Part of Hecate Station: M1: Beneath the Surface and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

BS-4) Dire Needs

HS - Medical Hub
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If you portrayed the Engineering Hub as the beating heart of Hecate Station, then the Medical Hub would be the breathing lungs, bringing in enough oxygen to help in healing the body. However, the state of the Medical Hub was anything but perfect. Many sick people, outdated machinery and low on medical supplies. Flickering panels that barely work, trashcans of used gloves and mask being full, and a dirty floor with dried fluids you just don’t want to know where to come from. Metal smells and old bandages add the vivid view of this rundown Medical Hub.

Yet in the mid of it all both Doctor Kossaal Th’shrithel and Nurse Chief Petty officer Theetika Kwaigno were busy with their works. The two former Mariner medical staff members had been reassigned at Hecate Station to begin their heavy duties of restoring the medical level back to normal. “Scalpel” Kossaal reach out as Theetika gave him the scalpel, and he resumes his medical practice on the patient. “Cloth”  Theetika gave the doctor some cloth so he could pressure some of the blood. “Tri-laser” another handy tool to reconnect nerves as he carefully continues his work and smiles “That will do, let him rest, and he is ready to resume work in an hour or two”

With that said, Kossaal removes his mask and gloves and puts it on the trash pile, shaking his head while walking back to his office. “Nurse, get me a list of patients for today” Entering his office, he had to step over various items of bags, supplies and PADDs that the previous doctor just left like it.

“Might be a good idea of the medical misconduct that the previous chief let happen on this station. Medical treatments were overlooked, forgotten or just not prioritize” Theetika complained while getting the list for her doctor.

Sitting down in his chair, Kossaal shrugs a bit looking back at his nurse, “While there might be medical misconduct, and we are very aware of them. We do not know what made the former chief do such acts and can’t point fingers at him for doing so.” He leans back in his chair “However, it seems that medical is not the only effected area, Operations, Security, Engineering are all reporting similar problems. Work that is left behind shows a certain patron”

“You mean there is a reason behind it?” Theetika tapped on her PADD

Giving a brief nod “Yes, if I look at the medical point of view of what I have seen so far, is that civilian medical care have been put on a lower priority than Starfleet personnel care. Which is strange”  He taps the desk “Such a decree is only done in the highest priority if Starfleet personnel are needed to function and operate a station in danger, but Hecate is not in danger, nor does it show in any report. It feels like this decree is being used in such a way…to divide Starfleet from the civilians that are on this station”

Theetika lowered her PADD, looking at the doctor, “Would the low supplies be the reason for that? Starfleet have been struggling to provide this station with that”

“No quite…” Kossaal shook his head, “Medical supplies are always a priority above other material. It is logical, and hopefully USS Ukiah will return soon with those supplies. But…” He looked at his desk where a report was, “The previous Chief never made a request for these supplies and stated that we are fully supplied. If it was only Starfleet personnel, that would be true”

“But the civilians were not included in those calculations and the list only seems to be growing” Theetika gives the PADD to Kossaal “Some are serious cases that have been neglected for way to long, they need medical attention and from the reports I saw, we might have a plague at our hands in the lower decks.”

Looking at the PADD, Kossaal hums a bit, “What makes you say that?”

Theetika leans a bit forward tapping on the PADD “The symptoms of certain people in the lower decks are very similar, fever, cough, weakness in muscles and such” She leans back “But I can’t put my finger on it as the people that are infected…have not been reporting back”

Narrowing his eyes “Meaning something is holding the sick people away from us” Kossaal shrugs “Theetika could you ask security to do a patrol on the lower decks and if possible you can hitch a ride with them to see if the symptoms are truly there. We might have a different problem at our hands if this might be the case”  Kossaal took the suspicion of his nurse quite serious.

A soft nod in Kossaal direction, “I will ask…” Looking over her shoulder, seeing another patient enter the Medical Hub “…but after it has calmed down a bit”

Getting up from his chair “Let’s get this list cleared so we can get things going how they should Chief”  Kossaal gave a smile in her direction “I will report later on to Captain Kobahl about the current condition of the Medical Hub” With that said, Kossaal grib on his tools tighten as he mentally prepares to get ready to tackle this, moving back into the Medical Hub to continue their long list of work that was piling up every second.


  • The past few posts have done an excellent job setting up the current state of Hectate Station and given various perspectives to enjoy. From officers to civilians, each with their own feelings and trepidations as to their current state and what the future will bring the station and them personally/professionally. With new personnel coming into the folk, that dynamic may change as well, which is certainly felt by the civillian side. It's a bit of a messy house to clean up right now for the Starfleet personnel incoming, too. Nice level setting, Ra!

    November 12, 2024