Part of Hecate Station: M1: Beneath the Surface and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

BS-5) What If…

HS - Kobahl Apartment
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Boxes of moved stuff were still there, the apartment was still not done, but it was spacious. A master bedroom, two guestrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom and a wonderful view of the Grim Wall outside their window. Placing down some pictures of the crews of Jaxartes, Damascus and Mariner. Sazra was wearing her comfortable clothing as she placed the last picture onto the shelf that showed her class at the Academy. Most of them were now gone due to all what has happened. Sazra slides her finger pass the frame as she lets the memories of that time sink in.

“I was thinking of placing the guitar in the corner Saz, what you think?” A familiar and warm voice came from the bedroom.

Tapping the shelf as Sazra smiled “Not in the bedroom Sil, just put it in the living room”  She replied while opening another box to continue unpacking. It has been a few days since her arrival and from what she had seen, Hecate was in bad shape or better said neglected by the previous commanding officer. The question was more, why? Hecate had been a valuable position and would take priority above all seeing recent changes with the Klingons. Sazra stare broke off as she noticed Silina entering the room.

Placing the holder of the guitar in a corner near the couch “There, at least I can do some guitar when I am here” Silina smiled and nodded to herself.

“When are you going?” Sazra said looking at her girlfriend, well after so many years and now that their careers were not mixing up anymore they were able to make a secret a reality. Taught many already knew their passion for each other for years, but kept it to themselves. Sazra was grateful for that.

Silina looked over her shoulder at Sazra “Gemini has docked, updating the crew transfers, supplies that need to be put into cargo bays. Perhaps a week, maybe more” Silina thought for a second “What about you, you start immediately?” She had seen Hecate state from the first visited a while ago, and it was not a pretty sight to witness. Silina would have loved to stick around and help to clean out the trash off this station and get things back in shape.

“Immediately yea, the previous commanding officer is promoted to a Canopus-class station up north” Sazra grabs some blankets out of the box and throws it gently at Silina who catches it “I have yet to get my first staff meeting going, but I am getting glimpse already from chiefs that they are shocked in the condition of this base as much as we were when we first saw it”

Placing the blankets on the couch and tapping it gently “Its unbelievable that a person like him would get an upgrade after leaving such a neglected job behind” Silina sat down on the couch and looked at Sazra “You sure you want to be in this level of the station? I mean I am not complaining it is beautiful here but its also further away from the operations center”

Briefly stopping with unpacking as she looked at Silina “I know, but for some reason I want to be closer to the people, I want to feel what they feel. With they had to endure, why would I take the liberty to sit comfortable and safe up there? It’s against my own principles”

A brief smile appeared on Silina face as she leans back on the couch “That does sound like you, well you got my support as I love it here” She looked outside the window at the door that viewed the inner working base “It’s rarely you are able to get two great views. Like a penthouse…” She stretches out and yawns showing that she was quite comfortable.

Smiling at Silina “Actually the top layer and only a selected few houses as the ability to show this view from both in- and outside. But this sector is also focused primarily on …family” Sazra hesitated for a second and looked away back to the box.

“Family?” Silina blinked and looked at Sazra.

“Yea….the area has facilities in education, daycare, family support and yea…” Sazra dives a bit deeper into the box of her supplies trying to find something.

A warm feeling came through her body as if it is intense with every heartbeat. Silina leans forward not breaking her focus on Sazra “Saz…you choose this location for us to build a family?” Silina never had her mind set on the future, only that she wanted to be with Sazra. She took the Captain seat only because Starfleet kept urging on her, but only accepted it because she knew she would be near Sazra.

Pulling herself out of the box, she sat onto the ground as Sazra fiddles with the tag of the box and slowly nods “I thought seeing we are fixed in the station, we have the space, we are near each other…we might be able to start thinking of our family” Sazra eyes slowly meets those of Silina seeing her warm glare at her and feeling a blush coming up making her look away “I mean, It’s logical to do that…. but only if …if you are interested in it”

Moving forward to her at the edge of the couch and grabbing Sazra hand “I be honored to start this family with you, I thought about it myself, and it might be tricky with us both being in command and such” Silina taps Sazra hand “But… with proper course of action we can make it work and either you or I can …carry our child, and we can deal with command meddling later on. We have our rights to do this”

Blinking a few times as Sazra looked back at Silina “Carrying….wait seeing the current condition of Hecate right now, while the sector might be good, I feel I still need a lot of time before I can go around and carry our child or you. I think….” She shook slightly her head “Wait are you sure about this? I know I am being impulsive about this, so you can say no if you’re not comfortable with it”

Giving a soft kiss on Sazra forehead as Silina smiles at her “I am very sure about this. But if you don’t feel comfortable about us carrying our own child, what is cooking in that pretty head of yours?”

Feeling the warmth of Silina kiss on her forehead, as if she was kissed on her soul took a grasp of her breath and Sazra took a second to recollect herself. “Well, I kept thinking about those children we met when we arrived. I somehow…want to help them, give them a home, but the scar that Starfleet has given them….I just want to take care of them somehow”

Leaning back as she crosses her legs over each other, Silina thinks for a second back “Oh…Talitha and Alexia. Well I think we should be careful with this choice. They look like two fine girls, but they are honestly not showing interest in having a home especially with two Starfleet Officers”

“Yea that is the problematic issue of this all, we can’t take them in if we do this as Starfleet Officers….” She looked at Silina as Sazra awkwardly looked at Silina.

A confused look came from Silina as she blinked a few times as the coin drops with her facial expression in shock “Wait…Sazra no…we will lose our rights to this house if we suddenly resign from our position within Starfleet and the amount of drama Task Force 17 will make when we just got assigned to them?!” Silina shrugs thinking about the amount of bickering and scolding.

Sazra grabs Silina hands “No, no, it’s not that, we just pretend to be civilians and keep this house Starfleet free, perhaps certain degree more Starfleet friendly. But we pretend to be a scientific specialist and an expert doctor” Sazra knows that might cause some problems but to heal the wounds of these children this would be the best approach in her opinion. “Its good for them to getting comfortable with this family then being honest about the situation right away”

“But would that not put more salt onto the already pestering wound of these children? If we lie of who and what we are then we are not star role models as their parents” Silina stated her concern”Additionally I have my duties on the Gemini, what do you expect me to do being away from home so much? Everything will be on your shoulders” Silina felt uncomfortable with that idea.

Squeezing Silina hands a bit “I know… but perhaps we can do like 50/50 they stay here on the base under my watch, and sometimes they go with you on a mission, perhaps you could use the guest quarters on the Gemini?” Sazra showed that she really did think this throughout to the fine details “I want to give this a shot”

Seeing the pled in Sazra’s eyes, Silina swallowed for a second and thought about it and slowly nodded, “We can…give this a try. But I don’t feel that comfortable lying to these kids.”

“They need time to heal, after that we can slowly bring them the news that we are…Starfleet also. Perhaps within a year or earlier seeing, we don’t know the damage to these children. They have experienced quite traumatic life on the street.” Sazra quickly defended her point of view.

“Your name is on the crew manifest access to everyone, never mind you already thought about this” Silina took a deep breath and looked around the room as her eyes fell onto the framed pictures “We might have to consider moving those to your office hun, those are clear signs that you are lying”  She points at the pictures and looked at Sazra who was oblivious about it “Oh we need some time working on this story don’t we?” Giving a warm smile in Sazra direction “But we will get there… together”