Part of USS Triumph: Ulama’s Call and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

1 – Ulama’s Call

Elysian Lounge, Tranquility Station / Triumph
December 2401
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The Elysian Lounge is the favored spot of officers of the currently docked squadron ships. Today wasn’t any different as T’Prel, who had recently been reassigned from the Saratoga to the Triumph, wasn’t overly thrilled by Commodore Dex’s decision. Still, she could complain all she wanted, but it wouldn’t change the outcome. Her wife was still assigned to the Saratoga, which would take time to adjust to being apart as they had spent the whole relationship and marriage assigned to the same commands.

While they were still docked at Tranquility, she was grateful that she could spend some quality time with Ritru. T’Prel decided to have lunch at the Elysian Lounge, as she had yet to go there and had heard that it had the best food at the station. Upon arrival, she entered the lounge and looked around. It was set up in a relaxing atmosphere with soft and soothing music playing in the background. Looking around, she spotted a place near the back of the lounge near the window. She began to walk to the table and sat down upon arrival.

She ordered a cup of coffee, and though it was her third of the day, she felt that she needed the extra caffeine boost. Sitting at the table drinking her coffee, she heard two familiar voices talking amongst themselves. They entered the lounge and began to walk in her direction. “Care for some company?” Makayla asked as they had stopped walking just in front of her table. T’Prel looked up at the two new arrivals and nodded in agreement before the two sat at the table with her.

Just as they sat, a waitress approached the group to take their orders. They each took turns ordering what they wanted before the waitress walked off. “It has been a few weeks since we got here. I wonder when we will get some order.” Serel Nal spoke up, almost as if he was getting restless just sitting still. However, Nal could not sit in one place for an extended period, so this was something new, and he was unsure if he liked it. On the other hand, he thought it would probably be a while before they could take some leave, so he decided to deal with it while they waited.

“I am sure they will come soon enough,” T’Prel spoke up in a very monotone voice as she looked at him.

Adams opened her mouth to respond just as the waitress returned with their food, placing each plate in front of them before retreating. “This looks delicious,” Adams commented quickly before moving on to what she originally wanted to say. However, when she opened her mouth to speak again, she forgot what she would say. So she took a bite of her food.

The three of them continued to chat while eating until they noticed a familiar figure approaching them. They all stood up from their chairs upon her arrival. “Commodore,” T’Prel replied.

Azras Dex held her hands, telling them they didn’t need to stand on her accord. “I won’t be long,” Dex replied, looking at the three of them as they sat back down. ” May I?” Dex asked, pointing to one of the empty chairs.

“Of course,” Adams replied with a smile.

“I won’t take up much of your time,” Dex began as she gave each of them a PADD. We have received reports of raiders targeting and attacking freighters near Ichus IV,” Dex began as she pulled up what information she had on Ichus IV, a distant federation planet between Deep Space 17 and Mirage Station. “Some freighters have reported using a strange weapon to attack them, though it seems only to disable them, but it is only a matter of time before they escalate their attacks.” Dex continued as each of them read the reports as she talked.

“Do we know what kind of weapon it might be?” Nal asked as he finished reading the report.

“We do not; they are very vague. That is why I am sending the three of you to investigate,” Dex replied.

“Why are you sending me when this is a tactical operation?” Nal asked, looking at the Commodore, which confused both Adams and T’Prel. Earlier, he seemed annoyed that they hadn’t gotten orders yet, but now, he is questioning orders being assigned.

Dex raised an eyebrow at his question. “You are to assist freighters that require engineering and medical support,” Dex replied.

“Understood,” Nal replied, returning to eating as if he couldn’t be bothered with the rest of what was being said.

Dex continued to look at the Captain, still trying to gauge him, but decided to brush it off for the time being. “T’Prel, I need you to take the lead during this mission and will need you to depart as soon as possible,” she said, standing up from the table. There seemed to be no further questions of their orders.

“Understood,” T’Prel responded right before the Commodore turned and left them be. Well, we should get back to our ships to prepare for departure. We will depart within the hour,” T’Prel said as she stood up after already finishing what she wanted to eat. The other two nodded as they got up, and they all walked out of the lounge, heading to their perspective ships to begin preparation.

The Triumph’s bridge was quiet. Fewer crew members were onboard; some were enjoying some leave and had yet to receive orders. Aleish Trol was sitting on the bridge as if babysitting the ship, ensuring it wasn’t going anywhere. However, she had nothing she wanted to do, so she took this time to review ship rosters and duty rosters for each shift, making sure they were up-to-date.

The silence was broken when the turbolift doors swooshed open to reveal Captain T’Prel, who was recently reassigned to the Triumph as its Commanding Officer after Fleet Captain Tilana had been moved to the Saratoga. She could tell something was up just by how she entered, standing up from the chair she had been sitting in.

