Part of USS da Vinci: The Great Starship Sale and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Part 7: The Easy Part

USS da Vinci
December 2401: Mission Day 8
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The small Raven-class corvette USS Jaxartes and technically lead vessel of this two ship task force; had joined the USS da Vinci in orbit around Joyce III, around an hour ago.  It hadn’t taken long after that for her Captain and First Officer to beam over.

Four individuals sat round one end of the conference table discussing the current situation and the form any future plans should take.  If Commander Anacostia-Bolling didn’t feel like she had a babysitter before, she did now.  Why did this Vulcan sitting opposite; feel the need to keep double checking everything?  She’d made one minor miscalculation, and ok she may have to avoid Sickbay for a bit until Doctor Sunny calmed down.  But she was sure that once this mission was concluded, he’d see that the efforts of himself and the rest of the medical staff hadn’t been wasted.  The Commander also had to thank all the other members of staff and crew; that had stepped in to help.

“So if I’m to understand this correctly.” Salan started on another one of his probing questions.  “This entire mission now hinges on an individual who you’d never met or heard of, until you managed to track them down, here on Royce III?”

Why did the Vulcan have to make it sound like a totally ‘hare-brained’ idea! “That would be correct.” She wished her voice sounded more forceful, like she was really sure of herself.  But she was still learning to be the one at the top and in charge of her own ship.  Having someone checking up on her like this, wasn’t exactly helping her confidence.  Besides she’d held the rank of Commander, longer than he had, so why was he put in charge?  She also had the bigger ship, ‘he wouldn’t request they swap commands would he?’  Anacostia-Bolling heart sank at the thought, this wasn’t butterflies she felt fluttering about; this was a flock of gulls!

“We have carefully examined the implications and possible issues.” That was the voice of Lieutenant-Commander Alara Ley, her calm level headed XO.  “The Commander wouldn’t have even suggested it, if she felt there was any danger to the ship or its crew.”

That was a major issue; the last piece of information given by Chameleon had sent a starship racing into a trap; one that had cost 37 lives.  So how could they be sure something equally as bad, couldn’t happen again?

“I have thought this part out much more thoroughly than the plan to track the former operative down.” That part was right, though much of it seemed to be Chameleon’s idea.

“Mmm yes, interesting.” The Vulcan’s eyes scanned briefly along a few lines of text on the Padd, in front of him.  “There isn’t really much about this Chameleon individual here.  How can you verify they are actually who they say they are?”

“I contacted Captain Eglin.” A-B announced. “He was able to furnish me with information only know to a select few individuals, of which Chameleon was one.”

Salan thought about that for a moment.  So the Commander opposite him was basing her entire trust in someone they knew almost nothing about, based on the word of a self-opinionated micro manager with a vendetta.  The Vulcan wasn’t normal a harsh critic of other officers work and conduct; even if he was only thinking it.  Yes he liked things done correctly and his instructions caring out, but even he understood flexibility and last second changes were often required for the success of a mission.  For Captain Robert Eglin, or more correctly former captain, there was no flexibility, he was master and commander of his vessel, and everyone fell into line behind him or suffered for opposing him.  He was completely the wrong sort of person to hold such an important position.  Commander Anacostia-Bolling was a victim of that narrow minded headstrong man, now locked up in a cell.

“Do you feel you can trust Eglin or this Chameleon to be honest?”  Commander Salan asked, putting it as bluntly as he could.

“Not entirely.” Her answer was shift, short and sweet.  The Vulcan raised his eyebrows and Lieutenant Devron who’d remained silent for most of the conversation; look rather taken aback by the statement. “But for them it’s as much about revenge as it is justice.  So I’m banking on that anger being their focus on helping make this whole plan work.”

“There’s a lot of things here that could go wrong.” Commented Devron, looking at his own Padd; which he’d scrolled down to another page and section of text. “If you don’t mind me saying?”

Blimey it speaks.’ Alara closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  Her symbiont had such a wonderful way with words.  This whole idea of chasing down those responsible for murdering her husband; was a tough one.  She could sense, despite the cheeky bravado, Ley was feeling the strain to. ‘What must it feel like to lose a part of yourself like that.’  It was a thought that had run through her mind a dozen times, and always the same answer came back.  ‘The pain and grief at losing a host; can never be truly measured only endured.  I gain as much from your strength and determination, as you take from my knowledge, understanding and comfort I provide.’  She’d cried the first time she’d heard those words, cried many times since.  But she and Ley were a team now, and together they would get through this.

The meeting continued on for another good hour, ironing out all the finer details of the planned operation, so what could possibly go wrong?


It had been suggested that a ship of some description would be required, something slightly less conspicuous than a Saber or a Raven at least.  Chameleon had given them the name and details of a likely candidate, a small time Nausicaan pirate by the name of Jdorkra, who, to their knowledge was currently somewhere within Reliance City.  He had one distinguishing feature that made him stand out amongst the few dozen Nausican’s currently roaming around and one that made him look more of a pirate than almost anyone else.  Jdorkra, had a wooden leg!

Grav and two of his security team stood around the edge of the Transporter Pad, phasers draw and set to stun.  Theoretically it would have been safer to beam the Nausicaan directly to one of the holding cell, but he had a piece of equipment that would be vital if anyone was going to gain access to his ship.  No one assumed he’d be too happy or willing to give it up. Here at least there was a bit of room to manoeuvre should there captive prove hostile.  The Tellarite Security Chief could have put money on it.

In the same way they’d been able to track down Chameleon using the unique tag within the injection he’d been administered, they could lock on to Jdorkra and beam him up.

As the Nausicaan quickly coalesced into a solid form, one of the two security guards informed Jdorkra of his arrest.  For a more senior member of his race and one with a clear impediment, Jdorkra moved rather swiftly; faster than the two men nearest him had anticipated.  The guard who’d spoken fired his phaser, as the Nausicaan leapt at him and shoved the poor guy half way across the room.  The stun shot at almost point blank range hadn’t even slowed him.  Jdorkra still on his feet, unlike the first guard, turned to the other and with one swing, delivered a powerful right hook to the individual’s jaw, whilst grabbing the guard with his other hand to prevent the man flying across the room like his companion moments before.

Grav stood back, more intent on making a few minor adjustments to the phaser he was holding than the beating the two unfortunate guards were receiving.  It took a lot to take a Nausicaan down, even an old one.  Nothing short of a maximum stun setting could bring one down, as the first man had discovered.  But the Tellarite had no plans to use stun.

With one carefully aimed beam of concentrated energy and a slight flick of the wrist, the Security Chief sliced through the Nausicaan’s wooden leg, dropping the giant to the ground.  Stepping forward altering the setting on the phaser once more, he put Jdorkra to sleep. “Amateurs.” He grumbled picking up the wooden leg and instructing the technician operating the transporter to beam the Nausicaan to a holding cell.

“You enjoyed that too much.” Anacostia-Bolling commented from her vantage point by the door.

The Tellerite looked at the two guards on the floor, pulling themselves together. “The kids have to learn somehow.”

He handed her the wooden leg, in which was concealed a small electronic device; without which it would be almost impossible to gain access to Jdorkra’s ship.

“Stage one complete.” She smiled.  “That’s the easy part done.”