Part of USS Yamato: New Beginnings

Medical Measures

Ready Room, U.S.S. Yamato
November, 2401
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Captain’s Log, Stardate 240111.16

I do hope late officers aren’t going to become a trend aboard this ship. My XO yesterday and today? My CMO. This command is not starting off the way I expected it to. I suppose I should have expected it though… The officer corps are being replenished as fast as possible, so things are bound to be… interesting.


Sol drummed her fingers on her desk. The sound of jazz played quietly in the background. If this was the galaxy’s way of playing a joke on her it wasn’t funny. Just the day before her new XO had been late and now her prospective Chief Medical Officer was late, and not by a little bit either. Properly late. Half an hour late. She frowned standing.

“Computer, pause music.” she stated in a way only an annoyed Irish woman could. She stepped around her desk and headed for the bridge.

The bridge was quiet, most of the engineering crew now below decks, having moved on from their work to fit out the bridge completely. Her XO sat in the center chair, reviewing a report.

“Commander? Still no sighting of this new doctor?” she asked, strolling up to the command seats. Amaya looked up from the PADD shaking her head.

“No… security at the airlock said he had arrived.” she confirmed. “But since then, nothing.”

Sol rolled her eyes, walking over to a console.

“Computer, locate Doctor—” she stopped, trying to remember the name.

“Kael Tarrant.” Amaya helpfully supplied, before returning her gaze to the PADD in her hand.

“Yes, locate Doctor Kael Tarrant.” Sol repeated. The console beeped and the computer soon showed her the location she requested.

“The medical complex? Well if he isn’t jumping the gun…” she muttered. She hurried up to the turbolift near the rear of the bridge and tapped the call button. She was going to find this man and she hoped he had a good explanation. She stepped into the lift when it arrived and spun on her heel to face the door.

“Medical complex.” she called as the doors closed.

The ride down to deck eight was peaceful, and only interrupted once by crew getting onto and then off the lift before it arrived.


Deck eight held the Yamato’s large medical complex. While it wasn’t the size of a starbase’s hospital, it was slightly oversized for a ship of its stature. As part of the role of the Sovereign-class it was expected that not only would it see battle, but it would be there to assist in the recovery after the battle had concluded. The central section of the deck had been turned into a small hospital. Another smaller triage area had also been set up in the engineering section if the ship had to separate. Sol found it a rather sensible design choice. Rather than finding herself in a regulation sick bay she had entered a reception area, where officers buzzed around. Most paid her no mind but one, a nurse, stopped her.

“Captain, welcome to medical. Are you feeling alright?” he asked, a pleasant smile on his face. Sol shook her head.

“I’m fine… I’m looking for a Doctor Kael Tarrant?’ she asked. The nurse thought for a moment and then nodded.

“Ah yes, he came in with a patient about half an hour ago. Follow me please.” the nurse said, starting off toward one of the exam areas. Sol followed, raising an eyebrow. How did one find a patient after just arriving on the ship?

The nurse led her into the exam area, where thankfully most of the biobeds were empty, and the curtains were open. However one seemed to be occupied, its curtains drawn and quiet voices came from within. The nurse stopped, and gestured for Sol to wait. He peered around the curtain.

“Doctor Tarrant? The Captain is here.” he said quietly, though Sol had no trouble actually hearing him. In response the curtain opened and the Doctor turned to face her.

“Doctor Tarrant–” Sol began before getting cut off.

“Captain, my apologies. I can explain, if you would give me a moment.” he started. Sol stopped, nodding for him to continue. He gestured behind him where female Trill lay on the bio bed, fully clothed in uniform. She looked familiar, and it only took Sol a moment to recognize her. She was to be her new Chief of Tactical and Security. She frowned slightly.

“I arrived alongside Commander Shiro. However before I could make my way to the bridge I began to notice she was having difficulties. Rather than simply shuffle her off to another Doctor here, I chose to stay with her and assist her.” he explained. Sol nodded, looking to the woman on the bed.

“I’m sorry Captain… I’m only recently joined… and it has not been an easy process. Things that were once perfectly fine to me are no longer…” the woman explained. Sol couldn’t say she knew what that feeling was like. To suddenly not be able to do things you once were. The body was a mysterious thing and to Sol, the trill joining process even more so. She nodded.

“That’s quite alright, Commander. I take it the Doctor has been doing his best to help you?” she asked, looking back at the raven haired man for a moment.

“Yes he has. Very well too. I’m feeling much better.” she said.

The Doctor smiled, nodding.

“Just rest for the moment, Commander. I’ll be back to check on you in a bit.” he told her patting the back of her hand gently. He stepped away, redrawing the curtain behind him.

“Again, apologies, Captain. I had no intention of being late for our meeting.” he apologized.

“No Doctor… I’d say you did the right thing. The Commander is going to be ok?” she asked. Kael looked back and then nodded.

“Oh yes… she just had a pretty severe bout of space sickness. When I was younger, I got it pretty bad. Nothing a hypospray couldn’t cure. She’s just resting now… probably more worried about being late for her meeting with you.” he said laughing. Sol chuckled and then nodded.

“Well far be it for me to keep you from your patient… I see medical will be in good hands.” she said.

“I hope so, Captain. This will be the largest medical department I’ve served in… other ships never had this much patient space… much less a completely separate area.” he said.

Sol grinned, nodding.

“I’m sure you’re up to the task Doctor.” she stated. Kael nodded.

