingy bar, and his wide, toothy grin flashed as he called them over with a wave of his hand.

“Xylar,” Carter said as she approached, keeping her voice low. “We have business.”

Xylar’s eyes gleamed with greed as he leaned forward. “Ah, my dear Trill friend. I’ve been expecting you. Information is such a valuable thing, isn’t it? And I happen to have exactly what you need.” He slid a bowl across the table, “Tube grub?”

Carter took a seat across from him,  ignoring the bowl. Threx standing guard nearby, while Andrews and the security officers took positions around the bar, keeping an eye on the other patrons.

“Let’s get to the point,” Carter demanded. “We’re looking for information on smuggling routes specifically, who’s running them, and where they’re operating.”

Xylar’s grin widened. “Ah, straight to business. I like that.” He leaned back, tapping his fingers together. “I can provide you with names, locations, even the ships involved. But information like that… it doesn’t come cheap.”

Carter narrowed her eyes. “How much?”

“Forty bars of latinum,” Xylar said without missing a beat. “And a favor.”

“A favor?” Threx growled, stepping forward. His Klingon camouflage added an extra layer of threat to his already intimidating holographic stature.

Xylar raised his hands in mock surrender. “Nothing too outrageous, I assure you. Just a small task.” He grinned. “Something simple for a group as… resourceful as yours.”

Carter glanced at Andrews, who gave a subtle nod. They had prepared for the price, but the mention of a favor complicated things.

“What kind of task?” Carter asked cautiously.

Before Xylar could respond, the bar’s door swung open, and a group of Orion Syndicate operatives entered. Their leader, a tall, muscular Orion with a cold expression, scanned the room before locking eyes with Xylar.

The Ferengi’s grin fadded, and Carter tensed.

“This isn’t good,” Threx muttered under his breath.

The Orions made their way toward Xylar’s booth with a particular determination. Carter could feel the tension rising in the bar, growing very unsettled. She kept her face neutral, but her mind raced. If the Orions were involved in the smuggling ring, this could get very dangerous, very fast.

The leader of the group stopped in front of Xylar, his arms crossed. “We need to talk, Ferengi,” he growled.

Xylar’s smile was strained as he glanced nervously between the Orions and Carter’s team. “Ah, yes, of course, of course.” His voice cracked, “But I’m with… clients, at the moment.”

The Orion’s eyes drifted over to Carter and Threx, his expression unreadable. “We’ll wait.”

Carter felt a cold sweat break out on the back of her neck. This was going sideways fast. She had no idea what the Orions wanted with Xylar, but the last thing they needed was to get caught in the middle of this.

“We should leave,” Andrews muttered softly, her voice barely audible.

Carter nodded subtly. “Agreed. On my signal, we move.” She carefully reached for a small disruptor tuned to interfere with local holographic systems. Carter knew it wouldn’t last long, but it might give them just enough time to escape.

Xylar’s voice droned on, trying to pacify the Orions all the while attempting to conduct business with Carter’s team. The tension was high, and Carter could feel eyes on them from all corners of the bar.

Finally, she nodded to Threx, who knocked over a nearby table with a loud crash. At the same time, Carter activated the disruptor, sending a brief pulse of energy through the room. The lights flickered, and for a moment, the holographic emitters that maintained their disguises faded. It was enough; the bar erupted into chaos.

“Move!” Carter shouted, already on her feet.

The team sprang into action, weaving through the crowd as the patrons scrambled to figure out what was happening. Threx barreled through the nearest exit, clearing a path for the others while the security officers watched for any threats.

They burst out into the street, the neon lights of Freecloud’s towering holosigns lightened up their escape. Behind them, they could hear the shouts of the Orions, but they didn’t slow down. Once they were a safe distance away, Carter motioned for them to stop. The team regrouped in a quieter section of the city, breathing heavily but unharmed.

“That was too close,” Andrews said. “We lost the deal, and now the Orions are onto us.”

“Not necessarily,” Carter replied, catching her breath. “Xylar still needs that favor. We’ll find another way to get the information.”

Threx grunted in agreement. “Next time, we bring bigger guns.” He looked to the two Security Officers, “No offense.”

Carter smirked despite the tension. “Next time, we’ll ensure we have an exit strategy.”

As the Away Team made their way to the predetermined area, Carter couldn’t shake the feeling that this mission had just gotten more complicated. They had only just begun to pay, and the cost of information on Freecloud was always high.