Part of USS da Vinci: Angels & Demons

Part 7: Taking Command

Starbase 86
4th September 2401
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Commander Mary Anacostia-Bolling, was standing by one of the many windows along the outer edge of the station watching the various craft go about their business.  A pair of California-class Utility Cruisers, were currently just heading out on their respective missions; having left the docking area within the space of a few minutes of each other.  There was also a Runabout making final approach; possible one of those permanently stationed here.

The cup of tea in her hand was only half full now, and barely luck warm, she’d been cradling it and thinking about her future.  Searching the heavens for a ship she knew was never coming for her.  Three days ago the news had reached her and probably everyone else in the station by now; the USS Valparaiso had been crippled.  After wondering into an area within the Hydra Cascade packed with cloaked Romulan mines, the ship had been set upon by the rogue USS Stavanger and her crew of pirates.  The aged Excelsior had put up a good fight despite taking numerous hits.  But the fact remained; she should never have gone in alone.  With 37 dead and nearly twice that number injured, her captain, Robert Eglin was currently being charged with gross misconduct and manslaughter.  He’d been a tough almost obnoxious man to work with at times, and she’s only begun to realise how bad an officer he truly was; once she was off the ship.  And yet the Commander still felt sorry for him, it wasn’t the way anyone wanted to see a career end.

She took one last look, finished her drink and headed out of the café, which was relatively quiet at the moment.  Mary liked the fact it had been that way; no one to interfere with her thoughts or ask how she was.  She was heading back to her temporary accommodation, here on Starbase 86.  It was a small place compared with what she’d got used to aboard the USS Valparaiso; but she wasn’t complaining, she’d had much smaller cabins and rooms in her time.

As the Commander placed her jacket across the back of the chair, she noticed there was a message waiting for her on the computer.  She replicated herself another cup of tea, before sitting down to read it.

From: Commodore Uzoma Ekwueme,

Fourth Fleet Expeditionary Group

Those first two lines got her full attention, it wasn’t every day you received a message from someone in such a prominent position within the fleet.

To: Commander Anacostia-Bolling

Having been made aware of your gallant actions during the liberation of Atracos III and the defence of Deneb IV, during the Fourth Fleets engagement with Dominion Forces; and having reviewed your exemplary record and dedication to duty during your many years of service.

She had to stop again; ‘gallant actions’, the USS San Jacinto was ripped to pieces.  What was so gallant about that?  The Commander continued to read on.

It is hereby agreed to make your position as ship’s Captain a permanent one and give you command of the Saber-class USS da Vinci NCC-77451.  Effective immediately.

The cup nearly slipped from her grasp, and it required the quick intervention of her other hand to prevent that from happening.  Careful placing the cup on the table, she read that last section again. Ok, Saber-class scout ship wasn’t a big vessel, but she would be in command of it.  Captain Eglin had told her she’d never be more than just an XO, and in his view the loss of the San Jacinto had proved that; in his opinion at least.  He’d even offered to have her back in the role as his second in command, which was why she was waiting here on Starbase 86.

She quickly called up the stations database to find out what she could about her new ship.

The USS da Vinci had been commissioned in the year 2370, and assigned to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers; where it had served for almost its entire career.  The last officer to be in charge had been Command Francheszka Braxton.

Another search for information, gave her the current location of the ship.  A skeleton crew had brought it over to the station around a week ago. “I guess I’d better go take a look at my new ship then.”  She transferred the details along with her new orders on to her Padd, slipped on her jacket again and headed out.


Her first look at the da Vinci; came around twenty minutes later; she’d never been much for looking at the aesthetics of a starship.  They did a job, performed various tasks and transported its crew from one location to another, that was all there was to it.  The Saber class was a little different from most other Federation vessels either in operation or those long retired; it made the type, standout just that little bit more.  May be that was meant to be a sign; the one time she’d stood out from under the shadow of Captain Eglin, people had took note of her actions and felt her worthy of commanding her own ship.  How long had she been missing out on opportunities like this?

