Part of Starbase Bravo: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Everything in it’s place

Promenade - Starbase Bravo
Late 2401
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The man walking ahead of him was hiding something.

Elias Barrington’s expression didn’t alter as he followed at a leisurely pace. He wasn’t really following the guy so much as heading across the promenade in roughly the same direction. But the experienced yeoman had had many years of personnel trying to hide when they’d messed up paperwork, mislaid forms or simply not followed due process, so he was more than used to all the tells.

They ranged from the ‘head up, walk like you own the place’ approach, right through to the more subtle minimal eye contact and closed off body language in case they gave something away (and inadvertently gave it all away).

The man walking ahead of him was neither of these types.

But still Elias instincts told him that something was off. The man was human, which made it easier to read his body language. The problem could have been everything from an issue at work, in which case unless the guy was Starfleet and the issue involved paperwork, it was none of Elias’ problem. Or the problem could have been a relationship issue, which was also not Elias’s problem. He wasn’t a counsellor, nowhere near, as many of his colleagues could attest to.

He checked the time. He was just off shift, and his evening consisted of nothing more than a workout and settling down with a book. He had time. More than enough. He could waste a little time on a distraction and follow Mr. Hiding something.

The man walking ahead of him turned left and Elias’ expression hardened as he caught sight of his face.

One of the advantages of working in administration was the sheer amount of paperwork. Paperwork that needed to be processed and filed. Paperwork that included things like security reports… and details of prisoners that had recently ‘gone missing’ from a prison transport heist.

Like the man walking ahead of him.

Elias recognised him. The man’s name escaped him but he was definitely Prisoner identification form Theta-Seven-Seven-Echo.

“Barrington to Security.” He kept his voice low, increasing the distance between himself and T77E as the promenade opened out and he had less cover. The man was somewhat portly with the slightest limp on the right. It could have been an act but Elias didn’t think so. Elias wasn’t arrogant about his own fitness levels, he could easily react and reach T77E in enough time if he pulled anything or put anyone on the promenade in danger.

“Yes, Chief?”

“I am in pursuit of a human male I believe to be prisoner Theta-Seven-Seven-echo, recently escaped from the prison transport that was attacked,” he said turning his head slightly to obscure his voice as his mark turned, scanning the promenade behind him with a long look.

Elias stepped to the side, smiling as he engaged in a conversation with a flower vendor. Half his attention on T77E, he purchased a large bunch of flowers and carried on on his way.

“Understood, Chief. Security is enroute.”

“Of course, I will remain in pursuit until they arrive.”

Elias kept his attention on the bunch of flowers as he carried on following, playing the part of a man who had purchased them for a significant other. He couldn’t help reaching into the bunch to straighten some of the roses though.

A place for everything and everything in it’s place.


  • What a lovely introduction to Barrington, he's certainly confident and I look forward to seeing how that plays out in his adventure. It's also think it's a nice take on the Yeoman role that he's semi-aware of everything and it's a cool idea to have him pick up the form rather than the man's name. I really like the avenue into this story with him noticing something 'off' and hopefully those instincts will come in handy later on, i'm excited to see where this leads!

    November 2, 2024
  • I do agree, the T77E designation he associates the prisoner by is a nice touch. Damned what his name is, but he knows his paperwork! Feels like Barrington would make a pretty good security officer himself. But then, it's a solid comparison to how both someone working security as well as someone who is deep into administrative tasks would both be very attentive to detail, and thorough in their conduct.

    November 2, 2024
  • Aha! So that's where the flowers came from XD

    November 8, 2024