“Have the crew recalled back to the ship,” T’Prel said as she sat.

“We received orders?” Trol asked.

“We have,” T’Prel replied, handing her the PADD with the information.

Trol took the offered PADD and began to read what was on it, raising an eyebrow. “They are getting bold,” Trol replied. Even though the Syndicate had always been a thorn in the side of the Federation, they had been quiet in recent years up until more recently with the events over the last year.

“Indeed,” T’Prel replied as officers returned to the ship. “Prepare the ship for departure,” she ordered.

After some time had passed, the crew had all but returned and were at their stations. Zilen said, “The ship is ready for departure.”

T’Prel nodded, turning to Lieutenant Khadija Crayton. “Can you confirm the status of both the Argo and Argus?” T’Prel asked.

“Aye, sir,” Crayton replied as she contacted both ships to ascertain their status. After a few moments, she looked back at T’Prel. ” Both ships are ready for departure, ” she replied.

“Contact the station,” T’Prel replied.

“Channel open,” Crayton responded.

“Captain T’Prel to Tranquility Station, requesting permission to disembark from the station.”

“The Triumph is cleared for departure, may god speed.” Came the voice of Lieutenant Vincent.

T’Prel nodded as the comm channel ended. She turned her attention to Zann Raro. “Take us out.”

The Triumph began to disembark from the station as the docking clamps and the station’s mornings released. The ship started to slowly back up from the station to a safe distance. “We have cleared the station,” Raro replied.

They watched the Argo and Argus exit the station and slowly reach the Triumph. Once they were all clear, she ordered the ships to jump to warp. A short time later, all three ships jumped to warp, heading towards Ichus IV. T’Prel sat there looking out of the viewscreen, watching the stars quickly flash by as they traveled before she stood up from her chair. “You have the bridge,” T’Prel replied before she walked off to her ready room to begin digging into anything she could find about Ichus IV and the Syndicate, as they had several hours before arriving at their destination.


  • A brief moment of tranquility, and now Saratoga Squadron heads into the fray! I appreciate how the officers seem somewhat acquainted with the situation, but note the shift in their tenor with the statement “they are getting bold” and the prose you fit with it. It was also helpful, up front, to do that pullback with the lounge, acquainting us with the current posture of the squadron and the new dynamics they’re dealing with like partners split by recent assignments. Curious to see where we go from here with this mysterious weapon.

    November 3, 2024
  • I enjoyed that this story started with a shared meal between the Captains - some further building on the camaraderie between them. The job of a Captain is never entirely done, though, as their meal is interrupted by the good Commodore with what sounds like is going to be an exciting and perhaps dangerous mission ahead of them. I enjoyed how Nal questioned why she and the Argo are involved - I think this builds on how your squadron ships have their roles and duties. Look forward to seeing where this journey takes us!

    November 3, 2024
  • Coffee and food before a quick briefing and then straight off on the mission - as Annex said it will be interesting to see what trouble and danger the Triumph and gang will face as they approach Ichus IV. Also I am intrigued to see how you develop T'Prel in leading this mission since she left the Saratoga. Will she cope with the new responsibilities or will something throw her off?

    November 3, 2024
  • Even though it was short, the character building during the meal was nice to read. Seeing each of the captains reacting slightly differently to both their lack of orders and the sudden shift to having new orders was interesting, and a nice introduction to them (for me anyway). Im excited to see how the squadron deals with defending the freighters and dealing with this new mystery weapon.

    November 3, 2024
  • Sending three ships for simple pirate raids helps to sell the 'they are getting bold' point. I did like the little bit of character work around Nal - bored about a lack of work, then questioning when work does show up. It's a neat moment that is going to make me watch him a bit more, just to see where that might be going. I'm sure there's a neat adventure awaiting and can't wait to see more of where this goes.

    November 4, 2024
  • Just when you start to think things have settled down, something happens to mix it all up and start a brand new chapter in someone's life. How will T'Prel handle command of the Triumph and being on a different ship to her wife. A mission that requires the 3 ships, seems to indicate trouble or at least the possibility of unpredictable outcomes; which judging from the sound of this mysterious weapon, could be the case. I look forward to seeing what Commodore Dex, has dropped in the laps.

    November 4, 2024
  • Let the adventure begin! It's always a good time when captains gather around for lunch at the Elysian. You do an awesome job at giving them all very unique personalities even if we don't have a lot of interaction with them yet. Not to making it easy for the Commodore to catch them all at once to dish out orders with their meals. I'm excited to see where you take their adventure and how each of the ships ends up being utilized. Sending such a force will definitely raise the stakes.

    November 5, 2024