“Well then, Doctor… carry on.” Sol stated, gesturing to the ward they stood in. She started to turn to leave, before the Doctor cleared his throat.

“Captain… while you’re here… how about we get your initial physical exam out of the way…” he prodded. Sol stopped, looking back. She knew she needed to do it, but hadn’t expected the Doctor to be so upfront about it, especially after being late. Was he overcompensating? She sighed, knowing she wouldn’t be able to avoid it forever. She simply nodded.

“Good… most Captains tend to avoid these like the plague…” he commented gesturing to an empty biobed a bit away from the other occupied one.

Sol stopped over and took a seat as the Doctor retrieved his medical tricorder. He drew the curtain around the biobed and smiled at his new Captain. He waved the scanner wand over her, eyeing the results.

“Heart rate is good, normal temperature… blood pressure is a little high.” he commented, turning the tricorder so she could see.

“Any issues, Captain? Sleeping ok? Eating properly? Undue stress?” he asked. While the questions were quick, they were also deliberate. Sol took a moment to consider.

“I feel fine.” she offered, shrugging some.

“My sleep right now is a bit less than I’d probably like… but I’ve been busy getting this ship ready to deploy. Nor would I say there’s been any ‘undue’ stress, but certainly more than normal.” she continued. The Doctor nodded, setting down the tricorder and moving to continue the exam, prodding her gently to check various muscles and nodes and whatever else he needed to check.

“And eating?” he asked again.

“Yes, I eat when I’m hungry. Often at least twice a day. Sometimes three times.” she said with a nod. He nodded, noting that down.

“That seems fine for now… you’re a healthy weight for your build… though trending slightly toward under weight… so that will be something to keep an eye on.” he said. Hen gently turned her head, feeling behind her jaw then repeated the same with the other die of her head, noting things down. He retrieved the scanner wand and held it up with the tip illuminated a few inches from her face.

“Follow the tip without moving your neck.” he ordered. He was the only person aboard who could get away with that. Sol followed the order, tracking the item with just her eyes for a few moments. He nodded, seeming satisfied.

“Good… now if you’ll just lay back, we can get a quick internal scan and be finished.” he said.

“Really that’s all?” she asked.

“Oh this is just the initial… I’ll have all the crew’s records transferred by Starfleet Medical when we deploy and update them with the results from these exams… and if we need more in depth workups we’ll do it then.” he informed.

Sol shrugged, nodding. She laid back and settled onto the bed fully. The doctor tapped a few controls on the biobed and lowered a scanner arm over her.

“So, Captain… if you don’t mind me asking… is your hair natural, or is white an aesthetic choice?” he asked, beginning the scan.

“All natural. Eyes too.” she answered, preempting his next question.

“And you are not an albino?” he asked.

“According to most Doctors I’ve seen in my life? No. Even with this porcelain skin.” she said. “Not a single Doctor has an explanation. Since it hasn’t affected me negatively, I’ve never really bothered to find out more. I assume it’s some genetic quirk.”

The Doctor nodded, continuing the scan.

“Does this run in your family? Or were you the first?” he asked.

“Runs in the family… but if you were to see a picture of me and my mother… you wouldn’t believe she was my mother.” Sol said.


“It skips a generation. My mother has “normal” hair and eye colour… Brown and hazel.” she explained. “My grandmother is like me. Further it only affects the woman in my family, on my mothers side.” she added, shrugging before realizing that she probably should be keeping still. The Doctor nodded.

“Interesting… and confusing.” he stated. Sol nodded. It was to her too, but it had never been an issue, medically, in her life so once she had come to terms with it as a young girl, it never bothered her. Indeed it had been a boon when she joined Starfleet Intelligence. White hair and red eyes gave her a fierce look, which was a bonus in interviews or interrogations.

The Doctor soon moved the scanner arm out of the way and gestured for her to sit up.

“Well, white hair and red eyes notwithstanding, you appear to be in good health captain.” he said, smiling. Sol sat up.

“Well that’s a relief.” she stated. While she took care of herself, she was glad to have it confirmed.

“Caffeine intake is a bit high… I’d like to revisit that after we get under way… I understand long days require some exceptions.” he said. Sol nodded.

“I have been drinking a bit more tea than normal…”she supplied. The Doctor nodded.

“It would be foolish of me to try and tell you to cut back I imagine… so just keep an eye on it for now and if you start feeling any negative effects from it, please inform me immediately.” he said. Sol nodded again.

“Will do, Doctor. Thank you.” she said, hopping off the bio bed. She looked to the other occupied bed.

“Tell Ms. Shiro to take her time… I have an empty schedule now. She can report to my ready room when she’s feeling up to it.” she said. Kael nodded.

“I will, Captain.”

“Carry on.” she said, turning to leave the medical complex.

Ok, maybe the galaxy wasn’t playing tricks on her. Instead it seemed to be showing her just how competent her department heads actually were. That was fortuitous, because she was sure things wouldn’t be so easy once they got into space. She strolled out of the medical complex, happy that she had a competent chief medical officer right where she needed him.


  • Ohhh, a slight medical mystery of our new Captain! I wonder *why* she looks the way she does, and if we get to find out along the way! I quite like that doctor of yours, I think he makes a great addition to the crew. There is a very nice dynamic going on so few chapters in, with characters being clearly distinguishable from the way they speak and behave, and that makes it fun to read the interactions. Keep it up!

    November 6, 2024