“You’ve been an idiot and a fool!” She cursed herself.

“Sorry ma’am I didn’t.” A young man with short cropped mousey coloured hair, stood just beyond arms reach, started to apologise, though he didn’t know why he was, or what he could have done to annoy the Commanding officer.

Anacostia-Bolling turned and gave the man.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean you.” She half smiled at him and looked into his grey eyes questioningly.  “I was just thinking aloud.”

He quickly figured out what she was hinting at, a name, the Commander wanted to know his name. “It’s Ensign Dravid, ma’am.”

“Well Ensign Dravid, what do you do around here?”

“I’m part of the stations Logistics Team, ma’am.”

Mary thought carefully for a moment.  “Well just like this station, every ship needs a crew, equipment and supplies.  Am I right?”

“Yes ma’am; that would be correct.” Dravid answered, not sure in what direction this conversation was heading.

“How do you fancy going through that ships inventory?” The Commander pointed out towards the da Vinci. “And seeing what’s missing, short or just needs replacing.”

“That would normally be done by a ranking officer and member of the crew.” She noted that was the first sentence he’d spoken without ‘ma’am’ in it, and just waited, head tilted slightly; for the penny to drop.  “You’re offering me a position aboard, that…. your ship!”

“I need a crew, and who said I need to start at the top?” She announced thoughtfully.  “As far as I’m aware I can pick who I want within reason.”

The young man beamed the widest smile she’s witnessed in some time. “I’ll get right to it ma’am.” Dravid announced heading off down the corridor. “Right to it.”

She couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle to herself as she watched the young ensign rush off. The Commander wasn’t 100% sure as to whether or not she could just grab personnel from other departments like that.  She’d deal with those issues later, right now Anacostia-Bolling had a ship to go and look round.


A member of station security stood by the companion way, linking the da Vinci to the section of the station it was docked in.  A quick scan of her orders, and the Commander was soon walking on to the ship.

The lighting aboard ship was dim; operating at a much lower setting, whilst almost no one was on board.  It felt eerily quiet as she took a tour of her new command.  There was a group of three in main engineering, just there to monitor everything whilst the ship was docked.  They were more than happy to give her a rundown of the da Vinci’s engines and equipment.  They also expressed their disappointment that any stuff the Corps of Engineers had been testing out and experimenting with had been removed prior to its re-deployment.  Anacostia-Bolling was happy enough with a ship that worked, but she did understand what they meant.

Her journey round the ship continued, passing a security officer patrolling deck 4, and someone carrying out maintenance on a faulty door on deck 2.  The Commanders final port of call was the bridge.  She entered via the Turbo-lift door on the port side.  A silvery hair Andorian Lieutenant-Commander got up from the Captain’s chair and turned to face Anacostia-Bolling. “Ah, welcome aboard the de Vinci.” He said warmly, offering his hand. “Security said you were heading my way.  So what do you think of her?”

She pondered the thought for a moment trying to find the right words to express what she was feeling.  “I think it might grow on me.” Was her modest response, but her eyes betrayed much more enthusiasm than that.  This was her ship, her very first proper command.  And it had better last more than the 17 days the USS San Jacinto had!

“Shall we deal with the formalities?” The Andorian asked.

“By all means.”

“Computer initiate command transfer, USS da Vinci.  Authorisation Lieutenant-Commander Rylish.  Alpha  Delta 3 5 1 Indigo.”

The ships computer acknowledged the code and waited for further input.

“Authorisation; Commander Anacostia-Bolling , assuming command, USS da Vinci. Alpha Bravo 0 8 6 Sierra.”

“Command transfer confirmed.  Updating ships log and all command systems.” The computer announced.

“Well Captain.  Fancy a drink to celebrate?” Rylish asked, gesturing in the direction of the Captains Ready Room.

“I don’t mind if I do.” Smiled the ships new Captain.

She took one long look around the Bridge, her bridge, her ship, her home, her future. And it all starts now.


For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Leonardo da Vinci